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Everything posted by justmehappycamper

  1. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    I will be on liquid on Jeremiah's bday Wednesday and I will b post op 4 days on Hailee's. so we decided they will go to their grandmas for their bdays & she will cook them whatever they want. Yours is on the 10th. Thats awesome you are giving yourself an amazing gift for your bday. Since I have been off all summer I go work the first day of school august 1 then off until September 5. Still trying to.figure out all of this leave paperwork because last time I didn't need it. Oh yes on day two of shakes & I'm so freaking hungry. I want some cheesy broccoli or something. Lol. Of all things to be craving. I'm so excited that we found each other also. wish we'd found each other when we was going through this last time. I'm honestly scared of them cancelling on us again. So I'm gonna bug them everyday to make sure this happens. I'm so ready to start working my butt off on the improved me.
  2. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    The sugar free Popsicles and sugar free jello won't hurt. They are like flavored water. Which we are allowed to have . They know I use them. I make the shakes out of the vanilla and I use skim milk instead of water & only 1 scoop of mix. If you want more flavor add a little bit of sugar free jello and you can have anything you want. My favorite is to add a little lemon jello. It tastes so much better. My name is Jennifer. I have 2 kids Jeremiah will be 7 this Wednesday & Hailee will be 9 august 6. I am 32.
  3. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    I added sugar free jello,sugar free Popsicles and chicken broth. All are OK to add in. I did OK as long as I had other things than chocolate and vanilla.
  4. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    Tracey told me to start mine Sunday. So I guess I'm back on them as of tomorrow. Maybe u could get them to mail u a bag. They also said I would have pre-op over the phone this time but I haven't got it yet. I'm still nervous to actually plan this new date but I will be ready. As much as I have gone to their office & I live 10 minutes from there I couldn't imagine a 2 hour drive that often.
  5. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

  6. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    I was one of the ones from the 28th. I am first on the 2nd. It just really needs to happen this time. I don't think I can handle another last minute call.
  7. justmehappycamper

    Profile Photo

    Your very welcome.
  8. justmehappycamper

    Profile Photo

    The bottom menu slides to the side then go to profile & its under that.
  9. justmehappycamper

    T.n Sleevers

    I'm also from Lebanon TN and I have the same surgery date. My surgeon is Dr kent.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
