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Everything posted by iggychic

  1. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    LOL I have thirteen bathrooms, 4 dining rooms and a kitchen on the back porch suited to making scones and hot cereal. It's an old B&B.
  2. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    i know doxie, what a dork! and Katie, heres the best part of this complication. I have lost NO weight since my pre surgery loss of ten lbs. If fifty pounds does not fall off of me by wednesday (my next doc appt) heads will roll!
  3. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    did you forget stupid iggy that you arent eating milk today because you want to find out if you are lactose intollerant, which may be causing the painful cough? Yes you did stupid, and now you are coughing.....geeze louise i'm an idiot.
  4. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    I aam so tired of the flavor off fake sugar i'm totally put off pudding....but a fudge sicle sounds good LOL think anyone would know if i went down stairs? I'm not supposed to......sssshhhhhh
  5. I wasnt going to tell people but then when push came to shove and I wasnt accepting dinner requsts a week past surgery, i realized i HAD to tell the truth. I take the truth seriously and I think it owuld ruin my credibility if i started lying to people at this point over such a trivial thing. Yes I had a weight loss procedure is my answer when asked, though complications have lead me to NO Fing WEIGHT LOSS but since i'm stuck on bed rest for six weeks people ask why. we should all take our own path but i'd rather sya "hard work and portion control" than gall bladder surgery and diet pills. Keep to the truth it will set you free
  6. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    for anyone new here im joking about the pasta (though i'm a week technically from no restrictions) but for me apple sauce was allowed week two.
  7. iggychic

    Drinking With Meals.

    i will be practicing at home but given the qualaties of these wines dh wont mind helping out
  8. iggychic

    Drumroll For Iggychic!

    28 days and i just vomited it all up thank god i dont mind having the same two things everyday of my danged life! it took me 30 mins to eat so no thinking ive rushed things lol
  9. iggychic

    Drinking With Meals.

    so ummm don't freak out, or do, i don't care, but drinking with meals could be used as an occasional tool when going to tasting menu restaurants or special meals. we go to a meal at lumi island once a year where they fly james beard award winners into cook a several course meal. each is paired with wine. even taking only a bite of each small plate I was thinking I might be wasting a valuable seat at the event to go anymore, and yet for a foodie, it's a treat we look forward to all year. people come from all over the country. its literally the best food in the world, all in one place. its a long evening. i'm wondering if I have half a glass of Water with each tasteing I could then manage to try each item on the menu....s a daily choice it woud be silly, but for a food event this just might make sense.....what do you think?
  10. iggychic

    2 Days Post Op/newly Sleeved

    well you had a rough start on your path and you took it so well it's hard not to take you into my heart I am going to have my first bite of food today Sure it's applesauce, but it's food none the less LOL wish we well!
  11. iggychic

    2 Days Post Op/newly Sleeved

    heh heh no she's not a doctor I doubt she has even played one on tv (though I once played on in a high school play so this does make me an expert on all medical fields.....and all areas of acting.....go ahead, ask me how tom cruise plays tom cruise in evert movie he;s ever done....i was a high school actress so i know but what really matters is we have our sunny smile back on the board how are you doing today grama?
  12. iggychic

    2 Days Post Op/newly Sleeved

    I'm three and a half weeks in with significant complications but i'll tell you what often helps me get through the pain when drinking. sip...sip...sip, then practice those stupid breathing lessons you learned when you were preggers. DH says I sound like I'm giving birth constantly LOL but it does help.
  13. I gained 20lbs from the beginning of surgery (last weigh in) to going hoe day four days llater. a very lloose dress and a sweater that is lose as weoo
  14. iggychic

    Question About Codeine

    sorry i didn't realize ou were home already, Call your doc nowhun. thats why tey get tge bug bucks. and while uncommon, you could still have a leak.
  15. iggychic

    Question About Codeine

    sweetie if you read this....they will want to do a cat scan. THE DYES MUST BE ADMINISTERED VIA IV NOT ORALLY my doc couldn't stress that enough. Best of luck dear!
  16. iggychic

    Drinking alcohol after VSG

    wow jenn.....owie! I'm curious, it sounds like the effect didnt leave your system quickly as they sy it will....or was the duping just all the sugar etc
  17. iggychic

    Drinking alcohol after VSG

    Iowa girls answer is interesting to read, but when it comes to actual value in choosing a wine to drink, it's kinda bunk. Unless you are injesting right from the barrell of a newly oaked wine, you are't going to get any significant tanic build up to cause you physical harm. I had to give a friend of mine a call about this subject. She is sleeved. Her answer was that she wished doctors with little to no understanding of the chemical breakdown of a developing wine would quit giving advice to their patients. She has sworn off gving brain surgery hints during wine tours if they'll recripicate. I'm not going to tell you who this person is because I don't want to out her, but her red wines are always in the top ten produced in the US and cosidered some of the best of the world. Donn't drink prior to three months while your sleeve is building its encapsulating shell over those staples. Liqour of any kind thins the blood and the last thing you want to do is end up like me with extra blood floating around your body. But once healed, all wines are fine (white and champagne can also have tannins by the way) though champagne should be a treat as it's carbonated. As my doctor said to me....also practice drinking at home Wine or any liqour will affect you differently after you have the sleeve. You want to know how it effects you so you don't make an arse out of yourself )
  18. iggychic

    2 Days Post Op/newly Sleeved

    OMG ive been so worried about you. you just disapeared on me. Thank you for coming back and telling us you are doing better. You're in my thouhts! take care darling.

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