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About ghettofarm24
Expert Member
- Birthday 05/30/1982
About Me
I live in LA-lower Alabama! I am a really fun person who loves life and ready to shed the weight! I was Banded 7/5/06 by Dr Weinstein he is good I recovered in only a few days!!
fishing, swimming, jet ski,water sports and hunting
Housewife/mom to a beautiful 16 month old and co-owner of a business
ghettofarm24 started following Shoulder pain and Hunger??, To Spank or not to Spank, Scared after painful fill, really no-fill and and 7 others
Btw, ghetto, late's the one who quoted the passage from Proverbs 13:24 "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." I was only going by what late says is proof that hitting equates to love and sparing the rod equates to hate. Yes and I totally agree with Proverbs 13:24 Thats what it says exactly-"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him" it never says "spare the rod spoil the child." thats somthing people started to quote I guess. Basically if you love your children you will discipline them, and you need wisdom when doing so...-like I said I don't spank my child every time he does somthing wrong but if its necessary I will spank him and afterwards I will talk with him to make sure he understands why he got a spanking and to let him know I love him with all of my heart and through that he honestly has a change of heart and he comes up to me and loves and kisses on me all the time. I don't just spank and yell and tell him to go to his room.
I never said if I spank my child he will turn out to be perfect-thats impossible. I use spanking as a tool and there are other tools I use also- I don't spank him every time he does something wrong somtimes other forms of discipline work-it depends on the situation. I don't use it as an Insurance either I just follow God's word and if I do it His way-guess what it will not fail-God's way never fails. My mom spanked me as a child and this may shock you but we are best friends!!!! And I thank her for doing what she did because I needed it. I'm not saying you hate your kid if you don't spank her-thats your decision.
Jesus never says do as I say and not as I do. The Bible is Gods outline for us to live by. I am sure that Jesus always does it God's way. One major example is the cross--Jesus did not want to go through with the crucifixtion but that was the only way for our salvation. So yes If Jesus had a child I really think he would have spanked him. God's way is always the best way!
I would like to say look at the kids in this and my generation-i'm only 25 many of the parents believe spanking is abuse. It can turn into abuse but if done in the correct way it can help teach your children right from wrong. If you are angry don't spank them right then go cool off and collect yourself. Discipline is not something you do to your child its what you do for your child. Kids in my generation and in this generation they have no discipline in their life there are no limits and they dont understand they have to suffer the consequences for their actions(ex:Paris Hilton). I work with teenagers and believe me they want boundaries and rules but most parents today would rather be there friend. I was spanked as a child and I am not mentally scarred or any of that mess. My dad would spank us with a belt or switch and then afterwards he would come and tell us why he sapnked us-(we already knew anyways) and just let us know the reason he did that was because he loves us. People say ohh if he loved you he would not do that--WRONG. He loved me enough to see that I was making the wrong decisions or just outright rebelling-if he hated me he would not waste his time teaching me the right way. I spank my son-do I hit him-no- but I love him enough to teach him the right way to act because when we are in public he is not screaming or hitting me or pitching a fit he is well behaved because he knows if he acts that way there are consequences. I really hate disciplining my child but thats why God entrusted me to be his parent and not a friend.
Scared after painful fill, really no-fill
ghettofarm24 replied to skyeblu79's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
My Doc marks me with a dot so he knows were to go in. He puts me under the x-ray and finds my port then he puts a paper clip on my stomach that way the clip shows up on the x-ray--then he will move it until it lines up with the middle of my port and then he marks it with a little dot, that way he is not just poking to find my port he hits it but he has a hard time getting it in the diaphragm part. You should tell your doc to adjust you under x-ray and to definatly numb you up a little bit it really helps it only stings for a second. If you are like really terrified and anxious tell your doc you need a muscle relaxer or somthing because the more anxious you are the worse it is. -
Scared after painful fill, really no-fill
ghettofarm24 replied to skyeblu79's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I know exactly what you are talking about. When I get a fill I dread it because my port is tilted and its a pain in the butt to get. In fact I got a fill yesterday and every time I have a fill they do it under flouro-are they doing you under flouro? Well my doc tried like umteen times but the needle kept sliding off the port and like poking my gizzards or somthing and yeah it hurts-I jump a little bit. After 30 min of him trying he called a radiologist in and he couln't get it-then like 15 min later another doc in practice with mine-praise GOD- just walked by and after 10 min he finally got it. I have to lay on my side just a little bit they line the port circles up then he has to go in a like a 20 degree angle so I just tell myself no pain no gain. My doc also says as I lose more weight he will be able to get to it in the office. If your doc puts you under x-ray you can see it plain as day-next time you go request x-ray and ask him if the port circles are ligned up because if they are not they may have to ley you lay on your side a little bit. Hope everything gets better!!!! -
Keep pressin on. Don't starve yourself eat a little something when your stomach growls or if your like me I'll eat a bunch of crap I shouldnt. I have had several fills I think 5 and these past two weeks I have lost my restriction also and I have 2.3cc's so I see my doc tomorow and I am gonna tell him to fill er up! It takes time because you don't want to get an overfill and an underfill sucks so they do it a little at a time to make sure you don't get sick. I never even felt restricted until my last fill so if you felt restricted with no fill thats great. Just be patient and keep pressing on, you can do it!!
My port is tilted also. My doc has a heck of a time getting to mine--I have to lay on my side and he goes in at a crazy angle. Also every time I have had a fill I have to do it under fluoro and even then its very hard for him to get. He says when I loose more weight it will flatten out? But I really wonder if thats true. I am self pay and I had to pay 18,000 and I am covered for fills and any complications for 1 yr and that one year ends 7-5-07 do you think I should have him fix mine. I know just for the fluoro its $528.00 and I CANNOT afford that.
Hey Everybody I just wanted to give an awsome praise report this past weekend we did a huge outreach called the Convoy of Hope and it was so awsome!! We had over 5100 souls come and whats so awsome all we did was love and serve them. We offered free medical screenings, haircuts, family portraits, massages,food and drinks, a huge playland area for the kids, and when they left they got free groceries, and lots more it was so amazing. The guy that is over it told us that every person that came to treat them as the guest of honor,which they were. And to not treat them like Jesus but treat them like the guy standing next to Jesus! 95% of the people that came through were truly needy physically and spitually. He also talked about in the Bible when Jesus was talking about throwing a feast-not to invite the rich, important, or people that could pay you back but to invite the poor, the sick, the ones that cannot repay you because He says when we do this God will repay us- I would much rather have Gods blessings that anything in this world. Even if God never blessed me-thats cool because I just love helping others and serving them!! Also 301 children recieved Jesus as their Lord and Savior and we are still waiting for the final count on adult salvations. God is so awsome, I am humbled that I was able to be apart of this awsome outreach!!!!!! For more info on the Convoy of Hope visit the web site convoyofhope.org Maybe they will be coming to your town next-trust me its worth your time to check it out and like I said it may come near u and you can volunteer! Also something that was so funny to me they had this rapper on stage and he was really good and the last thing he said before he left was " The devil is a pimp so don't be one of his Ho's" that cracks me up everytime I think about it!!!God is sooooooooo Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo HOO!! Supreme Court upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban!!!!
ghettofarm24 replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
I would like to put my two cents in on the abortion issue. It is such a sensitive issue to me because I was adopted. Alomost every day I think that if my birth mother was a selfish woman I would not be here. I thank the Lord that she did not make me pay for her mistake, instead she gave me life and a better life than she knew she could provide by placing me for adoption-ps my mom and dad are awsome people!!! Millions of couples in the US cannot have children and the waiting list for adoption is several years. We are so use to a quick fix and an instant gratification that most teenagers and older women dont think twice about ending that precious life inside of them. Also not to mention the long term physical and emtional effects it has on the mother who aborted the baby, I have a friend that had an abortion and she says she regrets it and she has to live with that everday of her life. I am so thankful my birthmother loved me enough to give me a chance eventhough it was an inconvience for her. -
Great news it was just a stomach bug...I guess I just freak out when I get sick I always think the worst. Thank you for all your suggestions!!!!
Eversince yesterday whenever I eat or drink something afterwards I feel sick like very nausiated. I also feel very weak and tired. Any suggestions on what is going on?