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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by erickajm

  1. erickajm

    Should I Or Shouldn't I?

    I am in the process of doing the requirements before the surgery. I am not extremely obese either. I have diabetes which helps with my eligibility. I don't know if you have checked, but I would strongly advise you to have your thyroid checked. If your weight fluctuates often, it could be a thyroid issue. You may be able to control your weight if properly medicated. Just a thought. Millions of people have an issue with their thyroids and go undiagnosed. I sit between a rock and a hard place when it comes to weight loss. I do have a thyroid issue and am diabetic. It is next to impossible to lose the weight. Before considering the lap band, I did the P90X, (lost 3lbs.), I tried the HCG drops (zero lbs lost), I was on prescription weight loss pills for 5 months. I lost 20lbs in the first 3 months but didn't lose another pound in the following 2 months. As soon as I went off the pills.. the 10-20lbs would always come back. Same with Zija, and a few other natural remedies. I am not an overeater. I do like my chocolates and junk food each month (around shark week). I exercise on a regular basis. Now, I have been heavy for 6 years now. My decision to do the lap band wasn't an easy one. I had guilt from thinking there had to be something I could try that I just hadn't thought of yet. I know what my future looks like with diabetes. That alone makes my decision to get the band an easy one. Ultimately, it is your decision to make. I would definitely do a blood panel to find out if you have any underlining issues that would affect your weight before doing a surgery... just a thought.
  2. erickajm

    New* Lapband Help

    Thank you for all of your thoughts! Congratulations to each of you for your successes! I'll have to weigh the pro's and cons. It isn't something I want to take lightly. I am not sure that the gastric isn't too drastic for me. I have 60-70lbs to lose to get to a "normal" or comfortable weight. I think I would fear how much weight I would lose with the gastric. I have a friend who had it done and to be honest.. she looks sickly. I have the thyroid problem, fibromyalgia, arthritis along with the diabetes.. I am not looking to add to my load, if you know what I mean. I already fear what the side effects could bring. I tend to develop the rare effects.. just makes me nervous. I'll wait to see how the appointment goes.
  3. Hello all! I am new to the forum and am trying to get as much information as possible. I am considering having the lap band surgery. I am right on the edge of being approved. My BMI is 35.1. Being diabetic puts me in the position of being a candidate for the surgery. To give you a little history, I'll tell you my "story". Almost 6 years ago I was prescribed a medication that destroyed my thyroid. At the time I was very healthy, working out 5-6 days a week. I gained 67lbs in less than 6 months. In the end, I topped out at 210. I am 5'2". Over the past 5.5 years I have tried just about everything possible to lose this weight. P90X, Zija... went to 2 dieticians. I managed to lose a little weight and am currently sitting at 195lb. I never before understood everything that goes along with an obese life. It took me about 3 years to become comfortable (or somewhat) in my new body. My main reasoning for looking into the LapBand surgery is for what everyone is saying about what it does for diabetes. I have had a hell of a time trying to keep my sugars in check. I am sure I could do better but my fasting sugars are what are high. My next step would be insulin.. something I really don't want to go to. I just spent a month out in Texas taking care of my dying father. He was on dialysis and I can't get the image of that place out of my mind. Knowing diabetes is a silent killer, I know that is my future. I don't want to be on insulin nor do I want to end up on dialysis. I have been diagnosed diabetic about 3-4 years now. I, of course won't know what kind of damage has already occurred until it is too late or later on down the road. My hang up is this. The lap band surgery will all but "cure" my diabetes. I understand there are exceptions. The bonus would be my losing the added weight that all of this has brought on. I have what I think is a guilty feeling that I am using this as a copout because I could hire (if I could afford) a personal trainer and lose all the weight with diet/exercise and though I would still have diabetes it would most likely be under complete control. I go back and forth feeling like I haven't done enough to be considering this kind of procedure. Did any of you have the guilt? I am just thinking, is this too drastic? I think I could answer yes it is for the weight loss. I know I am not morbidly obese and could eventually get this weight off with a strict diet/exercise plan. I answer no for the diabetes end of it. I would appreciate any thoughts you may have. My first appointment is on Wednesday. My insurance does require the 6 month diet. The lady did tell me I could not lose any weight within the 6 months or I would eliminate myself. That had my mind spinning. Any thoughts?

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