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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Is it desperation of the older generation? Seriously, in general sometimes it comes down to dress, hair style and self confidence that women or men find attractive in the opposite sex. It is not only scale weight and muscles, so to speak, but it certainly helps. Not absolutely sure about this, but have a strong feeling about it. Come on women, throw us a bone on this question. I have also heard that a lot of older folks feel young in heart and their reflection in the mirror does not match how they feel inside. This is what I have picked up from my MIL as she has been "on the market", so to speak, and feels this way about her self. Yet she looks at pictures of other guys that are same age or a couple years older and they look "so old" to her. It is a matter of perspective I guess. Soon we will be looking like one of those old guys in our outward reflection too, but feeling like a 25 year old stud. What would we do then? I am 38 now and have not given it a whole lot of thought. I guess we will cross that bridge when it arrives, or never in my case, because I am happily married. I will still have to deal with looking old, but feeling young.
  2. Fiddleman

    And so it begins...

    You have already done the hardest step which is to make the decision to end the madness. Really, that is key. Once you set your mind to make a change, the rest will follow. You just need to put in the hard work of following the post op eating plan, drink lots of water, exercising, cutting out the crap like high sugar, fat and salt. Cut out alcohol for 6 months. You can have it again after that, but get through most of your weight loss first. Alcohol is going to sabotage you because it will take your body out of being a lean, mean calorie burning machine. After 6 months, drink in moderation, like a couple a month to be social and to relax with the guys. I do this today. However, do not let alcohol become anything more in your life then that because you do not want a cross addiction nor do you want to get soft from it. I know you can do this because of the strong desire I read in the words of your post. Do not worry about exercising that much in the first 5 months. Getting your diet right, forming a good moderate exercise plan (read: not hard core) and forming a good set of habits are going to be your key to success. I always failed in the past to achieve my weight loss goals pre sleeve because I always tried to be a fiend in the cardio and develop a fad based diet at the same time. What ended up happening is I would get burned out from the exercise and then my eating habits were so unrealistic it would all go to hell around 6 months. This time it was different. After being sleeved, I got the lifestyle habits in place during the first 6 months, lost the weight I needed to lose a d then, and only then, stepped up the exercise and workouts to nail my fitness goals. Today, I can manage the eating and the exercise only because daily habits are in place. And they are ingrained, man. It is not work. I love to do it. I have to say my one habit i struggle with is eating slow. i can do the small portions and eating small bits, but i still woof my food. try to do perfect at this and you will have it all. All the success. You can have this vision of success! Just keep in mind my points about building up the good habits first before going balls to the wall with both a killer eating plan and workout strategy.
  3. Fiddleman

    Down 130 (!)

    You have done it! You have taken control of your life. That is super impressive. You will be able to achieve that athletic or body build body after not too long. Just put your mind to it and I know you will do it. Good luck on the next step of your transformation!
  4. Fiddleman

    Finally in the 100s

    Wow, started at 300 on feb 4th, 2013?!?!?! Great example for the guys, man.
  5. Fiddleman

    21 yr old

    Your goal is very realistic with the sleeve. However, be warned: the sleeve will only do so much of the heavy lifting for you. You have got to make a lifestyle change of diet and exercise to really be able to nail that goal. You will be able to do it! I started at 360 on may 25th, 2012 and hit 178 at feb 28th, 2013. Today, I am at 185 lb, 16% body fat and am almost to my envisioned body image. The lady loves it! Even better, I love myself now. Best decision EVER!!
  6. Fiddleman

    Sit ups

    I did around 300 sit-ups earlier this week FAST and it felt fine. We did this in about 6 min with alternating jump ropes every 50.I was a little sore around the core yesterday, but that was only from all the sit-ups. Fine today. My cross fit trainer is always pushing me to do crazy exercises. Good luck. Please do wait until you are plenty healed before attempting this.
  7. Fiddleman

    Fun with Photography

    That is definitely achievable if you desire it. A lot of people transfer their eating addiction to exercising. Being healthy is such a game changer and positive experience.
  8. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

    Newat- very inspiring words, thanks for haring your motivation to success!
  9. Fiddleman


    Happy birthday Laura for your birthday, I will give you 1 dozen apple fritters and a pony. Which do you want first? Lol. By the way, I'll take your cheese cake factory gift certificate if you do not find a way to use it.
  10. Fiddleman

    It is a drink of beauty

    Here is my nice apple martini just shook up: Lovely, isn't it?? 1 part apple schnapps 1 part Smirnoff vodka (watermelon) It is an interesting combination, but good!!!
  11. Fiddleman

    100 pounds down

    You look stunning! Congratulations
  12. Do you need any suggestions on good Protein shakes?
  13. No Protein shakes yet?? Sacrilege!!
  14. Fiddleman

    It is a drink of beauty

    Ehhhh, you wish!!! I would suggest sleevers wait 6 months before trying one of these babies. You want your sleeve to be healed! Plus the calories are not going to help you if you want the scale to be dropping. ; sorry, that is the sad truth about it. I don't mind though as have been steady at goal for a while.
  15. Fiddleman

    It is a drink of beauty

    What kind of drinks do you like? Maybe a nice fine wine ( smaller rim glass)?
  16. Fiddleman

    It is a drink of beauty

    Oh not a mocktini. It has alcohol. I have about 1 drink a month. This is soooooooo good. Yummy!
  17. Just wait until you start eating protein all the time. Only then will you find the true meaning of smelly from gas filled rooms. Lol! Hope you have a of to blame it on.
  18. Yup I got it 10 minutes ago. Just another attempt to steal personal information.
  19. How about catch up on your favorite tv series or start a new one that you have not seen before. Read a book. Take a walk with the dog. I really enjoyed all the walking I did as a post op with my dog.

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