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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Tabitha--what is the new images program your insurance approved you for? As far as Protein drinks go...I like(d) slim fast, and grew to dislike it after several... just too sweet, and too many carbs for me. I can look at carbs and gain weight...lol... The Protein Drinks I am still using are... Atkins Advantage/choc delight shake/160 calories, 9g total fat,5g total carbs and 4g Fiber, so that's 1g net carbs with 15g protein(Sam's club is cheaper than any place I can find). I like the IDS whey 42g "shooters"-- but you should not drink it at all one time, but, two or three times for one....or you just have "pricey pee" as I am told, you can not use 42g of protein very well all at once, and your body will rid it's self of extra. I also like the "go bottles" at Healthy weight supermarket, (not the ones that say shake, as they were too gritty and clumpy for me) they are Health Wise brand -I think- they are a good change from milky, shakes to a fruity thin, refreshing drink....... they come as powder in a plastic bottle, you add Water to top of the label and shake it up.... not gritty or clumpy!.... I put in a little bit of water and shake..add ice to very top and take it with me... or can get an ice water at drive thru..add shake and enjoy on the go!! I do advise getting to know some of these... as I learned, what you like occasionally/once daily, before, may not suit you for three meals a day for a week-pre-op or post -op. VARIETY WAS KEY FOR ME!
  2. Any updates on this topic? My doc is Christopher Edwards in Springfield MO....but I would be curious, if there are fill docs around here ... my docs office is getting pretty busy, as he is the only doc for lap-band here I'm aware of. Scheduling fills is getting further out to make appts.
  3. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    What BMI does every one have? Mine was almost 60!!!!OMG!!! now about52! Where are you all starting at.... is your current weight also your top weight? My top weight was 367#!! Boy did I need this band for help!! I just could not do it on my own.... the most I could lose at at time was <20#....and then gain 23-25# blah blah blah. Next thing you know 367# and feeling every pound of it! GOOD LUCK AND HEALTH TO ALL OF YOU.
  4. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Linda-- it is my understanding that you are correct, about Dr.C. Hodges. There was only Dr. Edwards when I went for information back in Feb-2007,and surgery in early April.....I don't know what the circumstances were, but, no one is talking either. It should not take long for you to get surgery, as self pay. I would try to gently, push things along... as there is no wait for insurance hoops to jump through. How far have you gotten with the process? Just paper work? Set up for diet/exercise consults? Psy. evaluation? CALL CALL CALL- but, be nice when you do..... after all he is the only doc in town to do this.
  5. maziemommy


    Pictures pictures pictures PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... oops I don't mean to beg, but please, I am so excited to see your results, maybe I am living vicariously through your surgery, because I can't wait to see results from mine..... you know after the last few pesky (140#more) I have to lose.lol
  6. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Tabitha---I was on my pre-op diet at the behavioral class! This may happen for you too......when did they guess for a date? Legster--- how's the fill now? Good/bad? need another or going to wait? Any thing you can't eat yet?--- I just can't eat cashew chicken any more-- no matter how slow I eat, or how much I chew!!! Linda--- Have you talked with Mary yet? any update?
  7. maziemommy


    Suzzzie...........:confused:do you mean you can see the dinner discussion ..... :phanvanor the how to get your own yeast infection?????????? :nervouseeeeewwwww!!!...lol
  8. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hope the waiting room was positive.... just after memorial week end, there were several "unhappy" banded ladies there.... 2 had not lost 40# in over a year!!! They were both quite "unpleasant" to spend time with. After starting some discussion, they both did admit, to not following the general band rules.... like they both drink soda, drink before, after, and during meals....no exercise or very little......they waited till after the big BBQs to get a fill.... etc.... I hope your experience was more positive than that particular one of mine. UPDATES please.... anyone hear from Mary? Got a firm date set yet?
  9. maziemommy

    Found some fun snack holders!!!

    Just bought some... hope they give you a kick back for the advertising! TOO COOL!..... ....just perfect for me as I am now experiencing restriction, and I still tend to over purchase when eating out, with these I can chill and take out with me, for my extra potions, then take home with no fear of spoiling.
  10. maziemommy

    Feeling Full vs Feeling Filled

    This is my experience also..... no feeling like, if I take one more bite I'm going to....__________! I was expecting that.... not just to question myself, if I threw away my plate right now, will I feel OK about it in ten minutes, or an hour from now? This is how I can tell I've had enough, if I can throw it away and in 10 minutes I'll still be OK, I'm done. I ,at first, missed the big, heavy feeling of fullness. Now I'm fine with it! I stay full for hours.
  11. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Fyi............ His Office Suggests Getting A Fill Two Weeks Before Any "vacation" Or Travel.....or....wait Until After----- You Would Have To Come Back To The Office If There Is Vomiting Or Other Undesirable Issues To Be Dealt With. Even Emergency Rooms Will Not Give You Any "unfill" If Needed, And This Can Cause Slippage If It Goes Uncorrected Even For A Short Time. Keep This In Mind!
  12. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Tabitha-chinup! be positive and it will come...ins. always takes their time. Linda-as self-pay they should be able to push you right through-I would be on the phone with Mary daily if needed.--no insurance to wait for! legster- congrats on uneventful fill!! I guess everything looked fine to him? How much does a VG hold? After 3 fills, I have 2.2cc/ml in a band they said holds 5cc/ml.
  13. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Legster- is this your first fill? When was surgery? Oh Boy... special treatment a fill with the doc???? I hope all goes well. They do finally have the machine in the building his office is in... no more going all the way over to Hospital for fills now. Up date us on the fill and how every thing looks from the dual surgery. Linda and Paisley- Got dates? Are you both going through insurance? I was self-pay!!! and I'm a stay at home mom... hubby no rich man either...lol. CVADEN? how's the restriction now-OK or still too much?
  14. I won't give all the details as to why this has been great for me.:bored.....starting at 367#, :osurgery in April 2007, and I'm down 40#:eek: etc..........but, I'll tell you of my day today:rolleyes:.... :rain: went with my sister, and our kids to WENDY"S for lunch:hungry:... instead of my usual gorging on this type of lunch, or eating a reasonable lunch in "public" and finishing up badly at home,alone :nervousafter..... I was perfectly happy :)ordering a taco salad with sour cream, taking small bites, chewing well, feeding my child while I was chewing...... listening to my nephews and niece talking about frosty and floats, :phanvanfor after lunch, we were getting up and walking away to leave....:faint: and OMG there it was,:omg: my taco salad........ it looked like I had just stirred it a bit....... it's container was still full..... how could that be:confused: .... I felt perfectly full and satisfied.......and was leaving behind almost an entire dish of food? Strange for me BUT TRUE!!!! I must have eaten half a cup of food or less, and not even flinched, :whoo:at leaving the rest, as I did not feel I needed or wanted it! This is the kind of success I'm experiencing daily:clap2:.. I'm a terrible "DIETER".. not successful for me ever.... BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT... this is success one day at a time. :DGOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DAILY CHOICES.
  15. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    My advice to the newest patients going through Dr. Edwards office would be to take it to the front desk, don't mail it in. You may even ask for Mary... sometimes they let you see her, and sometimes not. Keep us posted on the progression towards surgery... good luck. TO ALL ..KEEP ON POSTING... it's nice to hear from others who are from the same area, and/or doc. It gives us more things in common to discuss.
  16. maziemommy


    Glad to see you so upbeat after this surgery... it gives me hope. Looking forward to more pics. THANKS SO MUCH!!
  17. Losingjusme.... I just saw your pix on the before and after thread... WOW... You look like a whole different person! Keep up the great work. Are you going to be considering PS? I am only down about 40# with 140# more to go, but, I'm already thinking I'll need at MINIMUM.. a panni. Any indication that with exercise/patience/and time this won't be an issue??? Do the issues, (we've previously discussed on this thread) , like hygene, and irritation, improve with the weightloss? You are quite inspiring... love to see you posting... Did you have fun on this vacation?
  18. Congrats everyone..... glad to see more of us joining up on this thread....and on the band wagon... we are all on a journey to better health (and lives) .....a long, scenic route for us "bigger" folks, than for the 215# bandits..??..GOOD LUCK and keep on posting.
  19. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Tabitha and Linda01- it won't be long now..... I went to a seminar in Feb 2007, did all necessary stuff and got banded on April 2-2007, was going to be in late March but, Doc. had to go out of town. I was self pay, and that sometimes goes faster than insurance (and playing phone-tag and mail-tag). BUT FOR ME, LESS THAN 60 DAYS. Seminar 2-10?-07 Surgery 4-2-07...10 cm size band & was told it holds 5 cc/ml First fill 5-17-07...........= 1cc/ml Second fill 5-31-07.......= 1.6cc/ml Third fill 6-21-07..........= 2.2cc/ml Good luck to all and keep on posting!
  20. maziemommy


    Can we get some more info/update...... and thanks for posting the pics. MORE MORE MORE........I've lost my first 40# and ready to finish up with 140# more..lol ......... I am very interested in educating myself early on for my PS. Please give us as much info. as possible and pics too... THANKS SO MUCH.
  21. Holliwagz..... thinking of you and surgery....let us know how everything goes/went... hope all is well!!
  22. ANYONE ON THIS THREAD CLOSE TO GOAL..... or close to plastic surgery or already had some????? Please dish! I would like a realistic outlook for my possible situation at or near goal! I have seen JulieNYC PS thread and I tell you it is inspiring... I don't know if I will ever be quite that dedicated with the running. I would like to check out any others.
  23. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Why do some docs. make you wait sooo long between fills......mine is two weeks. And, I do feel like I can tell after about 10 days, if I still need more. Anyone got an answer from their doc.? Some are 6 weeks??? I personally could gain a ton in 6 weeks, without proper restriction, and it would take 6-8 more weeks to get back to where I was while I waited for a fill. I AM JUST CURIOUS- not being critical- but there is such a difference from one doc to another. I'm glad I can get my third fill on Thursday.... surgery 4-2-07..... or I would be gaining big time!!!
  24. maziemommy

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thanks to Laura for posting pictures on page 272.... Great job-keep it up!! Gonna' be beautiful wedding day bride!!! I am going Thursday for my third fill... I was told my band holds 5ml/cc... I first got 1 ml/cc, then added another .6, for a total of 1.6ml/cc..... ready for my third. I am still losing but, I know I am still eating much too much. My 3rd fill will be the day before vac/camping trip!!! How many fills have you had???? Everyone/anyone??? and how much?Thanks!!!!!!
  25. Well Spydr---------are ya' back yet.... did you have too much fun....are you still recovering from New O...... did you go bra less.... how many beads did you get.... what kind of food/drink did ya' have...... what was the weather like... where did you stay, and for how long....dish the details girl!!!! p.s. the mommy in me still worries about you.... wink wink....

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