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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SueAnneE

  1. Hi, Sue Anne here. I am considering the band surgery. My only question - does it stop your hunger? I can cut back and change my foods but I'm always hungry. If this stops the hunger - or I get filled up and feel full quicker - than I'll do it. I lucked out and found out my insurance pays 100% today. I watched a seminar online several days ago. So this has gone by quickly! Can you help me out with the hunger question? Than I can make an informed decision. Thanks!! Sue Anne
  2. Thanks again for all the great posts! I really appreciate them and it helps me know what I will experience. Sue Anne
  3. You all are the best! You helped me so much! I'm going to go for it. I will look at the YouTube videos, thanks for the recommendation. It's a pleasure to be in this great group! Sue Anne
  4. Excellent reply! Hope it helps Bewildered also! Sue Anne
  5. Thanks for the help, Jessi! That makes sense. Sue Anne
  6. Thanks, Toddy! I can do the physical hunger thing and stop when satisfied. I appreciate your help! Sue Anne

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