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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by isajck

  1. isajck

    Timing Your Meals

    Considering the small amounts being eaten, I'd say have 4 to even 6 meals a day. I am averaging 3 to 4 bites before becoming very full. It's frustrating because I need to eat a bit more plus I am wasting food like crazy which makes me feel bad.
  2. isajck

    Kettle Corn

    Honestly I think outside of the US they do not baby the sleeve as much as we do. I am receiving additional support from a friend's mom in Ireland who had RNY in January. She is constantly telling me to start eating real food because I need the nutrition. Per instruction, she went from liquids to real food without anything in between. At this point, I can see the benefit because it cuts down on the opportunity to become afraid of food, which is what has happened to me.
  3. I wasn't. My surgeon's office works like a well oiled machine. They have a general list that is followed and believe me, that list fulfills all of the insurance requirements. They just check off as they go, making for an easier approval process. A good office knows what is required and works to insure it it met prior to submission, cuts down on the denials and wasted time.
  4. isajck

    Hiatal Hernia And Vsg At The Same Time

    No one can answer it directly because she, or more importantly her daughter, needs talk to the current doctors involved with her care. Who ever is treating her for these issues is probably the best person to answer her question and or direct her to local physicians.
  5. So sorry to hear this. Tell you what, we both need to post in a month or two and report back on how much our feelings have changed!
  6. Whoops, HEB is a grocery store in southeast Texas. Check with Walmart, just remember to look in the protein powder section. If all else fails, you can purchase on Amazon. You will love the bottle, it is perfect for mixing drinks.
  7. It depends on the insurance you have. If your surgeon's office had a list and followed it I do not see why they would not approve you. I will say that having a date prior to authorization just seems a bit risky.
  8. I've found blender bottles at HEB (not sure where you live) and Walmart. They tend to be in the area where protein powders are. You can find powders almost anywhere, the issue is finding one that you enjoy drinking.
  9. If you can get your doctor (even a pcp) to write a note stating it's medically necessary it couldn't hurt.
  10. isajck

    Bummed At People's Reactions

    My close friends and family members were very supportive when I told them of my plans, too supportive and it was actually a little off putting. Now that I am post op, I sort of wish someone would have told me what your friend said. Look at it this way, at least she cares enough to try and help instead of just jumping on the bandwagon for a serious life altering surgery. Give her a little slack, if she has never been seriously overweight then she has no idea what you are going through. Maybe when all is said and done, she will jump on board with the support that you want from her.
  11. Does your physician not have a program with information for you? I had a ton of pre op testing. So many labs that I've forgotten except they took 17 vials of blood to do them (yes I counted), chest xray, abdominal u/s, ekg, ECHO and a psych eval. The amount of testing really depends on your medical condition. I am lucky in that I only have PCOS and mild sleep apnea so they did not require anything more than what I listed.
  12. Very interesting question....as of right now I would say no that I would not do this again. I am just struggling too much right with basic nutrition and hydration which terrifies me. Everyone in my life that has had any type of WLS (and online friends too) are telling me this is normal and will pass. They all swear that one day I will look back on this and laugh, changing my opinion. I am seriously waiting for that day! You have received some awesome advice in this thread but ultimately no one can make these decisions but you. I will add my two cents, if your insurance company requires any type of diet program, participate and run with it because you need the time to learn about food, changing your diet as you go. We all think that we know the rules and such but the meetings really do help. Of course no one can tell you about the post op process except those have been through it (this forum is a godsend!) but you really need to take everything concerning food seriously pre op because after you will mourn the loss more than I can state. The surgery is serious as are whatever issues you have with food and we all have them or wouldn't be dealing with such an extreme way to lose weight. It has also been suggested to me to participate in some form of therapy for support for the major changes that will occur. Since my insurance copays for this are hellish, I am looking into other avenues but can see where it is a good idea.
  13. Usually it's the surgeon requesting. Mine will not operate on anyone that smokes, it's his personal preference due to the healing issues with smokers. He requires that you quit two months prior to surgery. His nurse told me that if he even suspects a person did not quit, he'll test them for nicotine. That is how strongly he feels about it. To the OP I say, you have to make a decision on what is more important to you. I smoked for over 20 years and quit cold turkey right at the two month mark for my surgery. Did I want to? Of course not, I was one of those people that actually enjoyed smoking so to me it was not some huge addiction. The only time I have cravings is when under extreme stress. Will I stay smoke free forever, who is to say but right now it is of the utmost importance that I do, so I will.
  14. isajck

    Calories Intake Too Low

    Food struggle is real for a lot of us after being sleeved. You are doing well, I'm four weeks and am not where near that amount. I struggle with one or two bites per meal. So keep doing what you are and I am sure you'll reach that goal soon.
  15. isajck

    Slight Food Brag

    Congrats! Any positive food achievements are worth celebrating.
  16. isajck

    Kettle Corn

    When were you sleeved, maybe that would make a difference. Honestly, I would be terrified to eat something like this but that is just me.
  17. isajck

    Going Back To Work...what To Take For Lunch?

    Wonderful topic, I head back on Wednesday and have already started driving myself crazy on this subject.
  18. isajck

    Hiatal Hernia And Vsg At The Same Time

    While my hiatal hernia was repaired during my VSG, prior to it, I was seeing an ENT for GERD and guess eventually he would have repaired the hernia if necessary or referred me to a surgeon. Who removed her lapband? Can they not suggest a physician/surgeon, what about her primary care physician? It should not be so difficult to find someone but I'd imagine they are going to want to consult and treat her first.
  19. Just relax, it was a mistake per the surgeon's office and is being corrected. Sounds like you are getting worked over nothing. (I know the only covering two hospital in Houston is incorrect b/c a friend is in with Cigna and in her six month pre-op program with a different hospital).
  20. isajck

    Why Am I Still So Hungry?

    I'm jealous that you can eat a whole 1/2 cup of food at one time!
  21. Be honest, it does no one any favors not to be. I had a two week pre-op liquid diet and ate chicken almost every night for dinner except the last night. I was honest with my surgeon and it posed no problems. At the hospital they were most concerned that I was compliant with no food after midnight, which I was. It was explained to me that the main reason for the lenghty diet is to give the system a rest and also try and reduce fatty liver (if you have that, i did).
  22. You are not alone! I spend almost $75 on the one month supply of chewable Multivitamins, Iron, Calcium and b12 and feel like it was a total waste of money. I am amost four weeks out and the MV and calcium pills make me ill (then again almost everything required by my surgeon does at this point! ) so I am no longer taking them. I have a follow-up on 8/29 where this will all be discussed with my doc. He is going to have to supply an alternative so I can get started on a vitamin regiment. What is so funny is once upon a time I was known for my cast iron stomach - NOTHING ever bothered me! Now, everything does!
  23. isajck

    Tuna Patties

    Great site, thanks for sharing it!
  24. isajck

    Burning Feeling

    I have come to realize that my doctor's staff is one of those where pre-op they are all involved, no question to small and every email answered quickly but post-op....it's has been a whole different story. Guess I should not be surprised.
  25. isajck

    Pain And Very Hungry

    You must concentrate on liquids right now so you do not end up dehydrated. Most everyone has been in your shoes so do not feel alone!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
