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    justmehappycamper reacted to Aug2ndsleever in Only Clear Liquids Tomarrow, The Day Before My Surgery... Help!   
    So I have been on my Protein Shake diet for 7 days now, I have lost 13.8lbs so far. Tomarrow is Clear Liquids only because it is the day before my surgery. I know I can't have any shakes so what do you recomend besides Water, chicken broth, and sugar free Jello (that's not red)? My surgery is at 6:30 a.m thurday aug 2nd and my nurves have kicked in. When I think about it I feel sick to my tummy.
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    justmehappycamper reacted to Aug2ndsleever in T.n Sleevers   
    I was with a group of 3 of us and we were schedualed for june 28th, he called the day before the surgery and said we had to be reschedualed. They finally got a date of aug 2nd and he said he said he's doing us 3 that day. I'm the 2nd surgery so which one are u? We may meet after all. Soooo excited.
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    justmehappycamper got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Profile Photo   
    The bottom menu slides to the side then go to profile & its under that.
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    justmehappycamper got a reaction from Aug2ndsleever in T.n Sleevers   
    I'm also from Lebanon TN and I have the same surgery date. My surgeon is Dr kent.

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