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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by isajck

  1. isajck

    Jimmy John Unwich

    The unwich is my order of choice when my fellow employees do Jimmy Johny's weekly. It is nice to enjoying lunch right along with everyone else.
  2. Believe that I went in at least three hours before my EGD and it was time well spent. I had several pre-testing/op interviews by anesthesia, nurses and someone else. Also I was in recovery for at least an hour or two after the test. Crossed fingers that you get in early!
  3. Just remember everyone's weight loss journey is different!
  4. isajck

    Fainted Busted Head Dehydrated

    Keep trying with Water but start immediately with Gatorade, the G2 as someone above said. It will help, I promise. When it felt as if I was dying of thirst and couldn't stomach water the G2 kept me going and actually made me feel better. Seriously send your husband out for some ASAP.
  5. Very worried about losing too much and fearful of not losing enough. Some days think that I am crazy. I have an ideal weight for myself which is not what my doctor has listed in my chart. I have no desire to be stick thin. Fear of the post weight loss lollypop look keeps me in a state of terror.
  6. isajck


    Check out search function, there are several threads concerning pre and post op smoking.
  7. isajck

    Really Crappy Side Effect!

    I often have to remind myself to go pee so that may work in your favor.
  8. This combo is probably a lot more common then we know. I had it and to my surgeon it was no big deal. I do believe it made swallowing more difficult for me post op. General food goes down okay but medications, pill specifically, are difficult even at almost 3 months out. Doc says my issues are normal and nothing to be overly concerned about. My hope is that as time continues to pass it will be come easier.
  9. isajck

    Really Crappy Side Effect!

    We live and learn!
  10. Good lord, no one said it wasn't safe to post your feelings here. If constantly being the victim works well for you then enjoy BUT when you post on a public board, people are going to comment. Not everyone is going to post with unicorns and rainbows, some people are just more direct. I still stand by my comment that only you (we, us however you prefer) can give someone the power to hurt feelings to that level. I am no more confident than you and my past is probably as bad if not worse than yours but at some point we have to stop allowing people such power over us. That was and will always be my point here.
  11. I'm sorry you are having so many problems right now and wish you well in resolving them. As for shrinking a sleeve, what about a little restart? I know technically we do not have pouches but take a look at the following link. It's something bypass patients use to sort of jump start weight loss again. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
  12. First, only you can allow anyone to make you feel bad about these issues. Second, why the secrecy? Most intelligent people can put two and two together to figure it out. Someone disappears for a couple of weeks and upon return instantly starts losing weight very quickly. These days it's not rocket science, especially to anyone that witnesses us eating a meal. While not screaming it from the rooftops, if anyone asks how the weight loss is happening, I tell them. I am not ashamed of my decision and could care less what anyone thinks about it. To date everyone has been supportive but if even one wasn't - so be it. This is my body and life, no one else had to live it but me.
  13. I would really be surprised if a surgeon did not have an after hours line. Even regular general physicians have them.
  14. Call you doctor's after hours line and inquire with them. They will let you know how serious this is or not.
  15. isajck

    Pain Bad

    You maybe drinking but it's not enough. It is difficult right after surgery but you must get more liquids. Sip all day long until you see a difference.
  16. I've gone the gummy route at the suggestion of my doctor's nurse. Not sure how helpful they are but it's better than the nothing I was doing before. http://www.nnpvitamins.com/vitafusion/daily-vision-gummies.php
  17. Please explain not meeting the surgeon until right before surgery. Did he not have a consultation with you when this whole thing started? Who decided that you even qualified for the procedure? Please tell me it wasn't a PA! Why I have nothing against PA's, for some reason I think a surgeon should be involved in your care before the pre-op visit! Personally there is no way I'd be involved with a surgeon so busy that I could not meet him until right before surgery. That is a warning sign to me.
  18. isajck

    What Type Of Scale Do You Have?

    I finally broke down this weekend and purchased one from Walmart, the link is below. It is not fancy but hopefully it will provide a somewhat accurate reading. I will know for sure when comparing with the doctor's office. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Health-o-meter-Silver-and-Black-Weight-Tracking-Scale/10264539
  19. I still think it will not work even though there has been some weight loss. After so many failed attempts I think this is natural.
  20. isajck

    Blury Eye Sight

    I am not dehydrated but now almost live in the lotion bottle. My skin just needs more moisture Vision wise, I suggest searching the forum for blurry vision, you'll see that others have posted about this very issue.
  21. I am 10 weeks out and can eat all three meats. The better prepared the easier they go down. I was afraid when it came to eating steak though. A friend grilled some, I cut it into small pieces and chewed well, surprisingly no problem and it tasted great. My issue to date has been with fish which has been very surprising. This was not so much a sleeve rejection but more a taste bud problem.
  22. isajck

    Hate Food Now

    Taste buds change after such a serious surgery as this. Keep trying foods. You'll never know what works unless you try it.
  23. If they are strongly trying to push you towards a bypass and stating the doctor will as well maybe it's a offhand way of saying he is not competent in this particular procedure. I would start looking for a new doctor, seriously. Your life is worth it. The insurance company will not care if they are contracted. It may cause a slight delay while they adjust the approval to cover the new physician and/or facility but it is doable.
  24. isajck

    Gallbladder Stones

    I was sleeved on 7/17/12 and they still get stuck but I suffer through it. It was beat into my head by the surgeon and his nurse that taking them was important. One way or another you must take them, at least one a day. If this involves opening and taking it with jam or something else, do it. I did that for the first two weeks. It tasted awful but it was a necessary evil. After all I have been through with the surgery itself I have no desire to fight gallstones and/or gallbladder removal at this stage.
  25. Congrats! You look like a new man and I'm sure you feel like one too!

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