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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. shell12

    Right Sided Pain

    I did not get my gallbladder removed. Feels like rib pain? I stopped taking my actigall due to nausea, perhaps I should start back. Just feels like the rib is sore.
  2. Hello. I am post op day 11. I woke this morning with right upper abdomen pain, close to the rib cage, mainly with intake of breath.has anyone had this? I wonder if I slept wrong, I did sleep on my right side for a bit last night.
  3. We are on full liquids upon discharge from hospital. At 2 weeks puréed At 6 weeks soft foods At 9 weeks regular
  4. I think if you are having trouble keeping down fluids then you should try to get in your water first and foremost. But I was started on fulls at 3 days post op and Ihave had no trouble keeping them down.
  5. I! I am in the first week post op, and on full liquids. I bought some vanilla Greek yogurt for protein. However, I think they taste nasty. Any suggestions on how I can make them taste better?
  6. shell12


    If your surgery was 3 months ago, and you haven't been self injecting yourself with blood thinners, they should be out of your system. Maybe you are anemic? Do you take iron?
  7. shell12

    11 Days Off Work Enough?

    I was told 4 to 6 weeks. But I do a lot of heavy lifting.
  8. shell12

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Hello! Sleeved yesterday, feeling tired and nauseas. Pain mainly in right side of abdomen. Doctor said probably from cutting muscles. I sleep a lot, thanks to the phenergan for nausea. On oral pain meds, and have had my bariatric first meal. I have walked a lot, try to walk at least every 2 hours. Nurses are awesome. Doctor great.
  9. shell12

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I am sleeved! I got to my room about 6 pm. I really hurt and have had some dry heaves (ouch!) I had a hiatal hernia the doc repaired also, so maybe that's why so much pain. Looking forward to relief from gerd though. I am so sleepy!
  10. shell12

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Trouble going to sleep last ***ht thinking of all possible complications and how much I love my children. I have 2 boys and a girl. One of my boys is severly disabled and in a wheelchair. He's starting to get heavy, and is one of the main reasons for me doing this. I need to get healthy so I can be around to care for him. I am a little nervous about laying on the surgery table naked off to the hospital at 10:45
  11. shell12

    August 2Nd

    Just got surgery time. 12:30. Egads! I have to be at the hospital at 10:45. I can have clear liquids until 7:45 am. (Thank heavens!)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
