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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by xenafnp

  1. 7 weeks ago, i had a lower body lift with anchor cut, breast lift and reduction, long thigh lift, and arm lift and have done great. never took anything but ibuprofen and tylenol for pain. Was more tight than pain. no regrets, would do it again tomorrow!!!!! needing to make myself take it easy because i feel too good.

  2. I had a total of 9 drains. Came home from mexico with 4. REmoved the last one on day 29. just learned to tuck it in a pocket. i am now 6 weeks out and doing well. have intermitted swelling but not to much. Michelle and i were days apart. and we were bad girls and trying on clothes at the mall in mexico a week after our surgery. you should have seen the looks we got trying on clothes with drains everywhere. we were quite the pair:)

  3. My scars do look remarkably good at this stage. Part is certainly genetics, my hispanic heritage is helpful, I believe. Also I was very very very healthy pre-op. Other things that i think had a very positive impact include:

    1)exercise, I was in very good shape

    2) hormones: i am post menopause (early menopause) and i use bio-identical hormones (I actually prescribe these as well)

    3) supplements--good Vitamin support

    4) IV Vitamin C therapy pre-op

    5) high Protein diet before surgery--animal protein!!!!!!

    Even if my scars were glowing green, i dont think i would care. i am so happy with the change in my body that I dont care.

    In this pic, the orange dress on the left is 2 weeks before plastics, and the same dress in blue is 1 month post op. No weight loss other than the skin.


  4. Thanks for sharing that info Cowgirl Jane. Thank you all for your comments. Tfhere is a price list on his website. He does significantly discount for multiple proceedures. The price is different based on the procedure and time to be spent in the OR.

    Today all of my sutures are out. I am 3 weeks out today. I still have one drain i am having trouble with, but i just need to be patient.

  5. I lost 140 pounds......overweight forever.

    i thought i would never do plastics, i have a great marriage to a man who has loved me no matter what. then i realized that as i got to a good weight that iknew in my head that i was a good weight, i wore a 10 and i could cover up what i needed to, but when i looked in the mirror it was the same body, only deflated.

    So happy with the decision.

    It has discomfort, but i will say i was pleasantly surprised it was not horrible painful, i am shocked. The girls that had Lipo were in more pain than me, and they did not have as much incision work as i had. i would do it again in a heartbeat tomorrow. Post op i only used motrin and tylenol for pain control. the compression garment has given me the most pain. I am tight and that is uncomfortable and hard to sleep at times.

    All in all a great experience. I will get some revision work down the road. As it is he did lots of work, and had me on the table for 13 hours. I had LOTS of skin. I know it was to my benefit that I was in great shape, i became a gym rat and it helped the recovery and the results.

    I know i liked seeing the changes in people.

  6. I am 18 days post op, I had very little pain. the most pain was from the compression garment the first few days because of the swelling. Immediately post op you still have pain management onboard from the OR, I had one dose of IV toradol (an anti-inflammatory) and managed my pain from there with motrin and tylenol only. He sends us to the hotel with tramadol. He is easily accessible on his cell phone, i had to call him for something, and he answered immediately and dealth with it. We all helped each other, there were 4 of us there overlapping one another. I had everything done and I have not made much pain, I have been uncomfortable, but not pain. Now I will say, I did not have Lipo, and those girls seem to have more pain than I had consistently. I felt well managed.

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