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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by aprylshowers

  1. It's been a long time since I have been on here and I know how helpful everyone can be so I figured I would stop by and post. I had my lap band placed in 2005. Did fine for years, even through a pregnancy, etc. About three years ago I had a partial unfill due to increased reflux, etc. (I have had no physician follow up since then, mainly because I had my surgery in Mexico, and very few american doctors want to see Mexico patients). I have also gained about 30 pounds since then. I have been getting progressivly more uncomfortable over the past few years. I have had horrible refulx at night (to the point that acid comes up through my nose), have been vomiting blood several times a day (looks like coffee grounds), and while I feel like I have very little restriction, I am constantly having food get stuck and eating is generally pretty painful. I was recently diagnosed with Gallstones which only adds to my discomfort. I had an endoscopy on Wednesday and the doctor had to stretch my esophogus because there was a lot of scar tissue that had caused it to narrow. There was also quite a bit of food still in my pouch, especially considering that I had not eaten for 12 hours. The doctor (who knows very little about lap bands and asked me how it is adjusted, and even commented that he was going to try and stretch the band but decided not to because he figured it would snap right back like a rubber band) feels my band is too tight and is referring me to Hershey Hospital for a follow up. He also put me on 80mg of Nexium a day. I feel like my band has probably slipped, or my pouch has stretched. Anyone else have a similar experience? Any thoughts? (I apologize if this is not very clear!)
  2. aprylshowers

    Endoscopy, Reflux, Vomiting Blood

    Oh I know that it can't be stretched by a surgeon. I was just horrified that he even said it lol. I am used to educating my doctors about the band. I haven't had a single one that has known anything about how it works or even where it is placed. It is very frustrating. The thing that worries me so much is my lack of restriction, If my esophagus was narrowed due to scar tissue, and my band was tight enough that food from 12 hours prior was still in my pouch, why am I still able to eat as much as I do? I just ate an entire hamburger and probably a half cup of potato salad!

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