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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cadydid

  1. You look awesome. It must be so fun to see pictures and realize the change! I won't be in Vegas this year either. I guess I'll join the pity party if I can. Hubby's birthday is that Thursday and we have a Harley ride to attend that Saturday. All of you have a wonderful time. Delarla is a wonderful, gracious and beautiful hostess.
  2. cadydid

    NSV and long time goal

    She did awesome, I am so proud of her. Plus, she is looking so good with this new band and fill. Also, OMG Hunter and Roxanne are so beautiful. And the man in her life isn't so bad either! Their house overlooks the lake and is spectacular. We had such a fun time.
  3. cadydid

    PS Recovery is slow

    Big HUGS, I am just starting the process and my consultation is next month, with surgery possibly around the holidays. I look forward to hearing more as you start feeling better. It is nice to know that at 9 days out you stopped pain meds. I know you work from home, and will be interested in when you restart. We have a 2 week shutdown for the holidays and even though I know I won't feel 100%, I would like to comeback to work after that. It's 90% a desk job. Your son will be fine, glad hubby is being so helpful, get all the rest you need and this will be so worth the discomfort. Hopefully soon, I'll get out to see you again and your new house. HUGS and Positive thoughts. Carol
  4. cadydid

    Who will be my angel?

    Wow, I can believe it is finally happening for you. Don't forget anything as we all will be asking tons of questions. POSITIVE thoughts all day for you on Wednesday and that your recovery is quick and as painless as possible.
  5. cadydid

    I was an Angel today....

    Having only met you once, you are the most considerate, loving, giving and compassionate person I know. With all you have gone through personally, you still have so much to offer other people! God Bless You.
  6. cadydid

    At What cost??

    I've had my band for almost 18 months. I have no fear calling my doc on a Sunday after a fill on Friday and saying I'm too tight and not keeping even fluids down. Thankfully, he gives us his cell phone and answers himself. I have not been filled or seen the Doc in over 4 months but this weekend had an event. I ate a piece of steak and it became lodged! and I mean lodged. It would not come up no matter how hard I tried and wouldn't go down either. I jumped up and down, I tried sipping things to loosen it (even olive oil). I was so mad at myself, I know how much I should chew and how long. I haven't even PB'd in months. So finally after 5 hours I called him. Well, I'm in California and unfortunately he is in Florida currently attending meetings and won't be back in the office till July 5th. We discussed options -- he said NOT to wait and get something done now and once I'm OK tonight, call him back on his cell and let me know I'm OK. I felt bad because of the 3 hour difference and he said "I don't give a damn how late you call -- I want to know you are OK". The options he gave me were to contact primary MD and see if the could get a gastroenterologist to put a probe down and push the piece of steak through the opening. Option B -- The doctor in San Francisco (about 70 miles away) is covering for him and if I felt it would be OK to drive up there with hubby, see if he will see me on that evening -- Sunday (the day it happened). My primary care doc was wonderful but also recommended trying the band doctor first as Stanford is not that familiar with the band, but to call her back and let her know. She was even willing to meet me at the emergency room at Stanford and explain everything to the gastroenterologist. I then called Dr. Cirangle who was on call in San Francisco. I felt so quilty bothering him on a Sunday evening. Explained the situation to him and he said to try to find the hospital he works at and he would meet me in the waiting room. To call him directly on his cell as I got close to the hospital. While driving up there and hubby navigating because I hate to drive in San Francisco as it is, and especially at night. We got there about 9:30, he met us at 9:45 and told me that Dr. McKeen and he had a long talk already and the best would be for me to remove all my fill, not just enough so that the meat would pass. I wasn't happy hearing this but I trust my doctor and Dr. Cirangle seemed to definitely agree that my stoma needed a rest. He took me up to his office, did the deed and here I am with no fill. Not even hungry yet as I am still very sore. Dr. Cirangle said that he appreciated my taking initiative as many patients would wait it out and that can cause so many more problems. I told him that my philosophy is that I expect this band to take care of my weight issues for life so therefore I had to take care of the band. I know this is going to be a rough week for me with no fill but many others have done it before, so can I. My plan is to increase my exercise daily and still eat like a bandster. So, moral of the story. If anything isn't right or feel right, check with your doctor. So many people have problems that they need not have if you just listen to your band and your body. Sorry this is so long.
  7. cadydid

    Name your Band!

    I can totally relate, it is soothing. I call mine my other love button.
  8. cadydid

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Boy woman, when things happen to you, they really HAPPEN. But I agree with most of the posters, next to my band, having a hysterectomy was well worth it. I had mine at age 32, bleeding 22 days out of 30, heavy and miserable. HUGS to you and positive thoughts. I can't wait to visit and try out the new boat. I'll even put in money since gas is so expensive here. Hope to see you Saturday at the support group.
  9. cadydid

    How to deal with misinformation?

    What I usually do when someone like that is on a board, I look to see if there is a private message option and just write a nice note that I don't want an argument on the board. I also tell a little bit about how the band has been positive for me. List this site and the inamed site. I also tell them to Private message me back if they have any questions. If there is not a private message option, I post that I have a band and if they want more information to let me know. If they respond we exchange emails. Even on our local yahoo support board, I don't want fights about which doctor is better etc., so I keep my posts short and simple and if they want more info, let me know. Hope that helps.
  10. cadydid

    Two Year Bandiversary!!!!!

    Congratulations!!! I too remember the video. And after seeing you again with your boys, I can definitely see why you enjoy the amusement parks with them. They are just wonderful. Congratulation also for selling your house (even though I absolutely loved it). I have my PS consultation in September and plan the surgery for December. I'm exercising like mad now and trying to be a good bandster to lose my last 20 pounds. I've fluctuated up and down 5 since last August. I can wait to see the results and will definitely be sending you positive thoughts.
  11. cadydid

    We Won!!!

    Vera, I can't wait till we get together so we can really Celebrate. I know this is such a relief to you to FINALLY have this over with. CONGRATS Carol
  12. cadydid

    Body Shapers

    You might want to go to the site lipoinabox.com. I've been wearing theirs for over a year and love all the styles. Works great and I don't have rolls when I sit. Pricey but wash easy (I don't put them in the dryer though) and last forever. Good luck!
  13. cadydid

    Missing for awhile

    Vera: I had hoped by now that everything would be settled. I'm sorry this is dragging out. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will go your way. I still plan on seeing you next week. If that is not good, just let me know!
  14. cadydid

    NSV Size 10 Capris

    Michelle! Congratulations. What a personal victory . . . your smile is showing all the way up the coast . . . I can see it! I'm so proud of you and how well you have done . . . keep up the good work! Carol
  15. cadydid

    the band and dentists

    You could be like me and need a root canal, was sent to an endodontist and I feel I just have to be honest medically with any kind of doctor. My endodontist now has a lapband and is doing great. So, I guess it does pay to talk about your band. Good luck at your appointment.
  16. cadydid

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    I know I talked to you when you called, just want you to know hugs and prayers are there for you. Call me when you get beck into town and as soon as you can eat solids again, I'll take you to lunch. HUGS, Carol
  17. cadydid

    Women Torture

    Go to www.lipoinabox.com. They are wonderful and breathable. Helps hide all rolls and bulges. I love them. Carol
  18. cadydid

    Insurance approved TT!!!

    That is great!! I'm looking to get a tummy tuck before the holidays but my insurance is probably not going to approve it. I will call you when I arrive in Dallas. Looking forward to getting together with you!
  19. cadydid

    I'll be in Dallas next week!

    Visiting a friend who is interested in the Lap Band. Already emailed Barbara (babsintx) and Leatha (leatha_g) and got their phone numbers. :banana I'd love to meet some of you wonderful people. How does Tuesday evening sound? My friend lives five minutes from DFW -- let me know if there is a great band friendly restaurant around. I will check in with all of you when I arrive on Monday. Look forward to seeing you again (Barbara and Leatha!). Carol
  20. cadydid

    I'll be in Dallas next week!

    How about Monday lunch or evening? I arrive at midnight Sunday, so we should be up by lunchtime. I really want to see you again. Let me know -- Can I twist your arm with Margaritas????? I'll even make the crab dip. Carol
  21. cadydid

    Vera's Idea

    That is an awesome idea. I will get a blossoming bush of some kind to plant in the side yard. Dear Carolyn will be thought of throughout the US if we keep this up. She deserves all our thoughts and well wishes for the family. Carol
  22. I tried the soup recipe and it is wonderful. Will try the ham, potato and cheese recipe this weekend with leftover ham from Easter. Thanks again for all the recipes. Carol
  23. cadydid

    I think he likes me....

    After meeting you and seeing your wonderful sense of humor and enjoyment of life, how could anyone not like you!! And obviously, he sees these qualities in you also. Go with your gut. You will know when it is the right time to discuss your band, eating habits, etc. Your heart will tell you. Keep us updated.
  24. I am so in love with it. It has finally made me feel normal (body, spirit and mind). My husband teases me, which one should he rub!! Another way to look at is: There are heart surgeries that install plastic like ours all the time. These surgeries are even done on babies and young children with no problems. If a person needed it to live they wouldn't think twice. Also, the same materials are needed for hip replacements. Look how often those are done. Or how about you have a car accident and bones are smashed, you have to have rods or pins installed permanently. Just look at the band as what you NEED to live a healthy life and appreciate that your body will love you for taking care of yourself. :squareeye
  25. cadydid

    Maybe this will help some....

    My doctor is on this list (Dr. McKeen). He said that their are so few US docs willing to do fills done on patients that had their surgery outside the US. He is so great and so supportive. He is actually coming to my house at our next support meeting. I hope people see this link and take advantage of it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
