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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kime-lou

  1. For those of you who live in NC I challenge you to go to MIX 101.5 and donate tonight to Duke Children's Hosptial. Any little bit helps!! I just gave my donation of $150 in memory of my Goddaughter who lost her battle there 6 years ago.

  2. You are still VERY early one, give it a few weeks before you write it off. At about day 4-5 I was in the same place. Totally ticked that I had willing had this done, but after that it started getting better.
  3. Kime-lou


    Totally normal.
  4. Kime-lou

    Spicy Food

    I love spicy. I married a Louisana boy and if it's ain't got spice he ain't eatin it. I use a lot of crused red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, different types of peppers. It's not just those though - I use cinnamon in a lot, ginger, garlic. All of these boost the body. Another great flavor additive is balsamic vinager. It's not just for salad. Add some to marinara sauce for a richer taste. Sprinkle on stir fry.
  5. Listening to Duke Children's Radiothon on Mix 101.5. What a wonderful center. My God Daugther spent most of her life there and they were so good to her and the family. Now my nephew will go there next week and will be there for a month due to a major birth defect in his back. Thank God Duke Children's is here!

  6. Listening to Duke Children's Radiothon on Mix 101.5. What a wonderful center. My God Daugther spent most of her life there and they were so good to her and the family. Now my nephew will go there next week and will be there for a month due to a major birth defect in his back. Thank God Duke Children's is here!

  7. Kime-lou

    Wall Flower

    Growing up I was always the wall flower. I was the kid a teacher never knew was in class. I was quiet and kept to myself for the most part. While I did have friends, I was careful at school not to get in trouble or break rules, that was just me. I was never loud or abnoxius and never wanted to go against the grain. I was a blender, always blending into the back ground where ever I was. As I got older this trend continued, the only place where I would step up and take a lead was in my job, because that is where I have to. Being a manager I had to be the head of what I did and often times would have to public speak, but that was fine because it was my area of expertise. I always thought my wall flowerness was due to my weight and my not wanting to be seen. But, after losing 50 lbs I have come to see this is just who I am. I still am not a flashy person. I don't like wearing things that make me stand out- I wear normal colors not flashy bright ones. I won't color my hair a odd color for me because it would draw attention. While I feel better about myself I am still the same old wall flower. Even on this site, I post questions and post blogs on a regular basis, but many times do not get feed back or response, which frankly is a little disheartening. But, I must except I am the wall flower and that is just who I am. Maybe one day I will bloom into a beautiful rose that is noticed, but I doubt it, but I am me.
  8. Kime-lou

    Wall Flower

    Thanks Zita- I appreciate that wisdom. God don't create no junk and He created me!!!
  9. Kime-lou

    Heart Broken

    Some of you know that I have had 3 miscarriages. My hub and I have no problem getting pregnant, but I just can't get past the 1st trimester. Well in the last week I have had 2 friends give birth and 2 annouce they are pregnant. My BFF for 20 years called me yesterday to tell me her news, she is pregnant with baby number 2. She is already through her 1st trimester and just found out she is preg. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her and her husband. They have one daughter and have been trying for 3 years for another child with no luck. They had given up hope, but low and behold she is preg and 3 months in. Her due date is my granfather's birthday. While I am happy for her, my heart does break for my babies, my 3 that I can't hold. My doctor told me I could try again this summer and we plan to, but I am just so scared. All the test they have done have come back with nothing wrong, so they have no idea why I keep miscarring. My OB/GYN says that as soon as I think I am preg, like one day late, to come in and he will do an ultrasound and if I am he will start progestrone to hopefully keep the baby. I don't know what will happen, but I am scared. I am scared of gaining to much weight, I am scared of losing the baby, I am scared I will never have a baby. The name of today's game just seems to be scared!
  10. Kime-lou

    Progression Has Began

    Awesome. If you have sleep apnea always use the CPap. Sleep apnea can be deadly. I use to do sleep studies to test for this and I had many patients scare me with how low their blood oxygen levels would get during the night- brain damage low. Depending on the type of sleep apnea you have you may be able to come off of it once you loose the weight. Obstuctive apnea are often caused by weight. Good Luck to you!
  11. Kime-lou

    So how did I fair a stomach virus

    Thanks for sharing- I had wondered what to do in this case. Thankfully I have had it happen and don't want it to, but figure it will happen at some point.
  12. Just ate my snack. Nuts (almonds, cashews, pecan mix). All went down fine, but now I am nauseated. It's like my stomach decided it didn't like it once it got in there.

  13. Just ate my snack. Nuts (almonds, cashews, pecan mix). All went down fine, but now I am nauseated. It's like my stomach decided it didn't like it once it got in there.

  14. Kime-lou

    Why don't I feel my band anymore?

    Are you getting the needed amount of water? Are you getting in your protein? These are very important to the weight loss process. Also, are you still taking vitamins? If not you may need to start, both B vitamins and D are nessasary to weight loss and if you aren't getting enough from your diet this could hinder the results. Also, go see a nutritionist. I was banded 6/22/12 and have lost 50 lbs. To start with I was eating 1200-1300 calories and the weight was coming off. Now it has slowed to a stop. At my last visit I was told at this point I need to have only a 300-500 calorie deficit a day or my body would try to hold on to the weight. A NUT can look at what you are eating and doing and make suggestions that may get you moving again. As my doctor told me the most important thing on this journey is to try not and get discouraged and quit trying because sometimes out body is just going to plateau even if we are doing everything right. Ride the wave my friend! Good Luck.
  15. Weight is still bouncing around from 193's to 195's - what in the world. I am doing everything I am suppose to.

  16. Kime-lou

    Officially bypassed!

    I hate that your band messed up, but happy for you that you are continuing on the WL journey. Hope you heal well and quickly.
  17. Kime-lou

    Shake the Sheets

    This morning I did my norm morning routine. Got up pottied and got on the scale before dressing (TMI I know, but it is always best to weigh in you birthday suit). The hubs walks in and hugs me and says "geez I can reach my elbows when I wrap my arms around you". Then he said "I'm proud of you babe, but don't get so skinny I have to shake the sheets to find ya". For those who don't know my husband is visually impaired. His vision is 20/800 - legally blind since birth. Granted he is well educated graduated with honors with a degree in computer science and is a well respected software engineer. He just can't see very well. So it's always been the running joke that he feel for me because I was large print (he always replied to that with you said that not me). Now he is joking saying I am getting so small he won't be able to see me anymore. The joking is all in fun- he is very supportive of my weight loss journey and is helping me leaps and bounds. But I must say it would be nice for him to have to shake the sheets to find me
  18. Heading to acupuncture again today - who knew having needles stabbed in you could feel so good!!

  19. Kime-lou


    I have never been a big milk person with my cereal. I like a little milk with my cereal instead of a little cereal with my milk (my husband prefers the ladder, which is why there is milk spilled on my island every morning.) I use about 1 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup 2% milk. I know I should do skim, but that is just to much like putting dirty water on my cereal.
  20. Kime-lou


    I also eat Special K Protein and it's fine except right now, right aftera fill. I love my cereal. I find that the cereals that don't get so soggy do the best- you can crunch them up smaller.
  21. Kime-lou


    I had a fill Thursday afternoon. Friday everything seemed ok. I drank liquids to begin with Friday nigh mushy and was fine. Saturday morning I tried my Cereal and it was a really slow go, then lunch of tuna didn't want to go down - not a major stuck, just a little pressure, so I went back to liquids. Sunday morning I did liquids, for lunch I was at my mom's and she fixed some tuna cakes and soft cooked greenbeans- it went fine, just ate slow. Mom sent a tuna cake and some greenbeans home for my dinner and it didn't want to go down at dinner time. This morning I have drank 2 bottles of Water, 2 cups of coffee, 1 Protein shake and tried to eat about 5 almonds - the almonds went down, but I still had a little pressure. The doctor said give it another day before coming in to get a slight unfill. Have any of you had this issue? Did you wait it out or go get an unfil? Not getting major stuck, just slight pressure when trying to eat solids- yes I am chewing well and taking tiny bites.
  22. Kime-lou

    The Water Works

    I was told at the start of my journey to drink at the least 60 oz of water a day, but more would be better. During the week I do great, drinking around 100 oz. Well guess what during the week my weight goes down! On the weekends I am a slacker. The hubs and I don't have kids and take advantage of sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We normally rise around 8-9 am verses our M-F routine of getting up at 5. We are not morning people and never have been. However, this getting up late wreaks havoc with my water intake. I strictly follow my doctors rule of not drinking during or 30 min after a meal. I find this is a big help in not getting hungry so soon. When I don't get up until 8-9, I miss out on getting that extra time for fluids. On M-F I would have already downed about 60 oz. I tend to drink very little between dinner time and bed time for potty reasons, therefore, I don't drink as much as I should. Looking back over my records for the past couple of months the pattern that I see is, my weight drops during the week and on the weekends rises. I believe this is for 2 reasons- 1-Friday night is my night off cooking (this was established at the on set of the relationship and I like it!) We eat out, but I choose as healthy as possible, but the sodium levels do tend to be high (read water retention) 2- Since I do not drink enough water on the weekends the water that is retained due to the upped sodium count is not flushed out. The pattern clear shows that from Friday morning to Sunday morning my weight will go up about 2-3 lbs. By Tuesday morning my weight is back down lower than it was on Friday morning due to getting in all the extra water on Monday. So, it looks like I must get better at the water on the weekends thing. But, this does clearly show me that my water intake as well as my sodium intake has a big effect on my weight. This is my little scientifc experiment.
  23. Kime-lou

    Learned something new....

    I went in for a fill today, my weight had gone up by 5 lbs since last week so I wasn't thrilled about going in. I went in they weighed me- up 1 lbs since last month!!!!!! I was pissed. She checked my band and gave me another cc - I always get fills with floro. I told her about my weight jump from last week and explained it was my TOM time even though I don't actually bleed. She said that the weight fluctuation was not abnormal, that everyone will have fluctuations from week to week. She also ask how many calories my fitbit said I was burning a day- I told her between 2000-2200 depending on if I work out or not. She ask about my eating habits - I told her I was only eating 3 times a day and sometimes having an afternoon snack. She ask about my calorie intake- I told her I was getting between 1200-1300 a day. Surprise- she said I'm not getting enough calories. Now this is what my doc said, I trust my doctor, she is a Duke Doc, I have full confidence in her- do please do not bash her or me; if you doc said something else fine ok, I am just putting out there what mine said. She said that since I am now over 6 months post that eating 1200 calories a day isn't enough. She said that having a 3-500 calorie a day deficit was good, but not more because the body would not let go of the fat- sorta like starvation mode. She said if I upped my workout routine to up calories. To try and keep my deficit around 3-500 for optimum weight loss. So I am going to try and see what happens. Maybe it has to do with where I am in weight- I don't know, but she is my doctor, she is trained, so I will listen to her. If you don't agree fine, but again don't bash!!
  24. Kime-lou

    at 94 loss and 8 month post op

    My journey seems to have stalled out. I am eating right, but not losing. The last 2 weeks though I have had a lot of headaches and been nauseated a lot and my back has been killing me, so working out really hasn't been possible.
  25. Kime-lou

    leg cramps?

    Yes. Most of the time it is due to a deficincey of some nutrient. Sometimes it can be due to over use mixed with slight dehydration.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
