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    Banned member got a reaction from ctaylor86 in Not Taking My Vitamins   
    I take "Flinstone Complete" chewable vitamins. I take B12 once a week. All my labs have been normal and my NUT told me the flinstone complete is all that I would need.
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    Banned member reacted to 4ALongerLife in Weight Gain Since Starting Purée Meals...what Am I Doing Wrong?   
    Three weeks is a milestone where almost every single WLS candidate goes through a stall. I think other ones occur, but not sure that they are as predictable as the three week stall is.
    Sweetie, you have lost 18 lbs. in nineteen days. Please tell me, how much should you have lost? What is an amount in those nineteen days since your surgery that you would be "happy" with?
    More food for thought: You can't rush perfection. If you do, you'll have severe skin left over anyways from it, so avoid that if you can! Anyways, it took you years to put it on, how long do you think it's gonna take to get it off?
    Slap me if you must, but... think about what I said pls.
    Oh and btw, you will have an influx of emotions in this journey whenever you lose quickly. Your body is making hormones for you at your largest and doesn't quite 'catch up' with the amount you lose so quickly. It takes time to recalculate. So best thing I can tell you is this ... be patient as you can... work the program (i.e. dr's orders - Protein, Water, exercise, regular BM schedule, sleep as well as logging your food) .... and best of luck to you, always. xx
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    Banned member got a reaction from SkinnyMinnie2Be in What's Your New Addiction?   
    I was sleeved the same day as you minnie and my new addiction is working out. I've been taking it easy and walking 3 days a week for at least 2 miles but I can't wait to start lifting. I'm not a shopping kind of girl but I may become one once the weight is gone.
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    Banned member reacted to deltatrans44 in Surgery Tomorrow, What Should I Expect My First Month?   
    Awwh..well Im only 5 days post op (oct 17th) so I cant give you much but I can say that the pain immediately after waking from surgery was an 8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10. BUT they had me hit my pain pump button (morphine) and it IMMEDIATELY went down to a 4 or 6 but bearable. Only thing with me is morphine makes me nauseaus so then they hurried up and gave me something for that that also worked immediately. So when I wasnt sleeping-that cycle continued for about 12 hours with the pain getting progressively better. The 2nd day-i didnt need the pump at all. Just occassional liquid tylenol. Was given Clear Liquids only AFTER I passed the "no leak " xray. I got very full very quick! Struggled to get the 4oz of liquids down each hour but I managed. Had to pee a lot so that was a headache to have to call nurses every 45 min to go lol. but really started feeling better the evening of 2nd day and was bored and ready for my own bed. Was released on oct 19th!
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    Banned member reacted to Butterthebean in What's Your New Addiction?   
    Posing in front of the mirror.
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    Banned member reacted to evelynvsg in Almost 2 Months Out   
    ... and I am enjoying life! I feel great.
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    Banned member reacted to ebthompson2010 in Period After Surgery   
    I've experienced this.... But I just found out I'm pregnant. Lol
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    Banned member got a reaction from Bryan Whitson in Do You Still Look Forward To Food Or Enjoy It?   
    I'm still newly sleeved but I've been on soft foods for several days now but I have found myself less obsessed with food. My mind is freed up from thinking about food constantly or that next meal. I can go hours without eating and not feel like my blood sugar is plummeting like it used to before I was sleeved. Once I eat and become full I no longer have the urge to take another bite. I've also become used to the idea of not finishing everything on my plate, my dog has been eating a ton of my left overs lol.
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    Banned member got a reaction from diedie in Do You Still Look Forward To Food Or Enjoy It?   
    Yup, I do food is delicious but once I'm satisfied/full I have zero desire to eat more. If I eat too much my sleeve tends to cramp and I find myself moaning and it's uncomfortable. I've learned to stop eating before I become full but I still really enjoy food and I haven't had any issues with anything, except for grapes.
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    Banned member reacted to GeauxForIt in What Can Cause A Leak?   
    Every doctor (and, frankly, patient) has an opinion on what causes and doesn't cause leaks. The truth is, short of anything EXTREME, no one knows for sure.
    Some surgeons are extra, super conservative (weeks and weeks of pre-op and post-op liquids), while others are less so (no puréed stage and regular foods early). Leaks are thankfully a relatively rare complication and there is no proof that either approach is "right" (even though each side will argue their case vehemently!).
    The best you can hope for is to choose a surgeon with a good track record and trust his or her advice.
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    Banned member reacted to rybecca20 in September Was Your Progress?   
    Men piss me off!!! Lol congrats!
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    Banned member reacted to swizzly in Protein Shakes - Are They A Forever Thing?   
    My program doesn't use Protein shakes, and no pre-op diet -- just a promise to keep food reasonable before surgery, no pigging out, no fasting. Post-op, no liquids or puree phases, we move to real food very quickly. So I have been getting my Protein from yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, meats, etc., all along.
    ETA: Can you eat Protein Bars instead? I do love Quest bars, which I special order from the states!
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    Banned member got a reaction from Bryan Whitson in Do You Still Look Forward To Food Or Enjoy It?   
    I'm still newly sleeved but I've been on soft foods for several days now but I have found myself less obsessed with food. My mind is freed up from thinking about food constantly or that next meal. I can go hours without eating and not feel like my blood sugar is plummeting like it used to before I was sleeved. Once I eat and become full I no longer have the urge to take another bite. I've also become used to the idea of not finishing everything on my plate, my dog has been eating a ton of my left overs lol.
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    Banned member got a reaction from shayv123 in My Husband Thinks I'm Copping Out   
    I don't know about anyone else but I know when I was laying in the hospital bed in pain barfing my brains out (not literally), I was envisioning someone coming up to me and saying " You (I) took the easy way out". I envisioned myself literally punching them in the face lol. IMO the easy way out would of been to remain obese or continue crash dieting, heck I could eat whatever I wanted. Of course weight gain sucks but remaining obese would of been a lot easier than having to change my diet through surgery and gosh don't make me vent about my recovery lol. Surgery was definitely my last attempt at losing weight and the thought of possibly dying and never seeing my kids ever again was by no means the easy way out. Unfortunately some people do die from wls and I'm pretty confident in saying that most people that end up having wls, they have years of crash dieting under their belt or yrs of trying to change there way of eating. *I have no idea what sent me on a tangent lol. I should be in bed*
    OP I wouldn't worry about convincing your husband or anyone for that matter of why you are having the surgery. This is your life and you have to do what you feel is right for yourself. He may change his view after you have surgery and start losing the weight or he may not. My husband seems very ENTHUSIASTIC about me losing the weight and I'm like huh? He seems over joyed with having me lose the weight but I guess he kept those feelings secret from me because I though he'd be scared of losing me if I became skinny lol. Men are weird
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    Banned member reacted to isajck in Old Ways Omg   
    Had a few of those moments as well over the past couple of months. I made a decision not to deprive myself as it would only increase the craving. Hit the corner store, purchased a small bag and had 4 or 5 cheetos which satisfied the need. I threw the remaining ones away and moved on.
    While there will be some that will say this was a bad idea, I still see it as a victory. Once upon a time I would have eaten a grab bag size or larger without a second thought so to have 4/5 and be good was an accomplishment for me.
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    Banned member reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in Am I Loosing Fast Enough? (Got The Sleeve At 154#)   
    I was one of the posters who was kind of shocked that a physician actually performed this surgery on someone who was 154#.
    BUT, after reading VSSupermodel's subsequent posts it is obvious she is poised, self aware and very intelligent. Maybe VSSupermodel intuitively knew that if she did not take precautionary measures she may very well end up like most of us here...obese or morbidly obese. If that is the case, well I can tell you that had someone said to me 30 years ago that they could prevent me from the pain and self loathing I've carried with me my entire life, I would have had it done it a split second, without hesitation.
    I do have concerns that this surgery is primed for abuse--- think about it....real supermodels who already starve themselves to the size of anorexic teenage boys will want to have this surgery in order to starve themselves more comfortably. And I have no doubt there will be physicians lined up to cash in on it.
    So, VSSupermodel, please accept my apologies for my initial "shocked" post. It's very obvious you've thought this out and I wish you all success! And by the way, you certainly handled all the negativity with a great deal of poise .... very impressive!!
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    Banned member reacted to Butterthebean in Delete   
    You can start calling people fatso and make ugly references about obese people and your account will disappear real quick. It's already happened once today.
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    Banned member got a reaction from mike010906 in Scared After Pre Op Appointment   
    I was terrified after my appt where I had to sign a bunch of papers. I just kept thinking put one foot in front of the other. I felt like I was going through the motions. I just tried not to think too much about it and all the post op people did a great job at calming my nerves. I'm now post op and am so happy that I got the sleeve. I have 3 kids and was so scared to be the 1 person to die but I just did my best to stay positive and not think about the what ifs. Try to stay positive
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    Banned member reacted to PdxMan in Avwerage Weight Loss - What Are The Numbers?   
    Do a site search on stall. There lots. Here is one that I commented on, which I like.
    Bottom line ... what is a stall?
    What does it mean? Is a stall when you don't lose weight? Don't lose weight for ... a day, a week?
    Are you doing this to lose weight or lose fat?
    Would you rather lose lose weight everyday and have your clothes fit the same?
    If you lose weight one day, but don't lose any the whole week, but are able to walk further with easier effort and able to drink more Water than you were last week, are you stalled?
    Weigh yourself once a month and you will never see a stall
    Trust me. Ditch the scale. It lies. It measures weight, not fat. What are you looking to lose ... weight ... fat ... your mind?
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    Banned member reacted to Grek79Ital in Bougie Size   
    I found this on another board, its quite informative on bougie sizes, Got my operative report today, they used a 36 French.

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