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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Wendys salad (berry)

  2. Fiddleman

    File upload error tonight

    It must have been fixed already since I started this thread because file upload worked without error just now.
  3. When uploading a picture from my iPad 3 camera tonight I got a file permission error every time. I tried 10 x with same error message said to notify the site's admin about it).
  4. Fiddleman

    Whey protein powder

    You could hold your nose and miss any taste, but why not switch brands, product lines or flavors until you find one you like instead of putting up with a bad experience? Everyone likes their own version of their whey protein shake, but if you are on VST for long enough time, you will see more people gravitate towards certain brands and flavors. Might I suggest you send away for some unjury and nectar sample packs. There might be other brand sample packs out there. This will give you an experience to try out different flavors and brands until you find one that you enjoy. I happen to enjoy taking my nectar cookies and creme and also muscle milk light cake batter. I love drinking shakes, but there are certain flavors I do not like (fruit) and certain brands I do not care for (Costco brand).
  5. Fiddleman

    Wendys salad (berry)

  6. Fiddleman

    Wendys salad (berry)

    Yeah it took me until month 6 until I could comfortably eat red meat. Threw up on the 3 x I tried between month 3 and month 6. Now, no issues and can comfortably eat a patty, 5 oz steak or 4-5 oz beef Jerky without issues like sliming or throwing up.
  7. Fiddleman

    Wendys salad (berry)

    Usually salads work around month 5 or 6, but some get luckier and can do it sooner. Forgot to mention, I could only eat the chicken on top plus about 3 bites of salad (nabbed a strawberry in the bite). Gave the rest to my wife and it was still "loaded" except for the chicken. Not sure exactly how many calories I took in but I would say chicken was 4-5 ounces and salad was 1 oz. Only got a tiny amount of cheese and 2 berry 1/2s with the salad bite, yet still in between satisfied and stuffed. Burps and slight slimes.
  8. Fiddleman

    How do you handle PMs?

    I agree Laura, but we still want to fix this problem in a manner that would really help VST ( big picture thinking).
  9. Fiddleman

    Building Muscle

  10. I think it also depends on the type of drink you order too. For example, drinking a spirit or cocktail usually does not do much to me unless it is something strong like a Long Island ice tea. Drinking a glass of the run of the mill white wine (5-6 dollars) also does little and buzz comes and goes like the wind and I have no issues the next morning waking up or with the scale. However, if I drink a fine white wine like Kendall-Jackson (CA winery) or St Michelle (WA winery) that is generally on the pricier side per glass (9-10 dollars), I will feel the effects much longer and, furthermore, have trouble the following day with waking up ( a little groggy - no hangover, but not alert like usual), the scale may tweak up .5 lb and my muscles look a little less defined, like water is being retained, especially around the core. It probably also does not help my effectiveness the next day during working out (cross fit especially) when i need focus. I like to have the pricier white wines because they are fuller and have a much more interesting and complex set of flavors. However, I don't like the results the next day. For this reason, I am trying to only drink about 1-2 times a month or maybe go back to none. I don't know yet.
  11. Ok, I will stick to the healthy advice (I was just being funny with you), but you do think there is some legit reasoning behind the shock therapy right?
  12. That would make for an interesting colada using green superfood mixed with alcohol. I do not think it has been done before... Lol.
  13. Not really pushing them on you. I mention the m&ms because some have shown them as being really effective as stall breakers. I swear my weight drops when I do things like eat 4 protein bars in one day. It is about giving your stall some shock therapy, but only for 1 eating session.
  14. Fiddleman

    Items that Swell in your Stomach?

    You should not try a "full" bar. That would not only stretch in your stomach, but probably win you a Darwin award of the year. In case you do not know, a "full" bar is designed to expand, fill your stomach and stimulate WLS restriction if eaten 20 minutes before a meal.
  15. Fiddleman

    Building Muscle!

    That's great! From one guy to another who is after the same goal, can you share some strategies that are working for you?
  16. Fiddleman

    Whey protein powder

    nectar Protein is a good all around protein supplement, especially for new post ops. Have you tried the chocolate truffle with PB2? That is pretty yummy.
  17. Fiddleman

    Whey protein powder

    The GNC Amplified Wheybolic 60 is really good as a recovery protein shake drink because of bcaa (amino acids) in it among other things. Taste is good. I do cookies and creme.
  18. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    No, not small potatoes at all. I am just trying to offer any advice that might help you break through your wall you are up against and have been fighting for a while. I hope other vets chime in because they have good advice, especially if they are long term vets like you. Thanks for being an inspiration to all us us newer vets - fighting the good fight every day. I do wish you success in your progress and will try and help if I can. So we know how often to send care packages to you, how long is your current deployment to?
  19. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    As for breathing, I think it should be natural and coordinated with your cadence. If you are having trouble breathing while running, it is probably best to slow down. Speed will come with time. You do not want to run at any oxygen deficiency (holding your breath). As like lifting, your leg muscles need a steady flow of oxygen to function correctly. When you are starting out, remember to breath in every couple of strides and breath out every couple of strides. You really will have to think about it as first, but it becomes really natural over time. Eventually, it will just happen without you having to think about breathing in and breathing out. The same applies to all the other little mechanics that take place while running: relaxing muscles, focusing on good posture, landing solid in the middle of your foot, absorbing shock effectively (minimize impact with each step), small rotations around your spine, etc. If you really master the technique behind mindful running, it will eventually just feel like walking and you can really do a 5k, 10 k , 1/2 without stressing out your body. Won't that be a joy?
  20. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    You know, that very thought has crossed my mind more then once when running > 8 mph. However, it is short lived and I have learned to trust myself and the technique that has been gained over time. Keep your treadmill on the slow side (4.5 mph) until you feel really confident about your technique, especially in terms of cadence and stride at different speeds. You will find that different strides and cadence are needed as you run faster then when you run slower. I find there is a difference in technique that needs to be considered in as little as going from 5.6 mph to 5.8 mph to 6.0 mph. It all becomes natural over time, as you really understand the technique behind different running forms. Be sure to invest in good running shoes! It will make a world of different when you are working on developing running technique. You have seen this in my other posts about running, but I really like the technique that comes out of Chi Running. If you really master it, you will never get injured and can really enjoy running while also making huge strides in endurance and speed.
  21. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Amy you are inspiring! Furthermore, your positive attitude is contagious. keep up the great progress.
  22. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Very nice results Louise. Thanks for sharing!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
