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Everything posted by cadydid

  1. cadydid

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    Alex: I am notoriously a lurker and because of that, I only read topics that catch my eye. Therefore, I have no idea what happened, how, who was involved, etc. But one thing I can say is that this is a great board with lapbanders who are supportive, caring, concerned and even have a great sense of humor. We all mistakes and hopefully we can learn from them. I am hoping that no-one has to leave and that everyone can move on and just consider this disaster a learning experience for posters and moderators. This board is easy to get around and so informative that just the thought of it no longer being available scares me. Please, everyone, can we just move on.
  2. cadydid

    USA Fill Centers

    I noticed my surgeon, Dr. McKeen is on the list. Does anyone want me to ask him any specific questions? I do know he has always taken patients from Mexico. Vera sees him for her fills.
  3. cadydid

    Restaurant Eating

    If it is a small local restaurant and you go there quite a bit, ask for a half order. This is what I do at our local seafood place that I just love and they are so accommodating. Also, they have the best gelato there and occasionally I will have some and they will bring it to me in a small tartar sauce cup. About 1-2 tablespoons. Even with order half-orders, I sometimes have leftovers. Also, don't be afraid to ask for a take-out container when your food is delivered. There are several places we go to that they know now that there is no way I will finish my meal and they do that for me. Don't be afraid to ask. When we go out for Breakfast I order a half omelet or just 1 egg and 2 sausage links. Most places I find will go out of there way to help you.
  4. Thanks all. I make the crab dip probably once a month. It is such a bandster friendly food. And the margaritas are always in the freezer, but I very seldom drink any. It just seems that when friends visit, they know they are there and ask for them. I guess all I know are a bunch of lushes. Carol
  5. I'm like Michelle. I drink right up to when I eat. I think it helps keep my esophagus well lubed that I have less problem with food sticking or being too dry. I wait only 45 minutes after to start drinking. This has not affected my weight loss at all. When we go out, I sometimes will drink a glass of wine and/or a glass of Water while others are having an appetizer and then I have my appetizer as my dinner. I find this works very well.
  6. cadydid

    I'm Bacccckkkk

    It is so good to see you posting again, even if it is only on this thread. Now you know why I mainly lurk. I have such a big problem sticking my feet and shoes in my mouth in real life, I'm always afraid of what I will do posting alot. I'm hoping our annual Harley "ride for the kids" is not the weekend after Labor day as usual so I can attend the Vegas bash again. We are discussing changing the date and you know me, I will definitely vote "yes" begging everyone to change it so I can go. Keep in touch, even if it is only here. WE LUV YOU!!!
  7. Carol’s Crab Dip Recipe 1 lb of cleaned and cracked crab meat (I buy it at a fish market) 1 block of cream cheese (room temperature) 4-6 stalks of celery (chopped fine) 6-8 stalks of green onion (sliced very fine) 1 cup mayonnaise 6-8 shakes of Tabasco 1 pkg Gelatin 1 tbsp Water 1 can cream of mushroom Soup garlic powder to taste (optional) Heat can of mushroom soup just till boiling. Remove from heat and add gelatin (already mixed with 1 tbsp water). Cool slightly. In a mixer beat cream cheese and mayonnaise together. Add all other ingredients except crab. Mix in soup mix and then add crab. Put in mold or container. Should cool overnight or at least most of the day. Serve with crackers (triscuit or wheat thins are best) or with sliced baguette. (or for bandsters plain with a fork is great).
  8. cadydid

    Check out my hole

    Welcome back to California Vera. So glad to hear it was something fixable! I'm glad you are doing OK. Will see you in a couple of weeks. Carol
  9. cadydid

    Good Luck Vera!

    You know you will be in my thoughts. Good luck and positive thoughts that this is successful. Do keep us posted.
  10. cadydid

    2005 Vegas Bash

    You are more than welcome to share a room with Vera, Becky and myself. We would love to have you and that would lower the cost even more. Let us know.
  11. cadydid

    How much weight have you lost?

    Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Total 341
  12. What an amazing group of beautiful women. I am just in awe of how wonderful everyone is doing. :banana You definitely give me inspiration to lose my last 20 pounds. Off to pilates tonite!
  13. cadydid

    Going to Mexico

    That sure answers all the questions you had. Positive thoughts that your trip and "fix" all are simple and easy. Hope to see you this weekend. Carol
  14. cadydid

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    To this day (and I'm almost 50)! :nervous I still believe if I swallow a seed my stomach will get big. But even avoiding seeds all my life my stomach did get big. I still blame my dad by saying the seeds were ground in the mustard, tomato paste, whatever and that is why I am fat. To this day I do NOT eat tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, any kind of berry, only eat an apple if I cut it first and make sure no seeds are left, only eat navel oranges and seedless tangerines. I am pathetic and now I can't change my habits. My husband gets so frustrated with me because I don't even eat mushrooms (mushrooms are spores and spores are seeds). Even therapy could not break this.
  15. Gosh, see what happens when I've not been lurking and actually working. Penni, you are Lisa's angel. She is so blessed to have a friend like you. Dr. Billy sounds like a caring, concerned surgeon and I am glad that Lisa finally connected with him. Therefore Lisa, I expect you to be a good bandster, heal quickly, and do exactly as Dr. Billy suggests. You will be at goal before you know it. I can't wait to see you both again.
  16. cadydid

    Will I ever get to goal?

    Babs, I completely understand. I have only 20 or so to go and I find myself sabotaging myself. Like you with the tortilla chips, for me it will me popcorn and my newest favorite -- Cheetos. What is wrong with me. Why did buy them and bring them home. Why did I just go do an hour of pilates, come home, make an alcoholic beverage for myself and eat Cheetos. I haven't gained but no wonder I'm not losing. I'm finding myself going back to my comfort foods and I don't like myself. Breakfast and lunch is not a problem at all. Usually yogurt for BF and egg/tuna/chicken salad at lunch. I'm getting in even Protein. But why am I sabotaging myself at dinner? I know why. I don't want to make dinner and why just for me because hubby is at a meeting, or ate all the leftovers before I got home. My son works evenings so it isn't like I need to cook for him. So, I make a drink, plop at the counter and eat cheetos and read the newspaper. And I DO have quick easy frozen meals or other good stuff at home. If we go out to dinner I'm OK, but don't leave me at home alone. Maybe if you and I become accountable for each other, we can both reach our goals. I'm game if you are. Evening check each day over the phone or whatever. I need someone to keep me in check. Maybe Michelle (even though she is still losing) and Vera can join us too and we are all so close to goal. You've done wonderful and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!
  17. cadydid

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Becky, Last year Vera and I flew out of San Jose, LaMadam flew in from LA, Leatha and Ginny flew in from Texas and we all arrived within 15 minutes. Penni and her hubby drove from LA. Others either drove or flew in. It was a blast. We will have to get together with Vera and make arrangements soon to get the best rates. Becky, I shared a bed with Vera last year and it was fine (except I had to nudge her once or twice but I'm used to that w/ dear hubby. Michelle froze in her bed so a heating pad would definitely keep her happy. We mailed clothes ahead for the clothing exchange, even shoes and bathing suits. So, if the 3 of us are committed to go, we can each look and compare prices. We left early Friday morning and were there at 9AM and left about 3:30 in the afternoon on Sunday to return.
  18. cadydid

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Lisa, After last year and all the mess we made, I didn't think you or DH would even let us in your house again. And of course I'll make margaritas, but since we ran out last year -- do I have to make 3 batches. We will see how many people are coming and go from there. If Vera, Becky, Michelle and I share a room with two queens that should save us some money. Also, this year can we rent a car instead of taxis? It might be cheaper too and then we don't have to wait forever. And can hit the outlet stores too. Keep me posted. I'll go to Bandstock and Vegas Bash this year. Vera, send me the info on the Bay Area one please.
  19. cadydid

    1st Annual Bandstock Update

    La Madam: Can we be roommates again? What airport should we fly into? Do we need to rent a car? And what hotels and activities are close by if we fly in Friday and want to do some sightseeing? Wow -- A state I've never been to. And it sounds like you guys are planning well. Maybe, if enough of us arrive on Friday we can meet at a restaurant for dinner!? Keep the plans coming.
  20. Sweetness: Went to the meeting Wednesday night, there were about 12 of us. 4 having their surgeries next week! Vera, Sylvia is one of them. She finally got it covered under insurance. Hers is on Tuesday. The next meeting will be at my house on February 6 (Sunday) from 1 to 4. I will talk to Dr. McKeen next week to see if he is available. We will also be setting up a McKeen group message board soon with more information. I think Sue seemed relieved to be able to concentrate on her husband (he has inoperable prostate cancer) and that things will work out. Let me know if you have any questions.
  21. Sweetness, Yes, I understand Sue's husband is ill so she is getting Good Sam and that Michelle was working two jobs (bariatrics and Stanford and Good Sam) and is dropping her parttime job at Good Sam. I will be going to the support group meeting tonite so will keep you informed. Dr. McKeen and I talked yesterday and I think we are going to arrange the next meeting to be informal (probably at my house as his office is too small) and have a round table discussion of what we would like to see for his support group. He even talked about maybe attending every other are just staying until his questions were answered and then allow us time to discuss. So, I'm thinking one Saturday or Sunday late this month or early next to have this at my house. Probably from 1 to 4 or something like that. FYI -- I was wrong that he used to work in Colorado, it was Utah. I guess he will actually be going back there a couple of days a month to do lap bands there too. The fee there will be $12500 and will not require all the pretesting. I talked to one of his patients that lives in the Bay Area and she is doing this. It will be done as an outpatient and then a day or two in a local hotel with followup here. So, this might be a great alternative for people looking for reasonable price and great local followup.
  22. OK - here's the easy but delicious margarita recipe (I still have some in the freezer if anyone wants some). 3 large bottles of Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix 1 large bottle of Jose Cuervo dark tequila 1 and 1/2 cups of triple sec lemon or lime juice (optional -- only if you like tart margaritas) Stir together and either leave in large container with a lid (I use a 12 quart container) or use smaller containers. Quart size freezer bags work very well and then the fit in a cooler to take with you. (also stack better in the freezer, just DO NOT overfill, allow room for expansion). When serving, leave out a few minutes, stir well, and ENJOY!! Also, if anyone needs the crab dip recipe, let me know.
  23. You are in great hands at the hospital with Dr. McKeen. He came from Colorado and I was the second patient he did at Good Sam. The nurses and everyone were fantastic. I went home early the next morning after the barium swallow to make sure all was OK. My one year anniversary was 12/29. Not a regret at all. There is a support meeting this Wednesday night. Are you going? I will be there and would be glad to talk to you. First few days post op was broth (Better than Bouillon) comes in a jar that you can get at Trader Joes (beef and Chicken), sugar free popsicles and propel Water. Just take at you go. Also, GNC carries a clear liquid Protein. It is called Isopure and comes in glass bottles. It really helped when I was feeling a little better and gave me a more energy. I still use it after fills or if I know I haven't eaten enough protein that day or had a PB. His cell number is on his card and I've even had to call him on a weekend. He is so patient oriented and friendly for a surgeon. If you need to talk to me. Just email me and I will give you my phone number. You will do great -- keep up the good spirits and positive thoughts.
  24. cadydid

    Paid off my Band

    Congratulations! One more debt paid off. You are definitely looking good women and maybe a tiny fill will do the trick. Your willpower is amazing. Let me know next time you are in town.
  25. Lisa, My mom was to come and visit me over the holidays and one of the things she wanted to do was go to Vegas (it has been over 40 years since she has been there). Anyway to make a long story short, she fell at church on Sunday and broke her wrist to the point that she's having surgery today on it (she lives in Florida). So,here is the deal. I will be at the Flamingo for the night of the 22 and 23rd. I have two tickets to see Mama Mia on the 23rd. Are you available? It's on me, I just hate to see the tickets go to waste as already her flight part is lost. They are 3rd row center tickets!! Also, we could have a slumber party in my room if you wanted to get away from hubby for an evening or two. Let me know if you are available or if any other bandster wants an escape, all the need is a car or plane ticket -- the rest is on me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
