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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Hot yoga perceptions and questions

    I assume you mean time spent is room is measured in hours and not minutes. For example, if my weight is approximately 180 lb and I divide by 90 minutes, the caloric burn is 2 where dividing by 1.5 hours is 120 calories. Even at 120 calories, that is like 5 minutes of fast running or 5 minutes of moderate elliptical for me. I guess this means that burning calories and losing weight is not to be the expected outcome of all that perceived effort of 90 minutes in the 105 temperatures. Fine with me, as I already stated I do not do it for the caloric burn, but for the improved flexibility, clarity and mobility. However, others should now you are not going to be burning a mad amount of calories doing hot yoga, even though you may feel like you are from the increased perceived effort.
  2. Fiddleman

    Before and After Pics

    Wow - such a dynamic transformation! Great job.
  3. Fiddleman

    Recovery shake question

    You are welcome Curvy!
  4. Fiddleman

    More Definition

    You guys are welcome. Keep up the excellent work!
  5. Fiddleman

    bcaa info needed

  6. Fiddleman

    pre-workout supplements

    That's all right (in my opinion). I like advocare products, especially catalyst. You might be careful about trying to sell anything on VST though because it is a violation of forum rules and others might not be friendly about it. Just a caution.
  7. Actually two questions: 1. If lifting heavy at the box, is it natural to feel a blood rush out of your head at the top of a lift or shortly there afterwards? For example, on my 1 rep max of 310 on deadlift yesterday, I got this wonky "free" high feeling after lifting the max 1 rep. A high i did not even have to pay for. 2. After an intense hard circuit workout this morning at 9 am, my overall sense is weakness and low blood sugar even after drinking a 400 calorie 50 g recovery shake with carbs. Does that mean I need to consume more carb before workout? The recovery shake after the workout did not help, even after 20 minutes, so I consumed two energy squares of 120 calories of high amounts of good carbs and fats. Feel much better after this. Normal. Before the workout, I ate 2 energy squares and a low carb 40 g Protein shake with chia seeds at 8am and another Protein Shake with 400 calories and 2 energy squares at about 4 am this morning. This was a really ass kicking body weight workout of 20 minutes. First time I did this particular body weight circuit workout and will repeat it for two more Fridays before increasing difficulty. Felt good to get through it without compromising form. That is how I roll with my M, W, F workouts at home. I do the same 3 individual workouts based on timed sets, ladders and circuit, repeating for 3 weeks before progressing up a level of difficulty. Another thought is maybe low on hydration today or electrolytes. Educate me! Thanks for advice.
  8. Fiddleman

    What are your long term fitness goals

    Thanks girls for providing different answers on my question above. Now that we have an abundant set of answers on that, let's get back to the original topic of this thread: long term fitness goals. Throw them out there, no matter how outlandish or impossible they seem. There is power behind sharing them and writing them down. Cheers!
  9. Fiddleman

    Surprisingly easy to gain weight..!

    This information was really interesting. Thanks Lynda!.
  10. Fiddleman

    pre-workout supplements

  11. Fiddleman

    Before and After Pics

    You continue to impress. Thanks for showing everyone what is possible. Keep up the great work!
  12. I read an article that makes the statement that artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased waist circumference, increased appetite and increased vascular events. Does anyone have additional any information to back this up? I only add artificial sweetener now to coffee, but it is also in my Water Enhancer, which I drink a lot of every day. I will be weaning myself off of the water enhancers because of these health links. Please share what you know or have experience with.
  13. Fiddleman

    pre-workout supplements

    BCAA may just be enough to help you get through those walls during working out with solid clean energy, strength, stamina and endurance. Catalyst is a good product as is xtend. Do make sure you are wearing a solid well balanced meal before your workout and that you slam a recovery shake afterwards with the amino acids in order to feel like a million bucks the next day. Not sure what your calories are at per day, but you will need to eat up to TDEE in order to have enough energy to fuel your workouts. Your body needs it. I try and eat 7 meals a day, 180 grams protein, around 2000 calories. It really does work.
  14. Fiddleman

    pre-workout supplements

    N.o. Explode is a tough on your stomach because it is a little fizzy (carbonated?). At least that is the experience I had with it several months ago. It might be different now that I am over a year out. I have really enjoyed two other pre work out drinks called c4 and Hyde. I tried jack 3d recently, but for some reason it did not even help me much. Barely felt it. I thought it was weak as a pre workout drink even though I was scooping from the original formula. Everyone else raves about it. I guess we all react differently to these pre workout products. Try out a few different ones to find out which one works for you. It is a good idea to cycle to a different one or take a break every 5 or 6 weeks. You will know when it is time to switch when one scoop turns into two and two scoops turn into three. And so on. Also if you are going to take these, it is a good idea to keep up on your labs every so often.
  15. Fiddleman

    Artificial sweeteners and Health

    I just tried some true lime and put 1 packet in 30 oz? Is this sound like the right ratio of true lime to water? It was a little weak, but maybe that is how it is supposed to taste. How much true lime do you mix into water, you true lime experts?
  16. Fiddleman

    Recovery shake question

    I am now convinced BCAAs are where a lot of muscle gains can be made when combined with lifting and clean diet high in protein. Been drinking a lot of BCAA ( 20 g) before and after cross fit heavy weight workouts this week in addition to on and off on other days. I am noticing today, on my day off, that the circumference of my chest has increased a bit and my t shirt is stretching across the chest where it was not last week. Good stuff. I am going to keep drinking this in relatively high amounts and see how it affects my cross fit workouts this next week. Aiming for an extra 20-30 lbs on deadlift, bench and squat above my max 1 reps. Here is to hoping. creatine has not given me this type of fast progression yet, but has helped overall with increasing strength over last couple months.
  17. Fiddleman

    Artificial sweeteners and Health

    Denise- thanks for another good read. These artificial sweeteners are scary stuff! Ever since about February this year, my diet has been a mix of organic and Paleo. No breads, dairy, sugar (except a little in my Protein shake), nada. The physical response to eating this way is enormous in the amount of energy one has and the ability one can apply themselves physically at a workout or mentally at work. I truly do enjoy the benefits of eating this way. I think what I am going to do is switch over to some true lime or similar product and see how well that works with drinking Water. It looks like there is also true lemon and true orange. I wonder if they make other flavor products like true strawberry or true grape. Those would also be good. Or how about true blueberry, true passion fruit, true coconut, etc. lol. The list could go on and on. Thanks everyone for the useful information this morning.
  18. Fiddleman

    Just joined Crossfit today

    Hi Talley - you are such an inspiration to me and I am sure many others. Thanks for your post.
  19. Fiddleman

    Deeper squats

    I do not know about you, but I am constantly working on my squat form. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. There are so many little details to consider to execute the perfect deep squat, many of which I am working on. Here is a super resource that I found this morning: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/squat_like_you_mean_it_tips_for_a_deeper_squat I am going to spend some time reading the free articles. I find them very good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
