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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. This "object" is now as much a part of me... as my "heart" and "lungs". Part of my anatomy. This is me- all me- all real- just not the same as everyone else... who is the same right? I love my band, and feel something would be missing- if I lost it. I control my band -it is just a tool/helper... that I very much needed/wanted. The choices are still mine. What I wish, I could have hidden, was my inability to control my eating/exercise habits, in a healthy manner=200 extra pounds.. I could not hide that- it was obvious at 367# and growing. It's hard to hide being overweight, or unhealthy, no matter how hard we try. By now, I may have suffered a heart attack and died, if not for this band. My Dad had his 1st heart attack at 29- Mom several health issues and her heart. And I would often feel "pains" in my chest... not to mention high blood pressure coming on. I had never been diagnosed with any co-morbitities... but they were very much lurking! I had/have no doubts about my band? Good luck and great health to you. Kim:)
  2. Any new brands been used this week? Any solid results yet? Looking forward to pos/neg result? Good luck! Thinking of you. Kim:)
  3. maziemommy

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    I just love doc Edwards! Lots of his patients are on the thread ... Got banded in Springfield MO?? I am almost one year out. I have finally posted before and in progress pics page ? ...78 ...on pix thread I think. Love my band and it loves me! Good luck and great health to you all! Congrats! Kim:)
  4. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    HI everyone!!!:thumbup: I'm soooo excited to hear from everyone!!:w00t: When things calm down, for me, I'll post more. Just been a very busy -:wub: high anxiety week for me. On the bright side...:crying: I ran/jogged... 1/2 mile in 8.5 minutes on my sister's treadmill today! :shades_smile:Wooo hoooo- never thought that would be possible this time last year:embaressed_smile:!!!!!! My band-aversary is April 2! I am struggling to lose a few before seeing Doc E. stubborn few I must admit! These onion rings are NOT helping! lol:wub: I am only human and did attend marriage counseling tonight!:cursing: Thinking of you all regularly! :thumbup: Kim:):wub:
  5. maziemommy

    Port Broke Out

    OMG! OMG! I never.... My port is stitched to ab wall/muscle. No way would I, or my doc, think we could/should expect it to break skin, and exit my body. I am told it has been placed with... reasonable expectations.. of it being untouched for life! My honest opinion is for you to both seek 2nd opinion professionally. Good luck and wishes for great health to you all.
  6. maziemommy

    Tortillas and rice?

    No reg. rice for me... and I order enchilada -no tortilla- all the time. Chips seem to go down fine- high cal. and fats... but go down... cooked tortilla on enchilada no way!
  7. OHHH and I kinda think.... they are just showing the control as red, and not as positive. Sorry. Wait and try a new test brand.
  8. I wouldn't go with these... I would wait three days and use the one with words to say for sure... Hubby didn't believe me until he saw the words him self. Good luck.
  9. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Cinnimae, Welcome to our little corner and please chime in ANYTIME. I have never used biotin... so can't really give a review. But I have never heard any great reviews from users either. I think it is used mostly for non- diet related hair loss? Dr. Edwards said for me to up my protein and it will stop. The dietician said don't cut out good fats, and keep up protein. My experience is all I can go by.... when I did realize that I was losing... quite a bit... I did up my protein and add extra fats back in. And now it seems to have done the trick... It took about 3 weeks of intentional protein and fat effort to help the issue slow/stop with the losing. Hope any thing that can help will be found. Some band folks are wearing wigs, and I do not want to see that happen to any of us. If you are willing to try it go for it... what ever "it" may be. If I start losing my hair again, or any more, I would try almost anything!! Later-Kim :crying: Have a great week every one!
  10. maziemommy

    Protien Drinks

    1.. Atkins advantage chocolate delight.. shake 2... Healthy Weight Super Market in Springfield MO.. sells fruit flavored drinks that come in a shaker bottle as powder, you add water and shake. Aspertame free... no grit. My favorite is lemon-razzy. Good luck!
  11. maziemommy

    I have questions...

    Some insurance requires 3 or 6 month doc supervised diet and exercise, before they will pay for a band. Some never pay- no matter what. I had no insurance so I went to seminar did my doc required stuff and was banded in less than 60 days.
  12. maziemommy

    Band Size

    My doc determines size after going in. Every one is different, and I was surprised to get a 10cm/4cc band. I'm 5ft 6inch 367pounds at the time of surgery and thought I would need the biggest. lol
  13. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Tabitha, Sorry to hear you ask this question.. Having some loss your self? YES- I have lost some. Not TONS but SOME. Some people always expect, several months (3-4)after an anesthesia surgery, that they will lose some, and with nutrition changes it can continue or be worse. Keep up high levels of protein and don't stop eating all fats-(good fats are good). Avacados and nuts are great, and PROTEIN too. My hair was very thick- so No balding for me, but my hair is alot thinner. I like it so far... But need to keep what is left. I've never heard great reviews about biotin - but hear of some who use it. I think my hair is falling out at it's normal rate now, but was quite a surprise when it was handfulls... With time, and good diet- including fats... you should see less hair in the shower/brush.. at 8-9-10 months post op? That's when I noticed the hair NOT being all over the sink/cabinet after routine brushing. Good luck... I've been thinking about you lately too. Keep us posted! Kim:)
  14. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Anyone? Anything?
  15. maziemommy

    new guy questions

    Seminar/ call doc office..... was my start to get info on seminar/information only meeting I could attend. Great start.
  16. maziemommy

    Protien drink

    For me it's atkins advantage chocolate delight... most morning still.! Good luck.
  17. Hi Deana, My only experience is ... I wish when I was 21 and I did weight about 210 pounds, that I could/would have gotten a band. My Mother is BIG, and has lots of health issues. I saw this as my future. As I continued to age... I only grew larger, after every diet/effort to lose. At age 34 (seven days before 35).. I weighed 367 pounds and got my band (245# now) . That was April 2-2007 (last year).. I have lost 120+ pounds and feel great. I still want to lose more, and think that I will. My only health problems combined with weight, were back pain and incontinence. But I know a heart attack was near. I wish I could have done this years ago. For me this band has helped save my life, and make life easier to live. VERY WORTH IT TO ME. I paid self pay($17,000) but, Mom is now approved through insurance ($0.00 -they are ALL diff.). Some docs have diff. rules to who they will band etc. Good luck and great health to you. Kimberly
  18. maziemommy

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    Photobucket- Dita... lots'a pics there too. I Love her.:mad2:
  19. maziemommy

    My tattoo

    Great NSV! Congrats.
  20. maziemommy

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    Update about shoot?
  21. maziemommy

    I need a pin up name!! Help me!

    Princess Leather Shock .... voting on the Ginger Rayne. (or Ginger Ale).
  22. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    HEY HEY HEY- It's Monday! Lets see how many posts/updates we can get this week! shake things up... tell us more than you think we want to know! hahahaha I am having TOM... and think I may be gaining. It could be too many Margaritas on Friday... but I don't remember how many that was. I'm craving avocados like crazy??? Never really ate them before being banded. I guess that is better than going to Andy's for custard.?. Happy Monday -Everyone have a great week! Kim:)
  23. maziemommy

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Sadly- I'm feeling "Droopy" all over at this point. :mad2: eewwwwww Having a relatively flat tummy sounds like a dream, form my perspective. lol:lol:
  24. maziemommy

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Reading in your blog.... and the PS doc I may consider ... says he throws in the mons lift too. He doesn't like the result without that added in. He says it makes the ladies who get it, VERY happy. I hope all is well, even in swell hell.
  25. maziemommy

    Why did you choose lap band over bypass?

    I love my band, and knew it was my choice. I thought about bypass and researched ... came out of research with the band being the only one for me. Good luck and great health to you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
