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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maziemommy

  1. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    I stayed the whole day at the symposium---it was so nice to run into -Tabitha and Barb there. Any one got the 2nd fill yet? I have had 4 so far. Ohhh I wish I could eat a dinner roll with honey butter!!! Sure do miss that. Are you all still able/willing to eat bread?
  2. maziemommy


    2 TATS right now... 1st one....vine, rose buds, and the vine turns to heart shape/on my right foot top... this one was to memorialize a pregnancy loss second trimester. 2nd one.... the day of my first fill...a huge butterfly with eyes in the wings, with a vine growing from it/right side calf about 10-12 inches long, and 5 inches wide!....this one represents my change and growth... THIS IS MY YEAR OF CHANGE!!! 2007
  3. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi everyone....:mad: Great to hear from all of you. UN5-3051...long time no post... yes to the symposium question. I have been going through so much lately, the Symposium sounded like a day just for me! I sure did need a day just for me. Will you be there as well? I had to deal with DH getting surgery for a kidney stone last Sat. and Mazie's Birthday and her Party are all this week- But, "Heck or high water"-I am going! Great to hear from you...let me know if I may run it to you there Sat. 2bthinagn.... The sweet spot will come... I am so close to my sweet spot, I can feel it... My restriction changes so much throughout the month, I am afraid even a little fill will be perfect some times and over the top at other times. I think if I can drop 20# more ..then I will get another fill. That will put me at -100#... Hoping that will be by the new year.
  4. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Quite is right! ........or wrong?:cry Hello-everyone!!! My "little baby girl", Mazie, is turning 2 years old this week!! :eek: We are having a party for her :happybday: with ice cream cake and everything. (Hope I can resist all but, a tiny piece.) :mad: She is growing up so fast, she no longer gets a "binky" now that she is a big girl! :baby: Moving on to the terrible twos...:devious! :clap2: Please post everything and anything, to keep us updated on what's going on. Tabitha- when is your 1st/2nd fill scheduled- you already had a fill? How was the experience? restriction? Still dancing? The occasional after work cocktail going down OK?:cocktail: Jill- update? fill schedule? Any problem foods yet? Legster- what do you do for exercise? Where are you as far as fills go? My info. is there in the signature. I'm always curious about the differences with each person. I know I had to keep going back for fills -- I wish I didn't wait so long for some. I would wonder if I really needed a fill. That is until' this last one, then I knew I should have been going sooner. After my last fill instead of my usual week or weeks, of asking myself "do I need another fill, I am eating less than before?", :hungry: I was happy to say "oh yea, now that is restriction... I can eat but, it's so little!". I think if I was wondering about enough fill- I needed more- until' I was no longer wondering! Any way great to visit with you all and share my experiences-looking forward to hearing more from you! :ranger: Good night-Kimberly
  5. maziemommy

    Hello Missouri

    miztrniceguy- got a date set yet? approval? anything? Chris61- How are the two of you doing post-fill? You may have to give it a couple of weeks, to let your fill settle in. Not sure why but it takes about that long for mine to stabilize. If wife still ovulates , it may take hers at least that long too! Great health and luck to you both---- give another update soon! Kimberly
  6. Diane- we all, would like "to do it all" all of the time- please for the sake of you surgery expense, and success... slow down and take it easy! Go stir crazy if you have to! Let the whole word become a mess, it can all be taken care of later/after you! AND ...I can relate to dial up! Slow speed... can you use those two words together? I will be slowly waiting for your pics to appear myself! lol PS...My DH just blew my 2008-2009 budget for Plastic Surgery... Sat. 10-13-07 he had kidney stone surgery ...I think about $20,000.00 worth, for a one hour procedure! Ohhhh, poor me oh my!
  7. Thanks for this notice! I have been wondering!
  8. maziemommy

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Hope to hear real good news from the visit with doc!
  9. :gluck:Thinking of you and sending my prayers! :pray: I know it's about you.... but, I... just... can't... wait!!!! :bounce: You might think I'm crazy :rant: , but I will be checking in early, and :eyebrows: late, to hear from you.:spy: Please don't do a"spydr" or a "FoodStampChamp" routine on us... get PS and keep us waiting and worried with no postings! You will be great, and back to laundry in no time, one way or another..:crutch: Take care and get well soon! Here's to you-congratulations...:cocktail: ....Kimberly/AKA maziemommy
  10. Hi Rain ... I think it is up to you to join us...Welcome!!! How is DH doing? Was he banded in April? I was April 2-2007. My sister is 6ft. tall, that brings it's own challenges, right? Keep us posted, your progress seems to be great this far!
  11. FSC.... are U there? Wondering if all is well? We all want the ups and downs of PS, and everything else in life we all deal with. Please post even a short note. Thinking of you often, Kimberly/AKA maziemommy
  12. maziemommy

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    PCGIRL... I think Dr.Edwards is terrific. May I ask what exactly made you choose to go elsewhere? I have always been interested in the good, and not so good about people involved with my health care. Are there issues at his office that may cause me to think differently about recieving care from them as a team or individuals? Is you "new" doc going to provide your aftercare? Good luck, and I am looking forward to getting new information. Keep us posted on your journey!!!
  13. How are you doing on that to do list??? Ya' know "Mom" might get bored and need something to do with her time.... like rearrange the cupboards (her way of course). lol Any more flue like issues? Is the date a go? Anyway... good luck with all that is ahead, may you have better than expected results, and a great recovery! Thinking of you often, Kimberly/AKA maziemommy
  14. maziemommy

    Doing your own fills?

    NO NO NO I could never. Under flouro, my fill professional has had to move my port over, to avoid tubing!! If that had been a blind fill (professional, or not) I could have needed another surgery to replace my tubing, if it had been stuck. NO HOME FILLS/UNFILLS HERE!! My band cost too much for my family to replace/fix it. Not to mention it is saving my life. I could never abuse it that way. IMHO...
  15. maziemommy

    I ran!

    OMG... that is sooo great!! I can't wait, til' walking hurts little enough, to try running!! What is your weight now that you are trying running?? Have you ever had knee pain before... how did running effect knees etc??? I can't wait til' I think I can try to run with out serious injury! Congratulations... I am and have been keeping an eye on you and your success!! You are inspiring to me! Thank you!
  16. maziemommy

    I just had my very first "WHOOO" moment

    going to the gym to celebrate... means getting into small jeans eventually...wooohhooooo!!! congrats.
  17. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    great weight loss legster!!! Jill, Legster is right on the money about doc.s orders! And keep up the protein!!!
  18. maziemommy

    what if i only lose 40lbs?

    HI-my story short and sweet...age35, start weight 367#...need to lose about 200#...got band April2-2007...6months later and 4 fills...I have lost 70#!! That is half of what you need to lose!! I don't eat right 100%, I don't exercise right 100%, but, I do fell like a success 100%!! Good luck!
  19. maziemommy

    how long to wait

    My personal choice is to never get a fill until' waiting at least 2 weeks. And, if you have some restriction before a fill, wait 3 weeks or 4. Depending on personal cycles, and because fills tend to vary though out time, I think one month is great. But, remember everyone is different.
  20. FSC looking for updates...good, bad, or other....are you well now? Your pictures looked fabulous! Hope you are feeling great about the results. Can you stand upright yet?
  21. Maybe you don't want to share about this one.... How will the ..lower area ...be affected by this surgery? Or did you go ahead and arrange for the Mons reduction or lift? I'm not sure that you would need it at your size... maybe the need for this would be reserved only for women of my starting weight/size.
  22. maziemommy

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    PCgirl- there are several of doc Edwards patients on the thread .... Got banded in Springfield MO? .... If you have any questions for me just send a private message to me-maziemommy! I am 6 months out from surgery stated at 367# and now 295#...lost >70# so far!!! I love Dr.Edwards!!as a surgeon that is! Good luck and great health!
  23. maziemommy

    Hello Missouri

    Congrats-on approval... it may feel like along wait.... but you will be at goal in no time!
  24. maziemommy

    Hello Missouri

    Congrats-Chris... hope you are both doing fine.
  25. maziemommy

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Paula, I forgot to ask... how was your first fill, and are you ready for a second fill yet? Are you having any "problem foods" yet? Restriction? Do you know if you got the new AP band? Good luck and great health to all!!

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