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    LT1002 got a reaction from mrsjones075 in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    Some of you who are being harsh on the OP are way past the liquid stage of the diet. As a day 6 post-op, I feel your pain OP!
    A friend of mine who had bypass a year ago kept a diary of her post-op experience and pulled it out when I needed some support during my sleeve journey. She was amazed at how hard it was - she had completely forgotten. I think some of you may have forgotten how hard this is too. It doesn't mean that OP is sabotaging herself - she said she did it once. It was a mistake, she recognized it right away, and admitted it.
    I've been getting tired of the monotony of eating - it's hard to get any nutrition at all if the thought of drinking another damn Protein Shake makes you gag. Sometimes you need to "reset" your tastebuds. Today I took a tsp and dipped the tip of it in some hummus. I felt like I ate a filet mignon! It was exactly what I needed to be able to stomach that shake for lunch. And it didn't make me even remotely ill.
    Cut the OP some slack. She came her for support, not to be scared or criticized.
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    LT1002 reacted to *susan* in Why Gain It Back?   
    I am a "everything in moderation" kind of girl. I have not lost as quickly as others and I am okay with that. In fact, between being pre-menopausal, having a very painful back problem, steroid injections, etc., I gained 30 pounds between August of last year and May of this year. It happens, I had medical issues, and like my doc said, based on my blood levels, I should just count my blessings that I only gained 30 pounds and not 100!
    Now, everything seems to have finally leveled out and I am able to start moving again and the scale is finally dropping 1-2 pounds a week again. When I had this surgery, it was not with the mindset of being on a "diet" for the rest of my life. I wanted to be able to eat like a normal person. Guess what, normal people do eat popcorn, hamburgers, chips, etc., they were just better able to stop themselves at a reasonable amount than I was. I try to eat mostly healthy, but I have no guilt whatsoever when I have popcorn, a bacon cheeseburger, fries, or a drink. That is because I am now able to have a few bites, with the help of my sleeve, feel satisfied and then push the plate away like "normal" people do. I record every bit of food that goes in my mouth, I monitor fat, carbs, Protein, sugar and salt and they are all within normal, recommended levels. I never feel deprived and I am a very happy person.
    Sent from my iPad using VST
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    LT1002 reacted to stacey131 in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    Despite waiting 6 months, counseling and seeing a nutritionist...I cheat! I am 3 months out and I am human. None of us got here because we could effectively stick to a diet. The difference for me this time, is that I am forced to not slide too far and it is so much easier to get back on track. I have good days and bad days. My psychological make up likely won't change....but i am working on it. Please, please don't beat yourself up.
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    LT1002 got a reaction from lorraine77 in Lenox Hill Hospital New York, Ny   
    Dr Yatco did my band and the revision just a few days ago. I really like him - he's always taken the time to make sure that my questions were answered.
    The office leaves much to be desired. I was there for a band fill once and they were having birthday cake for one of the employees. C'mon, really? CAKE?
    And I hate Lenox Hill. I'm covered in bruises from the IVs and blood draws - even my eyelid had a bruise (tape during surgery maybe?). Press the call button for help and maybe someone will show up. My SO had surgery at Cornell (not bariatric) and it was such a different experience.
    Anyone notice that the post-op diet sheet the nutritionist gave you in the hospital is much different than the post-op diet in the booklet they give you? And maybe it's just me, but I'm not a fan of Sharon the nutritionist - she seems so judgey.

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