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Everything posted by SparklingSarah
Not sure what is going on. I don't know if I am not dealing with my problems as I should, or giving up on myself- but dang! I am in the last 23 pounds and I am eating like garbage. Things I shouldn't be eating, I am. I am not working out....and I have no drive to do it. Why am I giving up? Why? It's only gonna get harder the farther out from surgery I get- what's up? Anyone a year+ out and kinda hitting a wall? Ugh....
Unhappy With Life
SparklingSarah replied to Joiebean's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I am a year and some change out from surgery, I have lost half of myself and I feel the same way. I have been on and off depression meds all my life. But, I can honestly say- I feel better in so many ways. I do about me. Not about my relationships with other people including my parents and husband. Something I noticed about with me is the co-dependent, one sided relationships that I never recieved any type of love or care from. So, I ate my feeling away and put up with the sadness, anger and frustration that it brought. But now- I am forced to face and deal with all those emotions. I chose to see a therepist and find out why I got to almost 400 pounds and how to fix not getting there ever again. Long story cut way short- getting help was what cleared the air for me. I made really hard choices for myself and the toxic relationships in my life. I no longer speak to my parents (my choice I made for myself, to get out of the long history of abuse I recived from them daily) and it's not for everyone, and not everyone agrees. But I made this for ME. And I am doing a so much better because of it. I have spoken with my husband about my feelings of emptiness and boredom in our marriage. I have found that by me expressing myself to him (not that it was well recieved at first) it has made our relationship slowly on the upswing. he has opened up too. Couples counciling has also helped a lot. He also sees someone to help him with his anger and resentment he has towards me for all the years I fell at the wayside. Change- is hard on everyone. But you have to sit and decide for yourself- what should YOU do for You. And don't rely on anyone for 100% of your happiness. That is to much to put on someone and you will always let yourself down. You must look inside and figure out whats best for you. Hang in there- we all in this together. And just like 2BonederfulAgain said: Do all you can to save yourself. (**and if it's truly important to you** my two cents) Save your relationship. -
Me today with our baby chicks. 180 pounds down! 2012
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-
Pain In Diaphram
SparklingSarah replied to patkaye's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Gas or gall stones. -
Ugh, This Head Hunger Is A Bia!
SparklingSarah replied to 2bHotGirl's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I would stand at the fridge and cry. You ARE mourning the loss of your "blankie" like Linus. Now that it has been stripped away, you are left alone. Alone to feel all the things that we hid from while eating. Sadness, anger, ect. You have to remember that we have lost our BFF. The one thing that we thought made everything better. But it didn't. These feelings pass, and soon your energy will be up- you've lost even more weight- exercise isn't as hard as used to be and you have all this time! Time that was spent getting a "fix" from whatever food was your vice. Now it's time to start up a new hobby! But once you return to those nummys, after the month or so you cannot eat them- they don't taste the same. You might get sick and throw them up. And eventually the craves go away. Not all of them but most do. Choose yourself over the fries! If you HAVE to have them, split a small with a kid or two. Just enough to be satisfied- not sickly full. Hang in there! -
Thinking My Surgeon Has Lost His Mind!
SparklingSarah replied to jiggyjen1982@yahoo.com's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Huh? Soda? Really? Well, I know each doc is different. Mine said to never have any soda again- the bubbles will expand your tummy, it's really acidic and just all around no good. A waste of space when you should be getting in Protein and veggies. Lifting- do what your body tells you then. If you feel like your not ready- then you're not ready. He doesn't know how you feel. Interesting.... -
Anxious! Please Help!
SparklingSarah replied to brittcherry's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Not to bad. But I've also had natural childbirth, and gallstones. So this surgery was a piece of cake. But, I felt sore, bloated and I had some nausea. My doc gave me meds for the nausea and meds so I won't barf. I also got some for the pain. Chat to them about that- and see what they'll do for you. I was really gassy. Getting up to walk really helped a lot. Gas X strips are still my saving grace. Love "em! Going #2 was an "issue" (and still sometimes is) a few weeks down the line ( sorry for the TMI). So chat to them about stool softeners because you don't want to strain. You'll do great! This is just a small moment on a life changing event. There are moments where you'll feel every emotion out there. But surround yourself with people you love and who love you back. And you'll do great. I'll be crossing my fingers and toes, praying and doing a dance for you! Hang in there girl for the ride of your life! -
Top 3 Tips For Success
SparklingSarah replied to VSG Barry's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
** Oh-one other thing- (and I don't know if anyone else has this problem) is with a high Protein diet= constipation! Those benifiber singles are great for the go. **Also Gas X strips! You know- I thought the same thing with a high protein diet, BORING. But it's really not. It has made me become really creative in the kitchen. Surfing the internet has helped me so much! There is one I read all the time. She has TONS of ideas and recipes. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ -
Top 3 Tips For Success
SparklingSarah replied to VSG Barry's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
I have to laugh- because I am in the same boat. I am looking around for a knitting or crocheting class because I am just like you, not good at puzzles and I love to snack while watching TV! -
Can't Get Anything Down
SparklingSarah replied to Jjen's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I agree with Kathy and the rest of the peeps- #1.you'll wake up if you a thirsty. Get some rest. #2. Drink, Drink, Drink!!! I was in the same boat. Ugh- and it's no fun! It's normal- and this too shall pass! Try sugar free popscles and maybe some light gatoraide. That really helped me. Remember to sip slooooooooooowly. Don't rush it- Hang in there! -
Seasoned Sleevers
SparklingSarah replied to ProudGrammy's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Just like Foxbins and Ldydrgkpr- I too watch my portion control. I bought myself a cute red salad plate that is my dinner plate. I eat a lot more leafy greens and fish then most other stuff. My family loves the cooking that I am doing. My oldest who is 13 says that he likes the way he feels after he has eaten now. Not before when the meal was mainly fast food or a carb. We are not sluggish and over stuffed. I ALWAYS stop eating when I feel the slightest bit full. I do indulge in sweets ( from time to time), a crouton or 2, and Peanut Butter toast- but a very small amount, and not everyday. Denying myself is not something that works for me. I do have children, so I am also trying to teach them way better eating habits now then what was at the house 2 years ago. So, I explain to them that things are okay in moderation. Have a glass of Water and piece of string cheese, fruit or veg for a snack instead of the old way of Cookies and junk. My kids are really liking the new variety they are getting in their school lunches and actually make healthy requests at home! This is a huge motivation for me! I have found out the hard way that I cannot eat : rice, Pasta and bread. I feel terrible after I eat it and it's really not worth it. I don't like how I feel and I still sometimes throw up if something doesn't sit well. And to be honest to myself, it was eating way to much of that (bread, pasta and rice)- that got me to 385 pounds in the first place! My #1 thing that I do for myself that has really helped is to plan my meals. That way I have everything I need. I can grab, create and eat! It's amazing how much the tastebuds change after the surgery. I was a fast food junkie- and now the smell revolts me! Never in a million years did I ever think that was gonna happen to me! I love what the surgery had started for me. Or the tool that was given to me and my family. I am not the only one that is digging my sleeve- my kids are too. I gained a better life because of it and new outlook on life. Although there are still downer days for me (food addiction/emo eating)- they are far and few in between. Nothing like how it was. -
Top 3 Tips For Success
SparklingSarah replied to VSG Barry's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
My top 3 that has worked for me: 1. I bought those jello-shot plastic containers w/ lids ( I got mine at Smart & Final)- they have different oz sizes. Once I got to the mushy food stage it was great to portion out my cottage cheese, yogurt and whatever else mushy I ate. I was able to buy the larger size of cottage cheese and yogurt and save money. Plus, it was ready to grab to eat when I wanted it or when I was going somewhere. 2. Buy yourself a small ice chest. You will be needing to bring your own food and treats with you for a while-I still do- so it's nice to have one that fits in your car. Mine fits between the two front seats. And it's great for the kids too. Hooray for non soggy string cheese! 3. I love my cup. My non-sweat, stays cold longer, with a top that closes, cup. It's pretty much a giant sippy cup- but I love it. It goes with me everywhere. I use it everyday. Make sure if you get one- that it fits in your cup holder in your car! And always have something to drink with you at all times! ( I got mine at Bed, Bath & Beyond) Those are my top three! Good Luck- we are here for you! -
I Am 16 Months Out- And So Happy I Did This!
SparklingSarah posted a topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
I am 1 year and 4 months from my surgery. I have lost 177 lbs. I am hoping to lose 200 lbs. total. At my heaviest I weighed 385. At surgery I weighed 365. I am now 188. The VSG was the BEST thing I have ever done for myself. It has done so much for me than just lose weight. I have gained back hope, self esteem and a since of pride within myself. I love being able to ride a bike with my kids, going swimming, walking my dog, tying my shoe! All the things that I wasn't able to do without a struggle or being out of breath. Don't get me wrong- at times I questioned "why did I do this"- but now I am so stinkin' happy I did! One thing I try to tell myself is that this surgery doesn't fix everything. I doesn't fix why I got that heavy in the first place. Or my bad relationships with food. Those are things I have to work on a daily basis. The best part- having a lap for my 7 year old to sit in. For the first time in her life! -
Success Habit #1 - Personal Accountability
SparklingSarah replied to SKCUNNINGHAM's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Thank you for posting this. I am kinda in a rut right now and need to get my rear back in gear! I will have to read more of the book! -
I am 5'4. My highest weight was 385. I was 365 at surgery. I am now a year and 4 months out and weigh 188. My 7 year old daughter said to me at the 80lbs lost marker- "Momma- what's that?" and poked it. It was my collar bone! I told her what it was and she said "Wow- you've never had one of those before!" Gotta love kids! They make all the little things great sometimes!
I LOVE Eggface- Here is one I am making for me and my family this week. She has another one that I love with cabbage, turkey meatballs and greek yogurt. Go to her search engine and type in turkey meatballs- you'll get a few that are really yummy! http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/12/meatballs-2-ways.html Enjoy!
Like so many of us- we turned to food for comfort. And now the BFFood is gone! I know I did, and I would stand at the fridge and cry. Because I would ALWAYS turn to food, and now I have to feel and hurt and deal with my problems! Kinda sky diving without the parachute. That's how it felt for me. One of things you have to remember that your energy level is really low due to the lack of calories, and being tired is the pits. Maybe up your Protein amount? I too felt the same way about the surgery. "Why", "What have I done?", "I made a mistake..." And I can say a friend of mine who is a few months behind me from the surgery- she too would cry and call me saying the same thing. Another friend who had it done in Feb. of this year felt the same way- and called me too. You are not going crazy sweetie. We all feel that way in the beginning. It's hard. It's work. It's not a quick fix. This surgery deals with more than losing weight. It's a rollercoaster to say the least. I also found a wonderful therapist. That has helped me leaps and bounds. It's not for everyone. But it has helped me! Good Luck! We are here for you! You CAN do this- and it will be the best thing you have EVER done for yourself! Hugs~
I love Eggface! She has the best recipes for Protein shakes! I LOVE her lentil soup- Yummy! Keep up the great work! You'll be over this stage before you know it! Hang in there
My hubby has nicknamed it a "BART". Belly+ Fart= BART. I am a year and 4 months out and I still have those loud noises! I am waiting for the alien to pop out!
Sleeve sisters- all 3 of us have had VS surgery! 3/17/2012
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-
Kids first day of school. 9 months post op. 150 pounds down. 2011
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-
With my girls in Disneyland- 75+ pounds down. 6 months post op.- 2011
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-
Ruby Beach, Washington. 10 months post op. Size 14.- 2011
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-
4 months post op- 60 pounds down. Size 20/22. 4/2011
SparklingSarah posted a gallery image in Before and After Gastric Sleeve Photos
From the album: Me-