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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Kime-lou

  1. Down to 193.9 this AM, moving down- YEAH!! Just gotta stay on track!

  2. Very sleepy this morning, didn't sleep well last night, therefore it's gonna be a looonnnggg day!

  3. Slight drop in weight each and every day since getting back on track. So while I may have gained a pound or two (literally only that much), I am getting back on track with each min.

  4. Homemade chicken and veggie soup for lunch with a little couscous added for thicking - so good.

  5. I love school delays, it's amazing how much I can accomplish when students and teachers are not here to bug me.

  6. Feeling really down in the dumps today, makes me want to drowned my sorrows in cookies, but I won't do that. Peach Mango Green Tea here I come.

  7. Went shopping with the hubs- he bought me a new Samsung ultrabook!!! Gonna take some getting use to this tiny thing and Windows 8.

  8. I have been avoiding admitting this.....but..... I am sick!! As I sit here with my tissue box, my hot tea, and nose spray I am finally accepting the fact I got the crud.

  9. It is to dang cold for this Southern Girl!!! Oh, well schools are releasing at 11:20 so I am headed home at noon YEAH!!!! Snuggle time with the crazy pouchie!

  10. Think I am gonna go get a whole chicken from the grocery tonight and bake that chick- then make some yummy chicken soup with veggies and couscous!!

  11. Just ate my breakfast cheese and grapes and now I am nauseated!! Ugh, not the way to start the day.

  12. 2 more lbs and I will be half way to goal. Still a long ways to go.

  13. Down to 194 this am- slow going, but still moving down.

  14. Snow possible in NC tonight- bring it on. I would love an extra day to work in my house.

  15. Didn't work out last night, felt like poo, headache and nauseated - weather ups and downs in NC messing with my sinuses. Hope tonight is better.

  16. Eating clean = feeling great!

  17. A co-worker brought in a box of Krispy Creme Donuts and brought them on my office for people to come by and get one. They smell so good, so hard to to get one, but I know I shouldn't.

  18. Instead of a shake this am I am doing oatmeal with blueberries. Tasty, but I can't even eat the entire one pack of it. Very fillng.

  19. TGIF!!! 3 O'Clock can not get here fast enough for me!!! Ready for a weekend with my favorite man (the hubs)!

  20. .5 cc fill yesterday- liquids today, maybe that will kick another pound off.

  21. Feeling nauseated and achey today- not good signs. I am suppose to get a fill this afternoon, but I am not so sure I should.

  22. Feeling nauseated and achey today- not good signs. I am suppose to get a fill this afternoon, but I am not so sure I should.

  23. Amazed- I just really took a look at my ticker- I've lost 49 lbs in 6 months!!! That is pretty darn good. Down to 195!!

  24. Made a spinich and onion Fratata last night and it was Awesome. Only around 250 calories.

  25. 196.2 this AM- the lowest I can remember seeing the scales.

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