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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About southernbanded

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/29/1976

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    Admin Program Specialist
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  1. I am happy to hear you are seeing much success since your revision. I received notice that my biopsies came back showing Barretts Esophagus. Insurance is still denying saying that it was caused by acid reflux which was a complication caused by having VSG. As if I wanted to have Barretts Esophagus when I had VSG... ridiculous.
  2. In 2012 I had lab-band surgery. My body hated the band from the start; nothing but problems. I lost about 82 pounds with the band but mainly only due to being unable to eat and vomiting. I developed acid reflux so bad that I slept sitting up for three years. I visited my doctor in 2017 and told him I could not deal with it anymore. He suggested converting to VSG. At the time, the surgery was not known for its acid reflux issues. I was converted in Dec 2017. Acid reflux left, and for one year, I felt normal. However, immediately after the conversion surgery, I never felt restriction. I felt I could eat normally. One year after the conversion, reflux returned. Now with a hernia, gastritis, and GERD. My bariatric doctor had passed away, so I went to a gastro doctor to have an EGD done. He sent me to a surgeon who suggested converting to RNY. I did not want to have a third surgery, so I put it off for another year as I thought the medications they prescribed would help. They didn't work. We just kept increasing the dosage. Fast-forward to this year, and I visited a new bariatric doctor who just completed another EGD on me this past Monday. All the same, issues are still there but now Barretts Esospogus. Insurance is denying the repairs as they were caused by bariatric surgery, which is ridiculous. I am a vocalist and truly worried about esophagus cancer as my lining has already been severely damaged. I will probably have to self-pay for the three-part surgery, and I am not happy about that. I am curious has anyone else had to have all three surgeries? If so, I would like to hear your stories and success. As I mentioned, I lost with the band. However, I gained most of the weight back after the band was removed and had to wait for the VSG conversion. I never really lost weight at all the sleeve. If you had all three surgeries, did you improve with acid reflux, gastritis, GERD, and were you losing any weight? Did any of you have Barretts Esophagus? I will know my fate next Friday, Feb. 11th
  3. southernbanded

    I have mild GERD, should I get VSG or RNY?

    I had labband in 2012, due to severe reflux was converted to VSG in 2017. I now have Barretts Esophagus, GERD, and a Hernia. We are now working to convert to RNY, If I would have known that VSG has complications of severe acid reflux that only made my condition worse than the initial surgery, I would have not had VSG surgery at all.
  4. southernbanded

    Revision; VSG to RNY

    Like you, I suffered from the same issues. I have Barretts Esophagus, GERD, and a Hernia. I have lab band in 2012, was sleeved in 2017, and will be converted to RNY next month. Even though medically necessary, insurance is denied due to being complications from bariatric surgery, which is absurd; they will complete a peer-to-peer next week. If not approved, I will have to self-pay.
  5. This is very interesting and is a current issue that I have been battling for two years to have covered by my insurance company. I had lab-band done in 2013. Starting weight was 317 and got down to 222 pounds. However, I suffered from extreme acid reflux, causing me to sleep sitting up for three years. I was vomiting acid and sick every meal. When I spoke to my doctor about this, he immediately suggested conversion to VSG. While awaiting the approval for the VSG conversion, they made me do it in two parts. One surgery to remove the band, wait six months for the stomach to reshape itself, and then complete the VSG surgery. I gained 50 pounds back of my lost weight. I had the conversion done in December 2016. Everything went well. Acid was gone. However, I never felt restricted at all. I never really lost weight. Fast forward one year to 2017, and the acid returned. In 2019, after having severe complications from acid reflux and developing a nightly cough, I called my doctor only to find out that he had passed away. I decided to see an upper GI doctor who did an EGD and found me with Hernia, GERD, and Esophagus damage. He sent me to a surgeon specializing in throat cancer and bariatric issues. Submitted to have surgery was denied. We have been battling this for almost two years. I went this past week to another bariatric doctor familiar with my deceased doctor's work and also completed an EGD himself on me this past Monday. Same thing, Hernia, GERD, and now they believe I have Barretts Esophagus. They submitted to the insurance to repair and again denied. Insurance says these complications came from bariatric surgery and did not cover even if medically necessary; My new doctor is also a lawyer (go figure); he is completing a peer-to-peer next week to try to have them complete the repair one final time. If approved, I will only need to pay for the bypass conversion. So fingers crossed. I feel as if my insurance company would rather me die of esophagus cancer than keep me from dying from cancer. It is truly sad.
  6. HI there, My doctor just removed my band three weeks ago and will do the second surgery for the sleeve in October. I just completed a 6 month prep program for the sleeve that was required for my sleeve surgery by my insurance company. I had my Fluid removed in March and the band removed on July 29th. Per my doctor the reason for the two surgeries is due to letting the stomach go back to a normal size, this way when they do make the cut for the sleeve, they get a better shaped pouch, which in the long run makes a difference in the success of your weight loss. if they did the surgery all in one, the stomach would be misshaped. When you think about it, it does make sense. They have seen better results with the sleeve revisions when the surgeries are done in two steps. If it causes me to have better success, then I am for it. Since March when the fluid was removed I have gained almost 45 pounds back. It is very disheartening, as I have tried everything and have been watching my Protein and calorie intake and still gaining, I feel like there is nothing I can do to stop it. I know this weight gain is only temporary and look forward to starting my life with the sleeve. Having patience is hard, but will be worth it.
  7. Happy 37th Birthday southernbanded!

  8. southernbanded

    Am I Too Tight?

    I had my surgery on June 21st 2012 and Just had my thrid fill on January 2nd. Now being 7 days out from that fill. I am having different issues and do not know if this is restriction or if I am a little too tight. When I had my fill last week, I was able to eat small bits and drink, but now that it has been 7 days I am expericencing changes. In the mornings, I have always been tight, but now since my Jan 2nd fill I cannot drink hardly anything. I can only drink tiny sips and takes about an hour for 4 ozs of liquid to go down. it feels like it is in my throat forever. I also gurgle and PB a lot more So I cannot eat anything for breakfast. When I eat lunch I can only eat about 1/2 cup of salad and it takes me an hour to eat that. for dinner I am starting to get tight again and can only consume like lunch about 1/2 a cup of food taking another hour to consume. I am not hungry between meals, but starting last night I have been PB'ing a lot more and a lot of acid has been coming up. It kept coming up it all night. I have not been weak and I am able to eat some. AM I too tight or am I finally feeling restriction???
  9. southernbanded

    Great Find!

    I have found a great find on Bread! This bread is ZERO CARBS! Yes ZERO CARBS. Also has 9g of Protien per slice. Check out their web site. I happened to find them on facebook and wanted to share with you. http://www.julianbakery.com/bread-product/carbzero-regular
  10. southernbanded

    Over Eating With Band?

    I am confused have you had any fills yet? 10-15 pounds is not much for almost 2 years post op. You need to make sure you get your fills until you start to feel restriction and watch what you eat. Carbs like bread, potato, rice, flour and so on are high in cabs. bump up your protien intake and lower your calories and carbs. maybe this will help, best of luck to you.
  11. southernbanded

    Newbie Just Banded

    Congrats! I was just banded on 6/21 and looking forward to my first fill! Welcome to the losers bench : )
  12. Hi Bunkie68, Welcome to Baton Rouge! I just recently had the Lapband on June 21, 2012 and Dr. Hargroder is who did mine. Most people in the B.R. area either use him or Dr. Ballender. they are in the same office building. He is great, Here is his contact information page if you would like to contact him. http://www.andrewhargrodermd.com/about/ Best of Luck.!
  13. southernbanded

    Sharp Pains!

    I am currently three and a half weeks post op and for the past few days I have been having stomach pains near and around the belly button area on the left side. very noticable when I bend down or tie my shoes. My port is up under the breast area, so I do not know what this pain is from. Has anyone else had this sort of pain and know what it could be caused from? Feels like a knife stabbing me in my gut.
  14. I was recently banded on June 21st and am now almost three weeks post op. My first post op appt was on Monday the 9th and I have lost 19 pounds since surgery. right now I feel like I am totally doing it on my own, My Dr. will not allow a first fill until 6 weeks after surgery, and I am counting down the days. After surgery I was eating about 3 oz and was satisfied now I feel like I could eat just like I did before surgery, which I do not like. I stay on the diet plan starting with protien shakes in the AM and then chicken, seafood and other high protien items during the day for meals. My weight has not moved much in a week. I discussed this with my doctor and he said this is normal since I have nothing in my band. I will get my first fill on the 30th of this month and I am looking forward to it. I am still a little sore around my largest incesion and hoping that will subside very soon. Other than that I feel great. I do have a request. I am looking for meal ideas/ recipes. If you all have any recipes that you would like to share with me. I would love to hear them. I am from Louisiana and we down here love good food. just looking for some new ideas that I can use. So please drop your recipes to me, And I will try some of them. I will do the same and post some as well. Thanks
  15. southernbanded

    Learned My Lesson!

    Hi Shellvw, I reacently had my surgery on June 21st and I am expericencing the samething right now. Right after surgery was great could only eat or drink very little and was satified, but now I am eating more than 3 to 4 oz. I had my first post op appt. on Monday and discussed this with my doctor and told them I wanted a fill, but of course you have to wait 6 weeks after surgery with my doctor before you can get your first fill. So right now it is all me. I have lost 19 pounds in three weeks, but most of that was right after surgery. I eat mainly fish and seafood or chicken. I feel your frustration, but we have to be patient. Our weight did not come on over night and in long term I think I will be happy with my decision when I start to get those fills and learn my band. Good Luck to you.

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