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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Teeth correction needed as a VSG vet?

    Niki - great comment about taking care of the whole package. I am finally wanting to ditch my glasses as well and want to get LASIK surgery. Unfortunately, I do not have the money for it this year so am thinking about getting it next year. My vision is not bad and I can do OK without my glasses. I would not want to drive without them though. I have around 30 / 20 vision. I do not need them for objects up close, but do for anything further away. It must has been my daily computer use since 25 years ago. Lol.
  2. The following comment in another thread seemed worthy enough to have its own thread. People are attracted to people who radiate success. That is human nature I have found. The old saying is true: to make a friend you need to be a friend. I am not an expert on human nature nor or societal judgement of people, but am a keen observer of people in how they interact. This might come from years and years of seeking out acceptance and always finding rejection when moving among the flow of human interactions. And trying to figure out how to improve it before giving up a few years ago. Now after striving after fitness goals, I find myself standing with good posture and radiating positive exp<b></b>ression. I look people in the eye and show a real interest in what they are talking about. I am no longer the creepy fat guy staring at people, but the confident fit guy who is fun to talk with. It is a good place to be. Do not tell my wife (or do not get upset honey if you read this), but i get hit on daily when out. Any of you would be surprised at how clever and incognito women can be in doing this, but yes I pick up on it. No intension of ever acting out, but it pumps up my balloon with a little more helium. I hate admitting that, but it is so true! The way that strangers interact with me is completely different now and it feels good. Everything seems easier! Talking to people, asking for minor requests and more just seems to flow - like Water. I end each day with gratitude in my heart to spare instead of despair about why people reject me or some other internal struggle that manifests itself as depression or anxiety. I feel like each day ends worthwhile, a job well done and I have helped others in small or big ways. There is also so much more energy and I am not wasting my energy on negativity of any kind. It is not that it is not there; it just bounces off me without effort and none originates from me. I love that and it makes me feel so much "lighter" about life! I hope being this type of person is adding back some lost years. I do not blame my lost years on anyone but myself. I was very successful in terms of a great marriage, job and family life. However, I was burning up inside with depression and anxiety for a long, long time. This internal struggle immediately improved after surgery and now it is primarily gone which makes me think everything that I perceived about societal human nature from way back in middle school was caused by my interactions with food, even the depression and anxiety is linked back to chemical imbalances caused by eating the wrong balance of food items. You may or may not agree with me, but that is what I see. I would love to hear anyones' thoughts on it.
  3. Fiddleman

    Teeth correction needed as a VSG vet?

    Thanks for the braces suggestion, but I do not think I will be doing those torture devices again. One time for, what, 6 years is enough for me. The headaches are still fresh from middle school and high school from all that tightening. Nope, I do not think so, not again.
  4. Fiddleman

    Ignore user?

    I had to sit and watch a container of huge chocolate, chocolate chip cookies from albertsons get eaten by family and friends last night - for 4 hours! That should be a page out of Dante's inferno!!
  5. Fiddleman

    Ignore user?

    Yeah - this thread is borderline going to die an untimely death with the finger pointing. Now girls, you know finger pointing is not nice no matter how much they deserve it.
  6. Fiddleman

    Ignore user?

    Oh I get it now...nice hint:)
  7. Fiddleman

    Ignore user?

    Sitting at the cool table will be so much fun as that was completely absent from my primary grade years. time to relive!!
  8. Fiddleman

    Dunkin' Donuts is my Postop Friend?!

    Me too! Feta in eggs with dill is nothing short of heaven in the mouth... I need a gump-ism for this!!
  9. Fiddleman

    Ignore user?

    This is a good whodunit mystery. Analyze all the clues. It could be any one of us.
  10. BTB- I agree with you on that assessment. Self confidence is a killer attribute to own. It opens up a lot of opportunities.
  11. Fiddleman

    Satiety foods for post goal hunger?

    That sounds so good. I am not the chef in this family so will ask my wife about making it!
  12. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    I do not know a good scale to suggest; my fat percentage is measured by either the hospital when I get check ups every few months or about every 3 weeks with my personal trainer at cross fit. The cross trainer uses calibers and is fairly accurate when compared to the fancy scale that the WLS Center at the hospital uses. She did recommend that getting measured using he water method is the most ideal, but that can get a bit pricy. I have never done this myself. I am thinking about purchasing an Omron scale or body composition reader in he future. I would definitely be open to other scales hat are better that folks have used.
  13. Fiddleman


    You are such an inspiration to all!! Wow!
  14. Fiddleman

    Energy to work out..

    How did you feel near the end, at the end and after the 1/2 race? Was it a good feeling? Did you feel like you spent through a few of your lives?
  15. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Just getting on the treadmill regularly is great progress! Try walking a little slower and like bean says, march in place, until you get a solid land on the middle of your foot. Think about relaxing when you walk at a slower speed. Feel the warmth as life flows through you. That is what I like most about exercising, that magic point when the warmth starts to flow and heats you up.
  16. Fiddleman

    Tap water

    Louise- moved my response into a separate thread called "societal judgement of 'attractive' and 'unattractive' people : a topic on human nature"
  17. Fiddleman

    Satiety foods for post goal hunger?

    I also found apples are super awesome at giving me a full sensation. It must be the skin. 1/2 an apple with nut butter after eating 3 ounces of chicken sausage and I am golden...or is that red delicious! Lol!
  18. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Get moving on that treadmill!!!
  19. Fiddleman

    6 Months 122 pounds

  20. Fiddleman

    Energy to work out..

    I think Nicole has a legit reason to be tired in last couple weeks. Not only is she pushing through a personal transformation (in "vets thread"), but she just had gall bladder surgery this last weekend. We hope you feel better in short order Nicole and are your energetic self soon. Time to catch up on episodes of your favorite tv show!
  21. Fiddleman

    Teeth correction needed as a VSG vet?

    Kyllfalcon and ms. Skinniness- thanks for the encouragement to take care of this issue. I am a strong believer in the statement "where there is a will there is a way" and I am strong willed so will seek out a way.

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