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Everything posted by JustSkinnyMeInside

  1. For me, the surgery was def worth it! I would do it again! Just this morning, I am down 25 lbs and I haven't seen this weight in 10+ years (I can't remember it's been that long). I have dieted so many times before and lost close to 20 lbs but that was it. I do not have good willpower on diets, and just as soon as I went off, I would gain it all back plus more. The sleeve has been a wonder tool for me. I had made it up in my mind that if I was going to this extreme, I would def follow the rules. Even though I followed the rules on other diets, my cravings won me over. The sleeve is such a wonderful tool that combined with my willingness to do the right thing, I have much more control. Even when my mouth is "still hungry" my sleeve is full, so I stop. I would never be able to do that without my sleeve. As far as being "normal," I work with a girl who had the sleeve a year ago and she can eat anything now....it's just in smaller portions. She looks fabulous, and it's been such an inspiration for me to see someone in person who has done so well. When she goes out to eat, she gets a "to go" box at the beginning, and puts half of her meal in it (to have for lunch or dinner the next night). No worries.
  2. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Getting Discouraged

    I was sleeved Oct 8th and just broke a stall this weekend. I was in a stall for about 2 weeks, and Sat morning I started losing again. Just keep doing what your doing. We hit stalls so our body can catch up. There was a post on here the other day with a link about fluids and glycogen stores being replenished in our muscles that made a lot of sense about the stalls. Don't get discouraged. Just make it up in your mind that with the way we are eating, there is no way we wouldn't lose the weight. BTW, did you take any measurements? You lose inches even when you are not losing lbs. Chin up! Don't sweat it!!!
  3. JustSkinnyMeInside


  4. JustSkinnyMeInside

    October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves

    I had blurred vision post op as well...maybe for the first 2 weeks or so (off and on). But then it went away and no problems since. (-:
  5. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Sleeping Issues

    Yes. I take liquid benadryl to help me sleep, but I'm still having trouble staying asleep all night. I usually wake up around 2 or 3 a.m. Yuck! Esp when I then have to be in to work at 7 a.m. I'm 3 weeks post-op. The benadryl always helps me fall asleep pretty quickly though.
  6. JustSkinnyMeInside

    My 4 Month Results

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful....
  7. I always thought spinach can give u lots of gas....
  8. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Thoughts Please.

    Yes. I have noticed some days its really easy to get down liquids and others it is not. Each day is different.
  9. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Calling All Nurses.....

    I work in cardiac cath holding so its always busy. I put a cup of water and sip between patients ( in our break room). I also bring in protein shakes so i can sip on them between pts throughout the day. Ive only been back one week and so far this has worked. My coworkers all know about my surgery and its no big deal to step in and sip for 10 secs at a time. (-: I have noticed however its hard for me to concentrate since my surgery. Dunno if its after effects of anes, low carbs/sugar or lack of enough sleep. I was sleeved 10/8. Anyone else have this problem?
  10. I waited til after my 1 week followup appt with my surgeon before driving. They mainly dont want u to drive if ur still taking pain meds. I waited just because i tired so easily.
  11. JustSkinnyMeInside


    Im the same now that u mention it. I get full very fast for breakfastand it seems i am hungriest at night. I try to drink alot at night to curb appetite.
  12. OMG wow! My starting weight was 243 and my goal is 140. I hope i can make it. I was just sleeved almost 3 weeks ago. You look absolutely fabulous! Are you on myfitness pal? If yes, i would love to add u as a friend so i can check out your food diary.
  13. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Where Is Everyone From?

  14. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Allergic To Whey And Soy

    What about Sun Warrior protein? Its plant protein and vegan. I just saw another brand beside it in the Vitamin Shoppe yesterday. Neither has whey.
  15. JustSkinnyMeInside

    What Do You Fear Most?

    Not being able to stop using Cpap.
  16. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Is This "normal"

    I have been wondering the same thing. I was sleeved on 10/8/12 and I'm still on full liquids. I can eat thinned yogurt in about 20 min and tonight I put some of my homemade brunswick stew in the blender (I have a vitamix so it liquifies everything) and I "ate" a cup in 30 min but then i was very full. What Ive noticed is that sometimes I can eat or drink more than others and Im still trying to learn what is the best amount to consume. I have no problems drinking my Water or Protein shakes and I haven't felt sick or anything. From other posts on here, I think if we eat too much we will get sick or get the slimes. So I guess we are doing ok. Do you track your calories on my fitness pal? I do and still consuming between 500-900 cals a day. That has to result in weight loss. I have been in a stall the past 4 days. I dont know if that counts as a stall because technically we shouldnt weigh more than once a week. But I have been so excited about the scale dropping that I couldn't help myself.
  17. JustSkinnyMeInside

    I Want

    I had a few meals that I knew I wouldnt have in a long time before I started my preop diet. Now I didnt pig out or anything, but I had some gnocci one night, seafood another night, steak another night, and Mexican. I tried to eat healthy portions so as not to sabbotage my wl but at the same time enjoy those foods that I knew I wouldnt be eating again for a very long time. I ate these for dinner while being very strict for breakfast and lunch.
  18. JustSkinnyMeInside

    5 Weeks Out Today And Really Concerned :(

    I've not had any heartburn pre or post op. However my surgeon prescribed a liquid PPI that I take twice a day. He said the reason is to prevent getting an ulcer while healing. Unless I develop heartburn, I think I will only need to take it for 3-6 months.
  19. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Popcicles And Jello?

    I think a sf popsicle is 4 oz and same for jello cup. They both count as part of your liquid intake because they "melt."
  20. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Today Is The Day!

    Good luck to you!!! It will be all behind you soon!!! yeah!!!
  21. JustSkinnyMeInside

    Newly Sleeved

    I was sleeved on 10/8 and I feel the same way. Im on full liquids and can drink alot of clears and same with thinned yogurt i dont stay as full for long. I think it helps to drink crystal light in between "meals" to stay hydrated. I guess we are lucky that we seem to heal quickly! I was being paranoid too after reading so many posts where folks were having trouble drinking 3 oz Water. I was told its hard to stretch your sleeve and it prob wont stretch from liquids. Hope everything else is good for you!!!

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