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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Quelyn01

  1. It's been a long time since I've posted... I fell back into bad habits, gained 30 lbs over the last year. I'm two and a half years out from surgery. I'm on a 1,000-1,200 calorie diet AND I'm taking phentermine, and exercising 1-2 hours a day and I'm not losing the weight! I'm so frustrated with myself. I don't understand why I'm not losing. Anyone else who is years out having this issue?
  2. Quelyn01

    1,000 calories a day & not losing

    I opted for phentermine as "last resort" type thing to help jump start my weightloss again. I discussed it with my dr and she set up the diet plan to go with it. I'm surprisingly not jittery or unable to sleep. It does somewhat help with appetite. I've been on it for about 3 weeks. I see her at the end of the month and if my progress isn't better in going to have her take me off of it. I'd be happy with a two pound a week weightloss... Im not expecting overnight results. I'm just frustrated.
  3. Quelyn01

    1,000 calories a day & not losing

    I avoid Pasta all together. Occasionally I'll have a slice of bread or 1/2c rice, and this is maybe once a week. Other than that, the carbs come from fruits and veggies, yogurt (Carbmaster yogurt) fat free cottage cheese etc. My work outs include both cardio and strength.
  4. Quelyn01

    1,000 calories a day & not losing

    I'm eating between 80-100 grams of Protein a day carbs between 40-60. I tried the post op diet a few months ago and lasted a day.
  5. I slipped while making a salad haha like that one
  6. Quelyn01

    July Sleevers

    I was sleeved July 18. I'm down 62lbs and been at a three month stall. Love the weight that's off but it's very frustrating when I'm only half way to goal and I can't move past this number on the scale!
  7. Quelyn01

    Low Carb Strawberry Crepes

    Today's snack! http://www.afterthesleeve.com/2013/02/low-carb-crepe-with-strawberries-cream.html#
  8. Hey everyone! So I purchased Zumba for the Wii (and the belt it came with actually fits around my waiste! lol). Does anyone use this and has it helped with your exercise? I have never "Zumba'd" before, and I'm too scared to take a class in public! I have been slacking big time with my walking and diet. It's no one's fault but my own, and it's very frustrating, sad, and depressing. I am out just over 6 months, and have lost 60lbs. I'd really like to talk off another 20lbs by my 30th birthday (April 1), but everytime I think I'm back on track, I slack off again. Does anyone use Zumba on the Wii for exercise? Have you been successful with it?
  9. Quelyn01

    Low Carb Pizza

    This looks great! I've made the cauliflower crust pizza before which was pretty good, but this sounds even better! I will definately make this soon.
  10. Quelyn01

    What meds can i take

    I was told by my doctor that any medicine is okay as long as it's taken with food. So far I have not had any problems. I too am sick right now, I am taking Robitussin & Mucinex I'm 6 months out, but my doctor told me this when I was about 2-3 months.
  11. Quelyn01

    Turkey "Meatball" Squares

    Hey Everyone! Wanted to share what I made the other night! Super yummy and easy! http://www.afterthesleeve.com/2013/01/turkey-meatball-squares.html
  12. This is one of my favorite dishes I've ever made!! So simple! Thought I would share! http://www.afterthesleeve.com/2012/12/chicken-tomato-artichoke-hearts.html
  13. Quelyn01

    Turkey "Meatball" Squares

    I took a snap shot of the nutrition facts when I input it in my fitness pal, this is for a 1/12 serving
  14. Quelyn01

    Turkey "Meatball" Squares

    Glad you guys liked it! I had a few portions left over and froze them for later!
  15. Quelyn01

    how long will this stall last?

    I'm at about 5 and half months, I stalled around 3 and half and I'm STILL STALLED. I'm super irritated. It's not suppose to last for 2 months.
  16. I'm trying to figure out what my calorie intake should be. I'm eating all foods except beef, corn, and grapes. I'm almost 4 months post op, for those of you in this stage or past it, what is your calorie in take on average?
  17. Quelyn01

    Pumpkin Recipes

    Does anyone have any good recipes using pumpkin (canned)? Anything from low carb sweets to smoothies I'm craving that pumpkin taste!!
  18. Quelyn01

    Sharing My Dinner :)

    This was so simple and yummy, thought I would share! http://www.afterthesleeve.com/2012/10/my-dinner-yum-grilled-chicken-dish.html#
  19. Quelyn01

    Sharing My Dinner :)

    Thanks! Some I make up, others I find online and will either follow them or tweak them to be more healthy, or more to my taste. Pinterest has been my friend lately, that's where I've gotten a lot of ideas the last month
  20. Quelyn01

    Pumpkin Recipes

    Here is what I ended up making! Crustless Pumpkin Cheesecake. 76 calories, 1.7g fat, 6.5carbs, 7.2g protein! http://www.afterthesleeve.com/2012/09/76-calorie-crustless-pumpkin-cheesecake.html
  21. Quelyn01

    Pumpkin Recipes

  22. Here are some photos of my progress so far..... From left to right, 0lbs, 15lbs, 30lbs, and today at 40lbs lighter! You'd think 40lbs would make more of a difference haha. I'll take it though. I won't miss this 40lbs!
  23. Quelyn01

    Photos Of My Journey

    Thanks guys! Surgery was on 7/18, 7 wks ago
  24. AMAZING! You look great! And happy! How tall are you?
  25. Sorry! I put the wrong link, it's afterthesleeve.blogspot.com Sorry about that!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
