I hate exercise. I have done it in the past, was even capable of jogging 6 miles once, but I can never keep it up. I have decided that I should do what I like and not what I think I should do. I do like walking but usually need to combine it with shopping to make it interesting. The other thing I like to do is dance so I close the curtains and put on my ipod and sort of jig about a bit. This I can cope with. I think if you overstretch yourself or do something you don't like it is doomed to fail, so you may as well be gentle on yourself. I also don't think you should rush it; do it in your own time, at a pace you are comfortable with, and which you can stick at.
My good news is that I have finally lost my post operative weight. I am told it can be down to gas. What a thought.
I have also had a shake. I find I like slim fast. The vanilla one tastes like a melted milky bar.
Keep in touch let me know how you're getting on. The shoulder pain returned agin. Yuk.