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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. Well, as you are one of us, I guess I can fill you in... some of us Bigger ones and some, not so bigger ones, find it .... not so easy to reach, where we need to reach. :nervous Thus, hygene becomes a challenge, after having abdominal surgery - even laproscopically. If you can reach fine now... you might not be able to after... with the pain/sensitivity of incisions and the port. This discomfort is quite temporary... but, if you are uncomfortable and need to bend, strech, reach, wipe etc. it can be easier with a few inches of reach assistance... toilet tongs- professional/medical hygene self-wipers are available for $20-$50 :omg: or B-B-Q tongs can be disposded of later for $3-$5. Good luck.. and I hope this was not too much information. Like I said, some can relate and some can not!:rolleyes I hope you can get along with out them, like me. But if you need some help- it is good information.
  2. Julie I am sooo proud of you- I am one week-aversary and hope I have half the success you have experienced and I'll be thrilled!! If I lose 173# before 4-2-08--- I would take out another loan just to come vistit your dad!ha ha ha!
  3. maziemommy

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Rvingdi-I am sensitive to adhesive- I was sent home with out bandages.... but had some intenal sutures and a "glue" like covering my incisions- it looked like super glue. It washed off already. I saw the doc. today and.... I can move on to mushies!!! I was talking to my mom, who did not go through with gastric bypass five years ago, and said if only she was younger she would consider the band.... I think she is only one year older than you are... Are you doing well???? Did you start recovery well?? I would like to be able to tell her more about someone, who is not her daughters age. She did not seem convinced, when I said there are many ladies, who are older than 40-50 getting banded. Any info. for her might help and would definately be appreciated!
  4. maziemommy

    vote for your favorite

    Shelli- sometimes, I think they just like to watch desparate people, jump through hoops, for their entertainment!! Sick isn't it!! I hope with just a little more paper work, and a little more time, - someone somewhere, at a desk, will get bored after lunch, and just go ahead and confirm that you can have surgery! Won't that be a good day for you!!!???!!! I hope it happens for you tomorrow!!! I saw the doctor today, for my 1 week follow up, post surgery... and I am on to the mushies.... I had pintos and cheese (from taco bell) for lunch, on the ride home!!! A big ole' baked potato for dinner and it was delish!!!(overbaked/real soft) and chew chew chew too! I had the dinner by 6ish and it's now 9ish and I am still full!!! No late snacks for me!! Yesturday was my birthday- excuse to cheat a little-with fish- I confessed to the doc. and he said, it's OK but don't go home and eat a chicken breast today!!!! Stay on soft moist foods! My fill is set for Thursday, May17th,- I think? I can't wait- my hunger is starting to come back already!! I've lost 24# and don't want to regain it waiting to get my fills right! Good luck and health to you!
  5. maziemommy

    hair loss

    This subject came up at an eating/behavior class! The dietician said that if you are eating enough protein ... the usual cause for hair loss with weightloss surgery patients is... not enough fat in the diet!!! It will cause you hair to become dry, brittle, and fall out!! It may take some time to reverse this process. It is rare that a dietician says "eat more fat"- but she recommends eat more "good fats". (not more fries). She said that this is more common with gastric bypass, but is showing up a lot with lap-banders now too!! I hate to say it ... but try to add more fats into your diet....nuts, olive oil, fish oils etc. and , you may see a great improvement.GOOD LUCK.
  6. maziemommy

    Banded but not losing weight

    Do you have to wait a long time between fills? It could take quite a while, to get proper restiction, if they do make you wait a long time between fills. Good luck with fill number two! You will just have to be calm. and wait as you get restriction worked out.
  7. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Shineon- hope that protein does your body good! Terry-variety is key for me! I like to change it up with some high protein fruit drinks from HEALTHYWEIGHTSUPERMARKET a local place started by a bariatric doctor. They have a pineapple/orange that is great... not grainy. They also have a good hot chocolate for a warm change. And, I have some pink lemonade too. Some of them come in a bottle as powder, and you just add 8oz. water and shake it up! Great to keep in the car. There are several aspertame free- I do not like the aspertame taste. Tracy- we have a few rental houses and as far as the water/sewer lines go- I feel for you and DBF!!! Good Luck with that whole mess!! We did get our city utility crew to run a "scope" to see how far, and where to/from our lines were running. I will be thinking of you all for the next couple days!! Hope you get it all cleared up ASAP. "KFC" must be taking the boys to the gas station - to go, often??? Pamela- are you as lonely as you thought you might be? That work out may help occupy your time. You have some ambition girl! Is Partner coming back on weekends? Janiebug-down 46#? That is amazing for pre-op!!!! I hope you keep it off during bandster hell! To all of those who have already been- may you have a smooth recovery. To all of those who are waiting- may your time pass quickly, and I will send you my strength for pre-op diets!!! To all of those during surgery- may your doctors have steady hands, and may you be at peace, as all will go well! My prayers are with you .
  8. maziemommy

    vote for your favorite

    Shelli- did you call the office to find out about progress? Have you been approved/denied anything? Waiting eagerly to hear an update!
  9. Luck and prayers to both of you on your journey!!! I will be thinking of the two of you, AND "mom" with the kids- you are sooo blessed to have support like that!!!!
  10. maziemommy

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Syrah- how red ? some minor itchiness yes, normal, a little pink yes, normal-- red?? could be a sign of infection? Are they all healed up- any tiny portion open still? Are you using anything on them? I would have doc. take a look just in case. (I was banded 4-2-07)good luck.
  11. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    That's what is so amazing right-Pat? A little goes a long way- I had heard it but, went on blind faith that it was true, and possible. Eat a small portion and feel full/ it's true! thank goodness, it is true! There is hope that this will work!! Shineon- I'm sorry about your problem... you must have posted while I was saying night, night to Mazie. I was just saying, we were all doing so well, and not knowing you were having a difficult time. Have you been speaking to doctor about this?? I hope that you are all better ASAP. I'm sorry that this is uncomfortable for you. I hope doc. can do something. Are you getting enough protein?
  12. maziemommy

    vote for your favorite

    Shelli - I am doing great with my new band- feeling good - only taking liquid tylenol - over the counter kind- no prescription. I have been very active since day one. Are you pre-op? When did/do you get your band? I have heard of unjury but never tried.
  13. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Tracy- it's so late in the day now, that I don't know if anything I could say, would help. Be easy on yourself. This month is a trying time for all of us. We, unlike they, can not turn to food to comfort us in the day. You are to be admired for refusing KFC. I for one am quite proud of your sensible decision!!! I myself, am here, instead of there, because they, are having steak dinner tonight. Congratulations to all who have been banded.... if I have read correctly no one has scheduled an.. " ohhh I made a huge mistake -take this thing out surgery ", so far... or have they? I know I have not!! Hurray! for all of us so far, we are doing fantastic!!!!! Is everyone updating the page of weight info. that Tracy set up? =']l/lk zx'/jrre ........Mazie typed that just on her way to bed..(sorry mommy had to keep it).
  14. maziemommy

    Just checking...

    That is where I feel my new "fullness" after eating/drinking. I think I just have to get used to the new, feeling full, way up there, and on a little bit of food, instead of the lower, heavy, full feeling from before. I don't consider it painfull. Is your painfull?
  15. maziemommy

    vote for your favorite

    Variety is key for me!! I like atkins advantage, slimfast high protein or the low carb, I have several fruit drinks that are high protein, and pink lemonade. A great hot chocolate too. But my all time favorite is a recipe for a meal replacement shake... (Kinnani Falls? brand pudding) 1 packet high protein pudding mix(27 grams) 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese 1 cup water 1 teaspoon low fat peanut butter BLEND WELL add 1 cup crushed ice BLEND AGAIN! It is like a reese's shake and is very filling for pre-op diet.LOVE IT!!
  16. I was a true Dr.Pepper addict. I got gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Mazie in 2005. Because I was responsible for "her" health, I cut back to only one or less per day!! Amazing!! Then after having her- I got the all clear- breast fed her- and man was I thirsty!!! I was up to eight+ a day in no time!! When I decided to get the band... I though I will follow all the rules, except just this one!! As time got closer- I thought why go to all this effort, expense, and just blow it off for one desire? I can still have lots of indulgences, after, but can I not, for myself, my health, my life, give up soda? I slowly "weened" myself from Dr. Pepper to sweet tea/caff. to less sweet tea/half caff. (to avoid headaches, go slowly). Now, I just got my band, and don't even think about soda, and rarely have tea! I think I lost my first ten pounds just from no soda!! I also don't have to worry about finding a way to get my caff. fix!
  17. maziemommy

    getting worried

    Hi horns10- I am an early April bander.4-2-07. I had the exact same worries. I have always been a BIG eater! Ya' know like, a side of beef, kind of eater. I had heard the stories, and for the life of me, just could not believe it! Not be hungry... satisfied with a small portion.... fill up quickly....stay full for quite a while????? It just did not add up! I went on blind faith... and.... Monday I went in, and out of surgery. I have not really been hungry! I can honestly say, I can not drink a whole shake in less than 12-15 minutes at all! Before/on pre-op diet, I thought, I could drink 3 shakes in 5 minutes flat- no problem. Not any more!! food still smells good, and I do have an interest. Today for example... I have had Water, a tea, a SF pudding cup(about mid-night when Hubby was snacking), a small bowl of tomato/basil Soup, strained french onion soup (less than a cup), one small SONIC fat free yogurt smoothie!! and <2 Protein shakes (that I shared with baby girl). I have felt full all day long! My fullness is still full, and fine, but a bit different.... Before it was a heavy, fullness,from LOTS of food, low in my "stomach area", NOW it's a higher up, tightness, pressure under my sternum, kind of fullness, from a small amount of food, and it does stay with me for quite some time! I still dream of the day that I can again, sink my teeth into an enchilada. But it is WAY, WAY more doable than on the pre-op diet!! It was painful to watch my family eat before, and now I can say " don't feel sorry for me, I'm just not hungery!". The hard part is before- not after- you can do this- even I did- Do it on your own before hand and the band will help you after (even if it's the swelling). Good luck Horns10- I will be thinking of you and praying that this pre-op stuff will come and go quickly for you!
  18. You are a real trooper! I sometimes do "too" much, even if I know better! I'm glad they are there to "help" restrict you. It is great that you have such support... I often hear people who, for what ever their reasons, don't share with their families what they are doing..ie. getting the band! I can't imagine feeling so alone at this time. I'm glad your family is there to help with your recovery. Keep your spirits up (as high as your new perky...-------.) ha ha ha!!!!!
  19. Faith- you are down what? 23+# that's great! Are you still waiting to hear what your surgery date will be? How are you losing for right now? Hope you hear good news soon. I was banded 4-2-07 and I am pleased to announce that I have had, NO need for "toilet tongs"!!! I was having some doubts pre-op, but have lost 24# including pre-op diet, and I am able to reach!!! Maybe too much info. for some. But, others can relate!
  20. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    OMG- This thread....it's hard to keep up! I don't know where to begin or end. I was banded 4-2-07/Monday. I have been doing very well. I took care of my one year old, Mazie, on Thursday and...Friday she went to Granny's for the day!!! I suffer from insomnia, so I rarely get enough sleep. Friday I did take an hour nap:notagree(finally). I am no longer using my Medication for pain (it may be nice at night though -- I'm a tummy sleeper). I am not hungery as a bear any longer!!!:hungry: Prior to banding I could have had 3 protein shakes/(half a side of beef) at a sitting... now it takes a while to get 1 shake down. (probly the swelling at this point). My feeling of fullness is....different though, before when I got full (after tons of food) I had a heavy, fullness, low in my "stomach area". Now it is a higher up, tighter, pressure , kind of feeling. I feel full, and fine, but just "different full". I have eaten today...water,water, tea, SF pudding, tomato/basil soup, 2 cans protein shake, small, fat free yogurt smoothie, and strained french onion soup.NOT BY THE GALLON. I have heard post op-- NO straws :cry -- they increase your gas/air swallowed -- you won't want any extra gas/air. I was worried about shoulder pain (I already had some) but did not get any after surgery!!! I did get terrible pains in the back of my neck! 2-3 days then gone!! I am excited to hear from everyone as they return post op!! I hope that everyone recovers well, and has great health! Keep on posting, keep on asking questions, and keep on sharing with everyone. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences with me, and for allowing me this outlet, to share mine with you.:clap2:
  21. CherylS.- I was just banded 4-2-07/Monday. I have a one year old daughter. I feel good and have been out everyday since surgery. I try to do no lifting, pulling/pushing. I did light house work for the first four days. Was driving on Wednesday. Took care of my little Mazie on Thursday- a little too much too soon. Friday sent her to Granny- so I could rest. I do suffer from insomnia - so I have not had as much sleep as I should have gotten- maybe that's why I needed to rest Friday. I would not drive if taking prescription pain relief. Take it easy -- not easy for most moms to do - but do take it easy. I don't mean just lay around in bed for days... but don't do as much as you feel like you can do ... it may be too much and you won't know til' it's too late!! Good luck and health to all! AMWLADY......Congratulations on a successful surgery!!! We had surgery the same day!!! liquids or mushies? I'm on liquids at least until' 4-10-07 when I see doctor.
  22. Julie- did he work on your arms too? Or just the tummy, breasts and didn't you say thighs? Maybe you should give me another discription of what all has been done for you. I am sooo excited for you!! I just don't know how I could deal with the boedom- you are truely a champ!!! I am sooo proud of you for being such a good post op patient!! It seems so very important to comply with doctors orders to have the kind of outcome you desire. How is it working, being watched over .... by the doctor himself(Dad)? I hope the time goes quickly for you- keeping you in mind all day long. Take care.
  23. maziemommy

    Almost There

    Maybe yesturday was a bit much, or too soon. I'm tired today- so she went to her Grandma's house for the day!!!
  24. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Protein types: I can't think of all the protein types right now. But the "albumin" comes to mind-- it's egg protein and costs more, so I've never really checked into it. I have heard it does taste way better though!! Maybe a google search will help those who "hate" whey and soy, to find something that works for them!
  25. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    SaraMos- I've had more than one shower (it has been very nice). Just make sure you don't slip! I have a great shower mat, but was still VERY cautious. I would make sure it does not go against doctors orders first! If you get the OK, then enjoy and be careful!! It's nice to see that you may be feeling well enough to shower- I have been quite wooried about you since your surgery.

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