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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman


  2. It is not a problem and is just a side effect of having the surgery. It should smooth out in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Thanks for your kind response. I want to pay it forward to the newer post op folks as an appreciation of information I have received from others on VST or information I have discovered in my own research and experience as a post op. Every day is chance to keep learning.
  4. Yes, do wait at least 2 weeks to get an initial scale weigh at home after surgery, maybe 3 weeks. My weight was up 17 after surgery from a reservoir of IV fluids. It took about 2.5 weeks until back at pre surgery day of surgery weight.
  5. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    It was just a fun little post. Most of my posts are much more serious in nature and more useful then this one. I was just in a playful mood.
  6. My opinion is the the doctor provides an excellent foundation and framework for you, as their patient, to be successful according to Gaussian distribution of results where the median can expect to achieve 60% excess weight loss with a standard deviation of +- 3%. The beauty of reaching out on VST is a means for many to beat the odds governed by the expectations of their doctors. Those that lie near or at 100% loss of excess weight can share their anecdotes as well as eating and fitness strategies to raise the overall success rate of those receptive to advise from others. It is a continuous feedback loop that benefits everyone, including those posting about their success because there is always room to continually improve oneself. If one only follows the advise of a doctor, they may have limiting success because of lack of exposure to high power information gleaned from the aggregate of the masses. To be the most successful, one must be keenly aware of self and how application of available knowledge will help or hurt them. Again, this is only my opinion but I do hope others share the perspective.
  7. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    No, not that at all. Laura had posted a couple images above, but by the time I read her post I could not see the pictures. Oh well, probably not supposed to see them.
  8. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    There are no issues with bragging in this thread!! Feel free!
  9. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

  10. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

    Yes, unfortunately. When your body gets used to the whole VSG way of eating, some months are 2-3 lb losses, maybe even zero loss. However, I bet your clothes are fitting better and you can see or feel more bone and muscle definition then the last month. Plus you have more energy and mood is improved. This slower loss starts around 4-5 months. You may be right that 5:2 is what your body needs to get a little uncomfortable with its caloric needs. I like that the fasting is surrounded by TDEE eating as it will keep your BMR off life support and that means more efficiency in burning calories. A lot of folks find out the hard way that fasting all the time (read: 600-900 calories a day) kills the BMR around 6-9 months without increasing calories up to TDEE. Once a TDEE lowers enough, your body requires very few calories before it starts storing it as fat for later. That is what is beautifully designed about 5:2 - your body will consistently need around normal TDEE calorie, but fasting days really prime the BMR for better throughput consistently. You just need to get used to the feeling of raging hunger on those fasting days.
  11. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Any philosophies or theories on how you would not be an intimidating presence around the younger generation if you have anatomical artifacts that are sourced from excellent nutrition and fitness levels? Everyone wants to make friendships with others and not become isolated because of some intimidation factor. Maybe it truly comes down the a positive and open personality that is honest and altruistic towards others? That may be key. It would be a disappointment to go through all the hard work of around improving your lifestyle in terms of health only to live a lonely life. Something to ponder as a group think this morning...
  12. Fiddleman

    size 8's!

    Thanks for sharing the information on trunkplasty. That sounds like a good option for people who need more then a TT. Overall, it sounds like a really good approach to getting toned in the.core area. Do you mind me asking what the cost is for one of these?
  13. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

    Globe trotter- nothing too scandalous was in the original package that had to be removed before package could be shipped. Essentially, some fitness mags with women showing midriff. We double checked jerky meat products did not contain any pork. Hope you like the ostrich sticks as it is one of my favorite snacks. Lean, tasty and high protein. My wife was going to include a certain vibrating "back rubber" (wink,wink) but I talked her out of it given potential issues we might have with shipping it. The post officer seemed to be on the up and up with packages sent to Afghanistan so knew what had to be removed by memory (impressed!!) Thanks again for serving our country with your work.
  14. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Hoosier - lol. funny but good statement on effective paleo based diet. I had a kind of downer week 4 because of having a cold most of the week. However, had 1 really good cross fit session (posted on another thread), 1 really good push lifting day and continued to eat paleo based diet with good results. Filling, never hungry and plenty of energy. Overall did not push myself as much as I would like, but did the best I could while feeling suboptimal. Ready to get back into it next week in a big way with a new type of working out. Looking forward to week 5 as I got my fitness DVD for "you are your own gym" (body weight fitness designed by elite special ops trainer mark lauren) and bought a book on paleo fitness today to learn even more about effective body weight exercises. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced DVD and I will be starting with beginner. Stoked about what is to come from doing the body weight workouts 3 days a week starting Monday. I also added an effective 20 minute start- your-day warmup routine right when I first roll out of bed in the morning. It is essentially a moderately fast 1 mile run (8:00 minute mile and key is to be able to carry a conversation during it so not very high on heart rate) followed by stretches and a warmup of pushups, plank holds, wall sits and lunges. Nothing too hard, but warms up the body and the mind before starting my work day on my computer.
  15. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

  16. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

    Sorry Laura! My typical man brain was only paying attention to the post right in front of me rather then the history of the entire thread. congratulations on your super duper fantastical mega loss of XX ( fill in the blank) for this week. It goes to show 5:2 is actually pretty good for you and I appreciate BTBs description above. Me - I prefer to eat the way as I am eating. 200-300 below TDEE (about 2000 calories, exact is 2054), never hungry, eating every 1-2 hours small, balanced paleo meals, losing body fat (eg leaning out while building lean muscle). You see I am on a popular plan also called paleo eating and fitness. I am Really good at the nutrition (eat like a caveman) and am in process of ramping up fitness . scale has gone down about 10 lb from a month ago, and have never felt better after following my "transformation" program over in vets forum. 2 months to go. Anyways, just a little program a few of us are on for 12 weeks. Back to 5:2 diet. I talked to my wife about this diet, as I have never heard of it before the thread. She surprised me in saying that people have been mega successful on this way of eating and it works for a lot of people. I have been successful on popular diets before being sleeved. Lets see: WW - 95 lb, Atkins - 100 lb. in both cases they were in the last 10 years and I also gained everything back plus more afterwards. Weight regain was due to losing steam at 6 months because no lifestyle changes occurred for me during first 6 months to go from weight loss to weight maintain. There were no long term strategies i could live with or the suggested long term plan just did not click for me. However, if there is truly a long term strategy to eat well as BTB suggests (6:1), then you have found a really good forever plan. With WW and Atkins, I was very successful, but did long find either sustainable and "failed" at both. I am curious how long one stays on this 5:2 plan and what happens long term once you go "off" the plan. Is fasting consistently every week good and healthy for you long term? I think so if you agree with BTB description of calorie in and out of weeks and months (I agree). Based on the popularity of this plan and empirical evidence to back up long term success of 5:2, this is good news for a lot of you. Keep posting your successes here! Cheers.
  17. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

    Interesting, did not realize that! Great job on the -1.5 lbs.
  18. Fiddleman

    Sit ups

    I am almost 1 year post op (July 2nd). I lost 192 lb on Feb 25th. After that I gained about 15 lbs in attempt to build up physique. In the last 2 months I have been leaning out and still increasing lean muscle (dropped about 5% to 16%). The sleeve is definitely worth it!!
  19. Fiddleman

    The 5:2 diet

  20. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    Is my theory on older generation young at heart attracted to younger generation a good theory or what? No responses...
  21. Fiddleman

    Best condom idea, ever!

    I got really curious, as usual, and checked email for the "missing response." Except it wasn't there. what is your response Amy?
  22. Fiddleman

    Tap water

    As a post op I can drink tap water again and it tastes good without needing to enhance with flavor. This is huge. Those that are post op will truly understand what I mean.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
