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Posts posted by cadydid

  1. Even though I'm mainly a lurker, I feel I know you all, so I'm sure with my big mouth and the foot (or feet) in that big mouth, that you guys will probably really know me after a weekend of FUN!!

    Bought the margarita makings yesterday, they are in the freezer as we speak. Will buy fresh California crab next Thursday and make the dip that night, so that when Vera and I arrive in LV, we are ready to have FUN with everyone. And I want a ride on the Harley!!

    LV here we come.

  2. I waited about 2 and 1/2 weeks before I rode the Harley by myself (for more than a 15-30 minute ride). My port area was still really tender and holding the handle bars too long was uncomfortable. Even sometimes now I wait for several days after a fill if it was not an easy poke or takes several pokes. But that doesn't stop me from riding on the back of dear hubby's. I can't wait to hear your actual day. I actually feel that I ride much better with the weight loss.


  3. I was just going to ask for your address, as I have a box of stuff and really do not want to have to check it in at the airport. I may even ship some of the clothes I want to wear, so I can make the margaritas ahead of time and bring them on the plane with me.

    Looking forward to next weekend!


  4. Neither does my hubby have a tatoo, a leather thong or a collar, but is doesn't mean I can't fantasize :) But he does look good in his chaps. I do consider myself a biker chick -- I just don't look or act too much like most of them. And yes, I have a tatoo too! Just got it 3 years ago. Now hubby claims he will never get a tatoo. I don't know about a nipple vest though but hubby would sure like that but my girls are small.

    Bucca sounds fine and I'm sure there will be plenty of food for us bandsters.

    This is sure going to be a laughing, stomach side holding time. I can just see it now. I'm ready.


  5. Not a problem then, we will shop on Friday!

    Any good Harley dude has a sweaty leather thong -- all wives require it. :) Especially if they have the bod to go with it. Along with the leather collar too. Just like we have a leather bra -- right! Vest, jacket, chaps and all but no bra yet (I'm haven't gotten that brave. The first time we went on a poker run with the Harley, I saw a women wearing a leather vest with holes for her nipplies. Talk about a shock to my system but at least she had the body for it. How could anyone talk to her and keep their eyes focused on her face.

    Reminds me of the time that a couple of friends went to SF. We were in the Castro district (can we say Rainbow Flags all down the street). They have the greatest shops with some of the craziest stuff. We heard a Harley coming, turned and all the guy was wearing was a leather g-string, collar and boots. This was a cold and foggy day in late November! What a shock ... from both directons as all one saw was the leather covering the crack on the backside.

  6. But I'm glad you can laugh about it. I would be more than happy to go to the store on Friday and pick them up but was wondering if other people need fresh ingredients or not and how many times would we have to run to the store. If there is one close to your house, no problem. But I didn't want to have you take us all to the store and I'm sure we all want to make it easier on you. I'm more than happy to buy it on Friday... definitely not a problem.

    Also, I don't think you are crazy to open your house to us. I think you are wonderful and know that we all are too! :):D

    So, if there is a store close -- I'll go on Friday (was that when you were planning to pickup stuff for Saturday anyway?). I definitely will go shopping with you then.


  7. Penni: 4/6/04 -- 47 lbs

    Lisa: 5/5/04 -- 51 lbs

    Becky 6/03/04 - 53 lbs

    Denice: 8/12/04 -- 20 lbs

    Leatha 05/29/03 - 67 lbs

    Michelle 4/6/04 -- 49.75 lbs

    Marie 5/26/04 -- 39 lbs

    Donali 1/23/03 -- 102 lbs

    Kathy 5/21/04 -- 41 lbs

    Cindy 7/22/04 -- 40 lbs

    Teresa 5/8/04 -- 63 lbs

    Kelly 8/20/03 -- 65 lbs

    Kyleigh 9/23/03 -- 60 lbs

    Bright 10/28/03 -- 70 lbs

    Michelle 6/14/04 - 20 lbs

    Babs 6/23/03 -- 136 lbs

    Nancy 8/27/03 -- 55 lbs

    michelle - shellyj 8-18-03 - 130 pounds

    Vera 8/14/03 -- 64 lbs

    Jacky 4/5/04 - 40 lbs

    Chris S. 9/02/03 - 54 lbs

    Debra 7/19/04 -- 17 lbs.

    Janie 5/6/04 -- 41 lbs

    Denise 5/28/04--33 lbs.

    Kim 8/23/04 -- 28 lbs.

    Andrea 9/8/04-- 12lbs.

    Carol 12/29/03 -- 102 lbs.

    Total = 1509.75



    Dr. McKeen 12/29/03


  8. Do you want me to send you a shopping list of what I need to make the margaritas? (of course I will reimburse you!) Also, I was thinking that I would make fresh crab dip for the BBQ, as it is VERY band friendly. I am so looking to meet all you wonderful and Crazy :) people and all the manly men. Also, hoping to ride or catch a ride on the HARLEY.

    Let me know.


  9. I had electrolysis about 20 years ago and haven't shaved a pit since then or plucked an eyebrow! But I plan on sitting in the sun and drinking a margarita or two. Vera and I arrive early, I think 8:30 but she has the tickets so I have to check with her. Since HoJo's is so close we can take a taxi and then when enough of us are there, we can call you to come and get us.

    It is so generous of you to open up your house to us!.

    Carol (aka Cricket/LV stripper name)

  10. I just saw Dr. McKeen today for a fill. He was in a great mood and for the first time actually got me on the first poke. Be sure to tell him we need separate support group and not with Michelle. :D

    Lisa, I plan on purchasing margarita makings there and making a large batch for us, please make room in your freezer for about 9 ziplock quart bags of margaritas! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. I'm willing to pickup grocery items too! I can't wait. Even getting a bikini/leg waxing before hand!

    Penni, you are just too sweet and I can't wait to meet everyone.


  11. Just happened to quickly check in and see that the Vegas trip is still on. I'm so glad and really looking forward to it (and Lisa, can't wait to take a ride on the Harley). Penni, you are doing great. It is going to be close. Vera and I will be there early Friday morning. See you all then.


    Dr. McKeen 12/29/03


  12. You sure do know how to make me smile.. Right now I need all the positive feedback to keep struggling along.

    I long forward to seeing some of you in Vegas in October and hope to meet the rest of you someday.

    To everyone -- keep up the good work -- it so is worth it. I feel great, walk prouder and enjoy myself so much more.

    Thanks again for all the great words of wisdom.


    Dr McKeen 12/29/03


  13. To all of you thanks for the good words and encouragement. And thanks Vera for posting the pictures!

    And as you can guess, purple is my favorite color. The first outfit is a 2x and the last picture I'm wearing a size 12 from Coldwater Creek.

    Surgeon took out half my fill so that I lose my last 20 to 25 pounds more slowly. It has been rough because now I want to eat more. So I started to increase my exercise and am at least maintaining for the moment.



    Dr. McKeen 12/29/03


  14. As you know, I too have my own Harley. And I'm with Betty, short trips 2 to 3 hours OK, longer or overnight, no way. I keep telling my husband that I keep getting a severe case of TB (tired butt). I don't even like being on the back with him much longer than that and I don't care how often we have to get gas and then I can stretch. I tend to get fidgety (sp?) and that was one of the reasons I got my own bike. I too took the class and highly recommend it but like Betty says, experience is the learning.

    We went to Laughlin for several years and just stopped. They raise all the room prices for the weekend and even the buffet prices. So our group just tends to head to Carson City or Reno instead. Also, after you've been several times, it is all the same year to year.

    I must admit that now that I've lost some weight my butt doesn't get as tired (but I'm not going to let him know that!). I love heading to the coast for lunch and a walk on the beach (about a 45 minute ride). There are advantages to living in California.

    We belong to a small (15 to 20 members) Harley club. A mom and pop club, not hard core. We like to go to Hearst Castle overnight, brunch in Monterey, backroad trips, and even went to Sacramento one day for Jiffy burgers (believe it or not there is a place that makes hamburgers with Peanut Butter -- not my favorite).

    Lisa, you will become a great rider and make that man actually ride on the back with you one day. I did that but he would only let me go around the block a few times. I honked the horn so everyone would come out and look. He was mad at me :) but oh well, it was my only chance.


    Dr. McKeen 12/29/03


  15. You all are wonderful. I think I owe most of the thanks to my doctor and to my hubby. My surgeon is wonderful. And yes, I've had some PBing but very little, had too much of a fill that some had to be removed, and also had my gall bladder out during that time. But my surgeon is one who wants to see you once a month, listens to what you have to say about your eating, etc., and even came in on his day off to check under fluoro if I was having a problem (ended up gall bladder and he actually did the surgery for that too). My hubby has been my best support and I was actually afraid to tell him until two days before my surgery (I had told him I had ovary problems and needed minor surgery). I finally couldn't live with myself and told the truth and just said I was afraid he wouldn't be supportive. He was just the opposite once he watched the video and the surgeon showed him what would be happening.

    Any tips, gosh that is hard because most of my help came from lurking on the boards. I do Water aerobics three times a week and walk 2-3 miles 2-3x/wk. Breakfast is usually one egg and one link of sausage, lunch is usually half cup of tuna/chicken or egg salad and dinner is meat and veggies. But I do occasionally have a glass of wine or a margarita and will have a bite or two of dessert if I know it will be worth the calories. I try not to snack but always have beef Jerky on hand. And now with summer I will have a little ice cream once in a while. We do go out to eat quite a bit as we tend to be very social and my hubby just comments that he never leaves a restaurant hungry anymore because he usually gets almost 2 full meals (and he has never had a weight problem).

    Thanks again for all the kudos.


  16. Yeah! As of this week I've lost 102 pounds!:rolleyes: I'm so happy. I just got the band last December and never expected the loss to be so quick or so easy. I had in my head that I would be happy losing 50 to 60 pounds a year but I guess my body had other plans. The max fill I've ever had is 2.1 cc and we just took out 1 cc this week. I want to lose the last 20 pounds slowly with exercise and Portion Control (with the help of my band of course). I'm down from a size 22-24 to a 12 and in mediums :rolleyes: .

    We are going to a wedding this weekend so hopefully next week I will post before and now pictures.

    If I never lose another pound I will be OK. I will admit I did see a therapist this week to help me with head issues I'm having.

    I haven't been this low since my son was born and that was 21 years ago. I haven't tried on my wedding dress yet but will wait till our anniversary for that.

    And I hope to see some of you in Vegas in October, I can't wait.


    Dr. McKeen 12/29/03


  17. I feel this post is really needed. I was banded on 12/29/03 and to date have lost 92 pounds :) . Do I love my band? YES!! Have I had problems with it, Yes. I know what it is like to have an overfill and then have some removed. But the good news is, it works for me. I know when I've eaten too much. Luckily, I've only PB'd 3 or 4 times so I've learned and listen to my signals. I have a great surgeon that sees me often and wants to see me even if I don't have fills done (on an average I see him every 6 weeks). He wants to know what is going on. I have no problem talking to his patients that are not sure the band is for them. I expected some trials from the band, have had a few, but I expected them.

    I also like to read about problems people are having so I can be aware and hopefully avoid most of them. Few like Donali's were obviously unavoidable but it also makes me realize I can't take the band for granted. Everyone here is so awesome and even the few with problems have such a great outlook with few regrets. We can all learn from this board.


    Banded 12/29/03 Dr. McKeen


  18. Tangerine!

    OK, - I promise I'll give it a try eventually :) . I'm pround of the condition your body is in (and Jealous;) ). Three and a half miles per hour on an incline and it doesn't get your heart rate up!. My gosh, I walk around the block, am flushed and breathing hard. I guess this couch potato has a long way to go.

    Keep up the great work and I will TRY to catch up with you. Checked last night and the gym I'm joining this week has kickboxing lessons. One step at a time, that is what I keep telling myself.


  19. I thinker it was quicker for me because I actually had a workup and consultation for RNY last year and then just emotionally decided I could not change my complete lifestyle that drastically for the rest of my life and cancelled two weeks prior to my appt. My primary MD is just wonderful and was very supportive of this. I know for the RNY they also want you to attend so many support groups and go to therapy prior. I did see a therapist prior to the lapband but it was a one hour appt (and actually with a friend). So we did what was required and then just gabbed the rest of the time.

    Contact your Primary MD's office and see if they can expedite this for you (and what you can do to help them). I actually wrote my brief medical history and a letter for my MD so she wouldn't have to research all the way back through my charts for dates. She just fine tuned everything and it was perfect.

    GOOD LUCK and keep us posted.

  20. Wow, you can eat all that and lost 20 pounds! I'm jealous!! I have been seeing Dr. McKeen weekly since the surgery and this is the first time he said he'd see me in two weeks. Thinks that I may not need a fill until mid-March with the restriction I have. I have some Water with a meal but usually only drink about an ounce. I really try not to drink with meals but it is a habit I've had for too many years. Yes, PBing scares the hell out of me also. I personally hope it never happens and that I just always know my limit and stop before it will happen. Maybe I just have more tissue around the band and am a little more restricted. Let me know when you get your fill. Keep me posted.


  21. I can see where you were confused. I'm a 48 year old female! I just changed the profile so hopefully it will work now. Cadydid is my user name but it appears that most people tend to use their first name here. No, I'm not Becky. Thanks for the comment on the weight loss. Alot of it was because they found a very fatty liver on the preop workup and made me eat Protein only for 5 days and then be on all clear liquid for 5 days also prior to the surgery. I lost 12 of the pounds there.

    My surgeon just reminded me yesterday that my stomach was only the size of an egg, so if I make my total meal that size, I will definitely lose weight faster with no PBing or problems. He definitely stresses high Protein, low fat. We had a discussion about chili (I had it for dinner the night before and definitely ate more than I usually could) and he does not recommend it. He says you want to eat protein that is well chewed but not too loose that it slips through. Roasts, ribs, flank steak, chicken and even fish is good he says because it creates a small nest at the opening (per him, always eat protein first,then vegies, then carbs). He feels ground meat slips through to easily and we then tend to eat too large of portions and don't feel the need to stop. Like mashed potatioes and certain Soups. Says stew if good if we eat a couple of pieces of meat first.

    Anyway, I've been trying to really be real strick about the protein issue. Yesterday for lunch went to a rib place, asked for a child's meal that had 3 small ribs and substituted a small salad for the fries. I was only able to eat 1 rib and about 1/3 of the salad. So, I tend to agree with his philosophy. He actually said that I could easily lose 40 more pounds by June (our 30th anniversary) if I continue to eat this way and exercise.

    For exercise I just starting swimming (mostly walking in the Water as I'm not the best swimmer) 2-3 times a week and my husband and I tend to walk as often as possible.

    But Sultana, actually since being banded, you have lost more than I have, so you are doing great! I was told once you starting eating solid foods that your weight loss does slow down. But again, he feels with good eating losing 10 pounds a month should not be a problem.

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU and we can both challenge each other together if you want to. I can definitely be your email buddy.

    Sorry for the confusion and how long this became.

    Carol (Cadydid)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
