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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thank you Tracy-- I knew it was bad when I did it... but after 6 days with NO chewing...it was good, no it was great!!! I mean BAD!!! Really BAD!!! Don't anybody else do it!!! The pre-op diet is for your benefit, health, and safety. It really wasn't THAT good!!! ( you know "Do what I say -- not what I do")
  2. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    OK--so I'm not the only one, but I am closer than three days to surgery...tonight I had some eggdrop soup/with some of those little crunchy noodles in it. Is there any repair to the damage for me???? This is the 31st, and my surgery is on the 2nd, at7:30 a.m.??? Please send advice...I'm starving (Ithink), so I'm on here to distract myself from futher damage!!
  3. She may not be feeling up to posting yet....or out of her eliment...or can't get to a computer just yet.....let's think positive.
  4. How's the "recliner chair" working for you? Hope "Dad and Stepmom" are taking great care of you!! Looking forward to hearing from you.
  5. maziemommy

    Almost There

    I'm so glad for you to think this is the "best decision you ever made for yourself". And thank you for the encoraging words. Monday at 5:30 a.m. is check in time surgery about 7:30!!!!!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!!!!
  6. maziemommy

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    hey hey hey!!! :faint:easy with the descriptions there chocolate_snaps ......... I'm on my pre-op liquid diet and it's late at night:hungry: (just kiddin':))
  7. Thinking of you day and night Julie!
  8. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    janiebug- you will do great on the pre-op diet...I wish I could eat something every other day!!! I'm on all liquids--it is hard but, I'm proud of my accomplishment so far!! If I can do it ....you definately can do it!
  9. maziemommy

    Almost There

    Thank you Donna! I hope you have much success with your band!
  10. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I am self pay (not easy for my family to do). I have been turned down for private insurance because of my weight, with zero-health problems. DH is not offered insurance at his work. I have been "at home" since late 2004 and FINNALLY got pregnant and carried full term.... 10-19-05. That's the day I became Mazie's mommy!! I have chosen to stay home with her since then (and probably til' she turns 2). My expenses are totalling just about $18,000.00 with a full year of follow up and fills. DH is "so" supportive that he used the word twice, and finally decided to take me to, and from, the hospital on sugery day! (my sister took time off from work to take me/never thought he would take me) DH does not want to be penalized/punished because I want to make changes! I know I'm in this for me.......But, a little help/suuport here......would be great!!! It does hurt my feelings when I get the eyerolls or comments that are...not so nice. As much as I want him to be Mr. Wonderful--sometimes he's just not!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL IN APRIL ---GREAT SURGERY --FAST RECOVERY -- LITTLE PAIN --BEST RESULTS ---AND MUCH HEALTH, TO EVERYONE!!!!!
  11. maziemommy

    Almost There

    Donna, what causes the shoulder gas? just air getting in during surgery??or what??? and something else I'd like to ask.......VERY personal......did you get/use "toilet tongs"? I have seen them be referred to, so many times, as helpful/needed??? or was your pain controlled enough to go about "your business" without help? just curious...if I'm gonna' need them/I need to get them ASAP.
  12. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I could also highlight an information box, but couldn't add to it....the top says view only.....other info I found said hit controland enter or hit alt and enter???that didnot seem to work either.?
  13. maziemommy

    Almost There

    Donna-I'm glad your falling in love with your band!--It's a part of you now- that means you love yourself just a little more! How is the shoulder pain now? I fear the shoulder pain since mine already hurt alot of the time.
  14. maziemommy

    Fave comfort food?

    ENCHILADAS....ALL THE WAY---since I'm on a liquid pre-op diet I can not stay here any longer--must move on!!!!to next thread........
  15. maziemommy

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    My 17 month old, pride and joy (that I never thought I would be able to successfully have)......is named Mazie Rae....so I then became maziemommy.........my nick name of 30+ years is Pooh .... too common lately!!
  16. maziemommy

    Almost There

    I can't wait til' I can drive by without wanting to pull in! I hope you are feeling great! Any compication so far? How's your pain level? Can you sleep? Thoughts are with you!
  17. I'm going to say prayers for you tonight and tomorrow, Julie..good luck.
  18. JUICE REPLACEMENT....I'm not sure about the aspertame...but check the healthyweightsupermarket they have some brand called poticcini???? I think???? they tasted good to me and come like powder in the bottom of a drink bottle--- just add water and shake!! I just tried pineapple orange yesturday and I was surprised how good it tasted (texture too)!
  19. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I hope everyone is doing well...especially those of us on pre-op diet!!!! I keep trying to tell myself...I will NOT starve to death, well not completely to death anyway--right???? Panda you should be proud of your loss!! that's great!! I like a variety of protein shakes---I just tried slim fast high protein--it's good--never seen it before today! Any more tatoo stories???? I'm fasinated???? WELCOME newbies, glad to see more everyday!!!
  20. maziemommy

    Are we neagative on Lapbandtalk?

    I think that this site helps people to express themselves as, "whole" people, who have something in common....not just, express about what we share, that was or will be, surgically inplanted. I have learned, far more, by seeing both sides of the coin (so to speak). ...Some days I just don't feel like being sickening sweet, when I am feeling like crap or going through alot, I want honest replies. I want to share my true opinions. And, I want to hear peoples true personalities, not fake nice and keep the "bad" stuff under wraps! That's not fair to the learning aspect. I have given and received, what I believe, to be genuine compliments and support. I THINK THAT REALITY IS A BALANCE OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE- it's just not realistic other wise- I wouldn't want to fear rejection for posting real situations I need to know about, or need help with! LBT is my fave!!!
  21. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    tatoos--off topic but, interesting ......I have only one--I can see how addicting it is though--mine has a story/significant "reason" or meaning....... DO YOU CHOOSE "randomly" or other????? Please fill me in if it's not too personal.....what's it look like and why??????
  22. :star::star: :teeth: :hug::thumb:cheer up Julie, I think you get five stars in my book---just the way you are!!! smiles...hug.....and thumbs up....to you!
  23. Julie...my heart goes out to you! I too feel fat but, a "350# fat" --- not an "under 200# fat"! I DO think that the "feeling" is just as disheartening though. I hope that for you, this is a temporary, out of the ordinary, thought. You say you feel "like you should wait, 40 more lbs.,before tackling this beast" .... how much is your goal weight? I thought you only wanted to lose about 20 more. If you waited another 40#, how long/short would you expect that to take?? And, could waiting that long/short keep you from having any additional/multiple surgery? Maybe your thoughts, that are negative, come from nerves???? PLEASE continue to share your thoughts as you experience this journey. I can not tell you, how much I admire you, for sharing your experience and your success with all of us. You have already accomplished what I once believed, to be the impossible/miracle. I hope these changes have influenced your life in an extremely positive way overall. I'm almost sure all roads have lots of bumps along the way, but few road blocks.
  24. maziemommy

    Self pay loans

    Watch the fine print on all loans for your surgery!!!! I had the option of a refinance, home equity loan or capitalonehealthcare. My doc. gave me info on capitalone......you go online and select "cosmetic" to apply. They offer (through some doctors) a temporary 0% = 18 months are 0% if paid off...you have 48 months to pay BUT...if you are not paid off in the first 18 months...you owe 19.99% for ALL/EVERY BIT of the original loan amount!!!!!!! A home equity (if you have a home and equity) is a higher intest rate than a refinance--but usually is shorter term. I hope to pay off the 0% interst loan in the first 18 months...and if I think I can't.......before the 18 months, I'll then do home equityloan to pay the rest of it off!!! That means...I get ZERO INTEREST for probably 17 months, and then pay off anything left from that first loan, with home equity at less than 10% for however much longer I need (don't cut the 18 month deadline too close or it may cost you a bundle). I would rather pay another 18 -19 months at 10%, than all a full 36 months at 19.99% if it takes three years to pay!! YOU may be able to pay it sooner or later than my example?????? If it will take a long time for you to pay, and you don't want the hassel-capitalone also offers a plain " low" interest plan.........they can let you know in minutes if you are accepted. These are only a few ideas...the possibilities are endless...depending on your circumstances.
  25. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Speaking of flaunting........I went to a training today (all day). I almost got in there late, so to not be dragging myself across others, I sat, at a near to the door seat. AND wouldn't you know it......in they hauled...and placed right next to me....bagels, pastries, coffee, sodas, cream cheese (6 kinds):omg:,FLAUNTING IT, and being on my "one small meal daily" pre-op diet..........IF, I have one, that's IT for the whole day,RIGHT? OK I was strong.......enough....to .....last ..........45minutes .......next ......... to ......the ......freshly ...... baked ........yummy.....smelling .....delightful .....looking ....steamy ....warm...you get the idea, after watching everyone enjoy them like there was no Tomarrow, I did panic, as if there would never be another bread item on earth!!!!!!:cry But, that is all I did consume for solids. Not a very sensible choice--but, I didn't completely blow it.:rolleyes

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
