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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. maziemommy

    Almost There

    Well every day since Monday I'm doing better! Today I took care of one year old "Mazie" by myself and I'm fine? and she's fine too! I have very little discomfort, getting around real good, and overall feel great! I'm back to driving andf have been out walking/shopping everyday. Good luck and health to you!
  2. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I was banded on 4-2-07/Monday, and have been quite lucky I guess. I have been active since I got home. Have been out shopping/walking everyday. I can drive myself now, and took care of my one year old daughter today. I am only taking my prescription pain relief to help me sleep-- I suffer from insomnia. I have had two naps since Monday, and feel very well. There is some bruising, mainly around two, of my incisions. Most of the swelling is down. No vomiting, no fever, little pain (if any), I seem to tolerate my liquids well (thick and thin). I am pleased to announce, I have not had any need for the "toilet tongs" or assistance of any kind . I have had some, but not much, gas,and a little burping. I feared (from the air/gas)that I would suffer with shoulder pain-- I did not, although I had quite a bit of discomfort in the back of my neck!!! I do get the tiny hiccups after eating/drinking and lying down. I can only say, I'm very sorry to hear of the discomfort and pain some are experiencing!! :cry You are all in my thoughts-- all day long. :sick I hope to those of us who are suffering, that it will be a very short time. I hope that in no time we can all report that it has been a wonderful experience with great results, and true success. I will continue to try and keep up with this thread, as it goes very quickly. I will keep EACH AND EVERY ONE in my thoughts and prayers during this process. Even if I don't post individual messages, each of you independently has my attention daily!!! Best wishes and good health to all of you!
  3. maziemommy


    Hey! You both should visit the April07 thread...it's all of us who are having our surgery this April. I am one of them, I went in on 4-2-07. Join us on our journey and share the experience daily with others going through the same things at the same time! Good luck and health to you!
  4. maziemommy


    It sounds to me like the "air" in your chest is causing pain.. I just got my band, on 4-2-07, and the "air" I have has settled into the back of my neck! Lots of people have it end up in thier shoulders too. It can be very uncomfortable, but walking and moving around helps. You need to get the air/gas into your digestive system, and through your digestive system... and finnally out of your system. It's not all in you stomach, but all around in you abdominal cavity from the actual surgery. I have also heard that straws and sippy cups are NO NO's because they add to gas, and discomfort. Good luck with workin' out those gas pains!
  5. maziemommy

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    I'ld like to know that too? where and of what? "tatoo I mean".
  6. Julie, I hope the boredom isn't too much to tolerate. I just got my band 4-2-07 and I have been up and around since I came home. It took 8 hours from check in to check out. I was doing light house work and had company day 1. I went shopping days 2 and 3. I can not stand being bored, I also get cabin fever very quickly. I am thinking of you often. May your recovery go quickly, and with great results!!
  7. You may be able to find it at healthyweightsupermarket... it's a local place here in Springfield Missouri. It was started by a bariatric doctor named Brenda Wells. I think you may be able to get information or order from them. Give it a try/search.
  8. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    GOOD LUCK AND HEALTH TO ALL BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER!! I was banded on 4-2-07, so I'm post op, and feeling great. I went to Wal-mart today, and then to Lowes (I just ordered a new washer and dryer). I was doing light house work on day one, and two ...that's when the old washer died. I have not had some of the issues I've seen posted here(I did need a half dose of Milk of Magn.) All is right in that aspect now. DETAILS DETAILS... please when you are able we want all the goods! SaraMos--- what's up with the liver? Did you have a pre-op diet to shrink the liver? Did your doc. convert to open surgery? Are you having extra complications? Please fill me in, when you are able. I hope the "pain" I'm hearing about is tolerable. I sure don't want to hear any of us suffering! My thoughts and prayers are going out to all this month!! How is everyone sleeping? I am already able to sleep on my tummy.... this is the only way I have ever been able to sleep well. SAFETY:My doc says-- no metal jewelry, because the "patient" is literally electrically grounded, because of the equipment used during the procedure. And if a shock did occur, then there can be burns, where the metal is, and the electrical current would not travel properly to "the ground". We do not want our.... pierced areas burned for sure!! And Tracy-- I too have the dreddid... dragon breath... I'm keeping good company with tooth brush and tounge scrapper!!
  9. I have found that I need a variety of shakes/drinks. Some I just can NOT tolerate. Health Wise has fruity flavored high protein drinks that I like (aspertame free). I have also found a pink lemonade, hot chocolate, a pudding mix(that you can mix with ice,water, and peanut butter, as a meal replacement shake), and I use a variety of canned shakes... like slim fast- high protein, or low carb. I also like Atkins Advantage. I can not keep from gagging on EAS shakes and do not know why. For me variety is key.
  10. maziemommy

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    You mean, with a band there may be hope for green hair? - that's cheaper/easier to get than a band! ha ha ha
  11. maziemommy

    Almost There

    I think that is reffered to as, a NSV- non scale victory! The smaller pants, losing inches, etc.. I've lost 24# but, no smaller clothes.... I've refused to go any higher for a while (they are too small) and wear them anyway!! Soon, very soon, I will be seeing such change that I will have to get smaller clothes too. GOOD LUCK AND HEALTH TO YOU AND ALL!!!
  12. 8 MORE days til' shower? How many days is that total? You'll be lookin' hot and smeeling NOT!! ha ha ha just kiddin'. I bet it was good to sleep in bed! I hope your getting enough rest, and taking good care of yourself, inspite of the boredom. Did you get to get into the sports bra yet? Have you been able to check it out yet? I hope your results just blow you away (in a good way of course). Speedy recovery to you Julie!!!!!!!!
  13. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Panties: All of our clothing contains carried in cooties... any bacteria can be bad. They want you butt naked for your own benefit. Just think my AF showed up just in time for my surgery- no tampons allowed- and no panties! They gave me a GIANT S. Napkin and said, just "place it" ...like that was not obvious or embarrasing. I would have been OK with the no panties, but, would have liked to be more "discrete".
  14. Christy-- you can see results a whole lot faster than post-op! I just got banded 4-2-07/yesterday, and I've lost 24#, since March (and my 2 week pre-op diet)! It was not easy, and I was not always... pleasant. But you can do it and see good results! If your husband is going for it too, it should be easier for you than me... MY DH actually eats in front of me, icecream cones, candy bars, TV dinners, anything! YOU CAN DO IT! I went to check in at the hospital 5:30 a.m., surgery was at 7:30a.m., and Checked out at 1:30p.m. I thought I was well hydrated, but no food/fluids after 10p.m. the night before, and my veins were trouble! They "blew" a vein (not too bad/and fine now). Put in a tiny IV to get me to sleep and put in a 2nd IV for fluids. The 2nd one was in a sensitive spot, just below my right thumb. Surgery went great and was quick. It seemed like quite a while before I could keep my eyes open, even for a short while. It took too long to get my prescription filled (DH insisted on Wal-mart to save$$$). He left me in the truck, over AN HOUR!!! My meds from the hospital wore off.... and I started to cry before he got back! Then, Wal-mart was sooo cheap they didn't even give us a dispenser. I choked on the liquid "Loritab" trying to sip it out of the cap. But, twenty minutes later I was prefectly fine!!! I went home felt good. Did some light house work, and had company over. I slept in my own bed, half the night on my tummy (the only way I can actually sleep). Today, when I woke I was ready for my pain relief. But, I have been out shopping and completed more house work (no lifting or straining). My washing machine died, so I may get to shop again tommorow!!(or wait for a repair man).GOOD LUCK!
  15. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    SUGGESTION-- MAKE SURE YOU ARE WELL HYDRATED BEFORE SURGERY! I had enough water but, after not being able to drink after 10p.m. I was alittle dehydrated by 7:30 a.m. I needed 2 Iv's and they "blew" a vein, that happened first, then they put in a tiny Iv, and put me out, after I was out they gave me the 2nd one(in a sensitive area on my hand/wrist under thumb). GOOD LUCK AND HEALTH TO ALL. P.S. I slept on my tummy 1/2 the night, and in my bed.
  16. maziemommy

    Almost There

    I'm back home and doing great now....a little trouble getting perscription filled in time(too late). DH insisted on Wal-Mart to save $$$-(NEVER AGAIN) ! I waited for him in the truck.... over an hour it took!! I was crying when he came back... everything from the hospital had worn off! Then, choked on the liquid by sipping it from the "cap" since cheap Wal-mart didn't even offer a cup/spoon/ anything! But, this evening I had company over, did some light housework, and only minor discomfort! In and out of hospital in 8 hours flat!!!
  17. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Shineon- my daughter Mazie is 17 months old.. I did shed a few tears at 5a.m. dropping her off with my sister! DS has four kids of her own and Mazie had such a great day! My other DS will be coming over in the a.m. to spend the day with us. My only restrictions are No driving/Meds, and no lifting >20 pounds! all else is as tolorated!
  18. Got back home for surgery today!!! AF showed up just in time to be there with me-go figure!!!! Just saw some pics. of others getting banded in April 07 and...... they could be my success pics!!!! I'm glad to have the supersized thread!! Some times I just can not relate!!! You all find out what scale is just right.... and I'll go get one! I have not owned one in 15 years!!! and would not know where to begin. I have lost 24 pounds on pre-op diet and it is peeking an interest in the possibility of purchasing scales!
  19. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Terry- you look like, I'd like to look, after much success!!! You look great already, can't wait to see ya' more sexy in 6 months!! I'm glad you did not burn your hair off, it goes well with the outfit!!!! ha ha I was in and out in 8 hrs. Checked in at 5:30a.m. and checked out at 1:30p.m. I would not have been able to read or use a laptop- I was on to go or, to drowsy to type! Surgery went very well and quick! It seemed like quite a while before I could keep my eyes open, even for a short time. We left the hospital, and went to Wal-mart (DH insisted to save$$$) for my perscription of liquid Loritab. He left me in the truck....forever and..... other pain relief wore off completely!!!! I was crying before he got back...(it was about 3p.m.) then, choked on medication trying to drink from the "lid", since Wal-mart was sooo cheap, they didn't even offer a tiny cup!! After another 30 minutes, Iwas just fine!!! In fact I have done some light housework, had company over, and can make it up the stairs by myself. I was even able to watch DH eat candy bars and his dinner with NO-PROB!! I'm just NOT HUNGERY!!! imagine that!!! (must be the swelling) I can poke at my incisions with no pain except for the port one! Some minor bruising, no bleeding, and now only dicomfort/no real pain! GOOD LUCK TO THOSE TOMMOROW! And all on the diets--diet is die with a T.
  20. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Last post...pre-op anyway! I have to be at the hospital at 5:30a.m. and now it's 11:40 p.m. Need to get to bed....but want to say GOOD LUCK AND HEALTH TO MY BAND BUDDIES!!! and to all those in the next week. I'll try to post tomorrow, if I can get up the stairs to my computer. Thoughts and prayers to all! And thank you for soooo much information and support!! Talk to you from the other-side ASAP!!!
  21. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    OK first post with working ticker...here goes....
  22. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Does anyone see me ticker??????? it was written link.... now looks like an X .... is that what you all can see too?????????? JUST ABOVE THIS!!!
  23. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Checking my ticker!!!! This thing is giving me fits!!!!!!!! But, keeping me out of the frige!!!!!!!
  24. maziemommy

    3 year user and in pain. Help

    I'm glad to hear that you are OK... but.... keep up the good habits to stay healthy... good habits include seeing your doc. when needed! I hope that you will not be embarrassed there again, but, when you need them-- you need them-- even for fills (or find yourself a new one).
  25. I am told to consume 75 grams of protein daily AT MINIMUM!! And, that no one should go below 60 grams ever!! You can/will lose your lean weight instead of your fat weight. I am using protein shakes now due to liquid diet, but after I'm allowed "solids" I will "eat" my protein first then other food. If my "solid" food does not give me enough there are a variety of supliments, one being the shakes, there's bars, fruity drinks, powder you can add to stuff, the "healthyweightsupermarket" has things like..oatmeal and pudding that are high protein too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
