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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Good luck with the consult Tabitha! Make sure you ask him anything you want to know! He seemed quite open about answering my two/full pages of questions! cvaden, what made you choose Columbia?? Were you satisfied with you surgeon and their staff??
  2. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    My dietician,who teaches a behavioral class pre-op, said that the most common reason WLS patients have hair loss (post surgery) is.... they are too good on their diets-lol- Actually she said, that many of us lack regular amounts of good fats in the diet... she recommended that we be aware of, and include, healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, etc..on a regular basis. She gave advice on ....Don't avoid good fats, because you may have had some of bad fats. Some may try to make up for some bad fats, by avoiding all fats. It's worth a thought??????
  3. The pre-op diet and banster hell were very hard for me. You can get through this!!! I know you can, because I did--if I can, I know you can. If you have a hard time... visit us all on line. It may help take up some of your time. For me the computer is upstairs and food was down stairs... it kept me away from the food! I also heard that bleaching your teeth helps????? Luck to you!
  4. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Tabitha and cvaden-- WELCOME TO OUR LITTLE THREAD!! Tabitha have you met Dr.Edwards yet...at all? I really liked him since I first heard him at seminar. He seems to be quite competent at all he does. He did such a great job with my surgery...I've slept on my tummy since that same day. Some people can't get back to tummy sleeping for weeks! cvaden-- I thought about going to Columbia MO, I had even been email back and forth to a nurse at their offices. -- But I do not travel well (car sickness) and thought that would be bad for a new band!!! Keep on posting- and pray for no more flooding...(No drought either)...is there a happy medium? I just might make it to one of those meeting..remind me please-legster!
  5. maziemommy

    Frickin' Mosquitos!

    Are you in Kansas--- I'm in Missouri---- best thing around here is putting up a proper bat house..... they will not get caught up in your hair, like many fear BUT THEY EAT TONS OF BUGS including mosquitos. Most people who are on our deck late in the evening, think they are fast birds Ha Ha Ha ....I usually don't correct them and say BATS... because of the fears people often have, associated with bats. Missouri conservation department has plans (and setup conditions) for a proper bat house. It's especially great if you have a water source (for the bats). This is often a good breeding area for the mosquitos, both the water and skeeters keep the bats fat and happy. Good luck with the skeeters ............ ...................and what is the idea behind the fabric softener sheets?????
  6. WELCOME TO BIGHARLEYGUY....please join us for this ride of our lives...good luck getting your date set. Congrats to all, on what we have lost, and Cheers to what we will lose!!!!!
  7. maziemommy


    No, I'm not saying that we have not had sex in 8 years but, that on our wedding night.. I did not have sex... that was so shocking to me, as it was opposite of our "norm".......and things changed so markedly that I can pinpoint the day! In the past two years we have had sex three times now... the most recent after I posted on this thread. I am not just a complainer... I have worked very long and hard on my relationship, how I treat him, myself our daughter... been to counseling, read books and take advice often.... I am still working on it, but, still unsatisfied in many ways. His usual "lazy" comments, and actions ... WHAT A TURN OFF... for four years it has been me to initiate, me to do any foreplay, me to do all the "work" and me to clean up the mess!! It has gotten to the point that if I'm not worth his effort at all, it's not worth it to me emotionally to feel the after shocks. And all this for maybe 8 minutes... last time only 3.... no small or big reward for me.....just some leftover feelings of rejection. I get no cuddles, kisses, touching, whispers, petting......but if I do the work he gets a QUICK reward and always comments that we shouldn't wait so long next time. Maybe I should look for a "tip" on the night table next time????? Luck to all- I know how it feels to be wanted, appreciated, and held. Lets all keep working on it ... being married is the hardest job I've ever had.
  8. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Is everyone enjoying all the rain??? Ready for the heat?? and humidity??? Legster I have not yet made it to any of the meetings... I guess I'm scared of the unknown..... please tell me as much as you can about the meetings and what I could expect---- don't be shy... I want to good and bad!! How is everyone?? Mo and Kansas.... keep on posting!!!
  9. maziemommy

    Help me remember "the rules"

    As my doc gave me rules..... each doc is different.... No drinking 30 min or so before meals/and no drinking at meals/or 1 hour after meals... eat only three small meals daily... stop eating with first faint signs of satisfaction/fullness-- DO NOT take one more bite... always eat Protein first, then veggies, and last are carbs... eat only "good" foods/like good for you foods.... low or no cal. beverages between meals/ like no milkshakes etc.... THERE ARE 6 TO START WITH... I CAN'T THINK OF THEM ALL RIGHT NOW(it's late,lol) Good Luck getting back on track, hope the tightness is nothing to worry about.
  10. We All Want To Know About The Nipples ?????? Do They Still "work"?????
  11. maziemommy


    I have been married now for 8 very lonely years.... we have been together for 14 years total.... we now have a beautiful 19 month old (miracle).... things for us literally changed overnight--- our wedding night--- to be more specific. We had our friends, from out of state, staying at our home.... (already been together for 6 years at this point, and no honeymoon was planned)...... so the night before our wedding "they"/our house guests, were going at it like bunnies- so did we. The day of our wedding was a disaster for me the bride, and the groom was oblivious to the issues, and that night after we had a great dinner with our guests, "they" once again could be heard going at it..... when I approached my "husband" this second night, OUR WEDDING NIGHT.... he refused me and said.."you are my wife and I don't want them to hear us". We had lived with these people for two months (before we moved at one point) and the night before we were married it was just fine.....eight years later ......SO HOW DO I DEAL WITH THIS ISSUE???? I QUITE FRANKLY AM STILL CONFUSED TO THIS DAY.... how should I deal with my situation? I have had about a million thoughts of what, if anything I should do.... with no conclusion to this date..... time just keeps passing us by. We went to counseling for about a year and I participated in every thing they asked us to try, I have read books and asked for advice etc.... I am regularly as disappointed/lonely/rejected now, as I was on my wedding night.
  12. 2bthinagn-congratulations on getting a date- when do you start the pre-op diet? It's along road ahead... you might wish there was a train. lol
  13. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Howdy all- is that how we are supposed to greet one another in MO(and Kansas)? Hope everyone is feeling great- I'm getting up early in the A.M. to go walk with my friend-- hope the weather is kind. Does any one around here ever find good pay?? It's a trade off for this much humidity! lol Keep up the good work and loose loose loose!!!
  14. Very inspiring to us newly banded ones Liberty2003!!!!! Please tell us (who can't even imagine yet)...how does it feel?? Can you exercise and live daily life virtually pain free?
  15. maziemommy


    :nervous 2 years and 16 minutes.............. the length of time, since I started counting, and how long we have "done it" in that length of time.... Oh yeah- it was twice, so I guess it's......... 2 years, and 8 minutes each time!!! Do ya' think I belong to this thread???? SAD-16 minutes of acting on our Love in a whole two years-I feel like I could cry right now:cry--- or laugh:D--- the whole thing confuses me:confused:. :girl_hug: Is it a good thing that our lives together can exist with out sex all the time, and we're still married?? OR :myscared: is it a bad thing that our lives together can exist with out sex hardly ever, and we're still married??
  16. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Legster.... and all others here on this thread! I am glad to have all this in common.. not just a band! How is our mild summer weather treating you all?? Any good camping yet this year... we are going the 22ish. I have had my 2nd fill, and I can't eat nearly as much as before, it's not a feeling like I expected. I thought I would get to a point where I would feel like if I take one more bite I could... fill in the blanks_____________________!! It really is not like that for me. What does enough food feel like for you guys???? Any specific things you can't eat????....... for me it's our local cashew chicken-white meat is just too dry, and some bread. Please keep posting and share your experience with our doctor in common!!! Good luck-
  17. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Nanny2Trey- glad you joined us on this thread --maybe more will come! What size band did he give you??? How much fill do you have in it? Mine is 10cm holds 5ml/cc so I was told by Rita. After my recent second fill I have 1.6ml/cc total fill. KEEP ON POSTING!
  18. maziemommy

    Fill amount Poll

    I was told that I have a 10cm size band, and that it will hold about 5ml/cc total.... after fill #2, I now have a fill amount of 1.6ml/cc. Good luck to all!
  19. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    I am only in contact , regularly, with one other. I hear people at his office sometimes, and they seem to be of every age. 19-70.... I am 35 and wish my Mom would get a band at 59. Are you going to be close to home with your doc? I really am glad I got to be close to home, as I don't travel well!
  20. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    They do have a couple of support groups here in town-(now it's considered a city-so I'm told..ha ha ha). I have not yet attended any of them. I have heard some say they enjoy the groups. Are you coming back to town? I left in 1993 came back, and left again in 1994. Bought a house here and moved back, for good, in 1997. I guess I just can't stay away. I had always heard, that if you are from here... and you leave.... you will be back.... now I tend to believe that. When do you have your surgery? I was 4-2-07- going for my 2nd fill 5-31-07(now it's today). Do you have a pre-op diet?
  21. Pre-op was very difficult for me too! The most difficult I would say. I am getting ready for my second fill (tomorrow)... hoping for some real restriction. I have a long way to go to even get close to the word healthy!! Linda-17# is great so far... I know it's very hard but keep it up, you are doing great! and faithmd- I could have never lost 44# alone, and still haven't gotten there with my band, yet! I was banded 4-2-07 first fill 5-17-07 and going again tomorrow-wish me luck! Thinking of you all on this journey with me.
  22. maziemommy

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    OK my previous post was before I read this last page...I'm getting a grasp on my hormones now.... Wade-I am trying to find "other" things to occupy my time. I too am a very additive person. I am trying to find other things to become addicted to... like making better choices, and being more physically active. I know sounds boring and wholesome, but can be fun and entertaining too, mostly healthier. Kity- Sounds like we may have something from the past in common... Crazy how things from long ago can affect you today, just like it was yesterday.(for me anyway). Just like Dee- I can't believe how much of my life has/did/does revolve around food-eating it-seeing it- getting it- fixing it- finding it- thinking about it- preparing for it- waiting for it....you see my point. I have a lot of changes ahead if I am going to be healthy, happy, and thinner! Good luck to each of you/us on this journey!
  23. maziemommy

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Multiple O's... TMP either way.... freeness.... honeymoon phase.... summer off....Am I dreaming?????? :faint: These all sound so wonderful!!! I have been in a str8 marriage, for 8 LONG years (together 14).:cry I need a little dreaming!!! or alot! ... ... :nervous ...(or TMP)!
  24. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    SELF FILL........... I would have to say... I was almost speechless! Does she use the same needle every time??? What could happen to her if things went wrong??? Please post your thoughts.... I am curious!!!!!!!!!
  25. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hey-All- :omg::omg: Just saw IMHO a "shocking" post... thought I would let you all see it, and I want hear your thoughts!!!! Poll/fill amounts from today... Sneak-peek...........:paranoid:paranoid:paranoid:paranoid needle from feed store, and eye saline................ you would not guess this is for her band????? or would you???????:cry:cry:cry:cry

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
