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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Here is my plan for next 12 weeks ( will be increasing weight every 3 weeksand speed over time) ------------------------ M: 2 mile warmup run, bob Harper work outs 1 or 2 (hard - this is HIS work out and is with kettle bells, dumbbells and body weight) http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Harper-Inside-Out-Method/dp/B007LZ0PWA/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1376591011&sr=8-17&keywords=Bob+Harper+workout T: cross fit with PT W : 2 mile warmup run, kettle bell workout (45 minute) http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Harper-Kettlebell-Sculpted-Body/dp/B004EFCVPE/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1376590804&sr=8-16&keywords=Bob+Harper+workout Week 1-3: 20 lb Week 4-6: 30 lb Week 7-9: 40 lb Week 10-12: 50 lb This is a challenging workout, even at a lighter weight. Th: cross fit with PT F: 2 mile warmup run, core work out http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Hdgdgddddgcggvgbadnvarper-Totally-Ripped-Core/dp/B0051MKNUY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1376589635&srddddśhhhgg=8-5&keywords=Bob+Harper+workout S: active rest day - some jogging or a hike Su : active rest day - some rowing at home Still going to spend about a quality hour a day working out. ----------------------- As stated above, I will plan on doing this for about 12 weeks. After that, I will switch to 5-6 days open gym cross fit (PT will end at this time - will be almost a year with my cross fit trainer) sometime in Early November. Maybe sooner.
  2. Fiddleman

    Pre workout meals

    Typically I have either : 1. a 40 g Protein shake with 10 g simple carbs in it ( not a desired 2:1 carb/protein ratio though by a very long shot) <or> 2. a simple meal that satisfies macros like 2 apples slices with almond nut butter and a 1-2 oz portion of chicken. These have been my go-to pre workout meal options preceding a cross fit workout for a long time ( last 6 months). I am going to try something different starting today. Cross fit takes a lot out of me and I want more endurance and more stamina. I am going to continue to get smarter about eating right foods before working out. Today I am going to try 1 cup cooked steel cut oats (56 g carb) with 1 scoop of Protein powder (24 g carb). It has a decent 2:1 carb to protein ratio. I gather it is going to be pretty thick and maybe a little sludgy, but should really get my complex carbs up there for sustained energy (think: slow burning log rather than fast burning kindling). I am going to eat this 1.5 hours before working out and see what happens. Hopefully, the oats will be burned like logs throughout the workout and not end up in a pile on the mat. Lol. This is my first time to eat oats or anything with grains in over a year. Good choice? We shall see! Let's use this thread to post our favorite pre workout meals for getting the much desired energy during a workout. Try and post meals that offer sustained energy.
  3. Fiddleman

    I call "drinking 64 oz water" BS

    Drinking > 64 oz a day is not going to give you Water poisoning. I have been drinking 120+ oz for almost 10 months now to replace water lost through exercise, evaporation and urination. It is good to flush out toxins released from breakdown of muscles, toxins from kidneys and liver and toxins released from stored fat. Toxins bind to fat cells so will flood the system as fat is released from storage during the glycogen conversion process. Drinking more water is very beneficial to the weight loss process as well as tightening up skin. Water is especially important to keep stones from forming in the kidneys when consuming large amounts of Protein, as we are required to do as a post op. Your protein requirements may go up even more as a senior post op (read: 6, 9, 12, more months post op) as focus switches from weight and fat loss to lean muscle gain and toning combined with strength training. I take 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. At 13 % body fat and weight 178, I take a minimum 154 G protein just to maintain lean mass. My protein in take is more like 200-225 g because I want to gain lean muscle mass when combined with strength training. This requires a lot of water to keep the kidneys protected from stones. Keep on drinking water and form habits of drinking enough water to keep your renal system in top form. Drink a maximum of 32 oz per hour (when you can handle that much) and you will do fine. I actually drink more than this per hour at time.
  4. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

    Is this normal?!?! [ATTACH]16969[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16970[/ATTACH] Vein on right hand throbs and a little painful swelling feeling on and off every hour or so. I hope it is just a result of lower body fat % and not anything else. Head throbs a little at the same time in right tempera lobe. Normally they are not vasculating this much nor are they painful. What do you think? Just looking for some free medical advice.
  5. Fiddleman

    Why maintenance is so hard...

    This was a very fascinating read, but the odds are really stacked against us, aren't they.
  6. Fiddleman

    Body Fat Percentage

    I have been using my WW scale at home and medical scales at WLS Center. The WW scale is not that bad in accuracy, but does tend to adjust up and down based on hydration.
  7. Fiddleman

    Body Fat Percentage

    I think I was 45% body fat back then (before VSG) because I hardly lifted for a workout. It was all cardio, for hours, on my elyptical machine. However, I binged on the worst imaginable high carb stuff and I got morbidly obese anyways. It was uncontrollable. I could not tame the carb beast. In the car, at home, at parties, you name it. The hunger for sugar was uncontrollable at times. Lesson learned : nutrition must be clean before working out can have a meaningful impact.
  8. Fiddleman

    Body Fat Percentage

    Agree. My wife was looking at these women images and thought 25% looks the best. Of course 25% on a guy looks like he spends more time on the couch than in the gym.
  9. Fiddleman


    The caramel Bariatric Advantage chew is really tasty! I have been taking these daily for about 13 months now and am still not tired of them. They key is how much do you want to take at a time? BA released a new 500 mg chew so you can take 1 instead of 2 per meal. Some of us like two pieces of candy instead of 1.
  10. Before VSG, I generally did not take the effort needed on my dental appearance to keep a good mouth full of teeth. One praise as a post op is that I have really taken ownership of my dental care and I am finally returning from dental cleanings without having to also schedule a cavity, a crown a root Crown or an extraction. The last 3 are fairly big issues, but started to feel like the norm as an adult over the last 10 years. I brush with prescription every morning and floss with those tooth picks (those are a miracle for flossing haters like myself!). Every evening I use Total care mouthwash. You are supposed to wait 30-60 minutes after using prescription tooth paste to drink any liquids or use mouthwash, so it makes it challenging to brush again with being a good post op drinker and eater. I am eating all the way until I go to bed in order to get max Protein daily. Anyways, the results have been great! My gums are a healthy pink and not hurting of teeth. I have lost 4 molars already in the back. I never did get implants to fill the gaps and now the rest of my teeth in front and on the sides are starting to show signs of gapping in a big way. Not every tooth and not too obvious unless you are close up looking at my mouth, but very obvious to me. Would getting implants now correct this issue? I don't have the money for 4 implants because the cost for each is really high, even with dental insurance. Did others take corrective action on their dental appearance as a vet and would anything help me? Am I too vain about this? I secretly want a perfect set of teeth I guess, but do realize I am getting older ( 40 in a few years) and it ma not matter so much.
  11. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Here is another WOD that is easy to do and really effective: 3 rounds of 15 man maker 20 overhead lunges 25 burpees Try to get this done in 15-20 minutes. It is hard by the second round. Let me explain the exercises briefly. Man maker: grab 2 heavy dumbells. I use 35 lb each. You can pick what challenges you, but does not block completion. Lay in push up position with shoulders over and hands around dumbbells. Do one push up. At top again, pull one arm up with weight. Almost a s-n-a-t-c-h. Reverse and set weight down. Repeat on other arm. Jump from pushup position to feet between hands. Stand up with weights in hand (dead lift). Shoot both arms up so arms are straight with weight above head. That is one rep. Now do 15 of these. Overhead lunge. Grab a plate of moderate weight. I grab 35 lb. You might start with 15. Hold the plate with both arms straight above your head. Now do a standard lunge on one leg. And now the other leg. That is 1 rep. Do 20 of these while keeping g arms straight with weight above head. Burpees - we all know what these are. Try and do them as quickly as possible and stay light on your feet. 3 rounds! Try to not stop in between exercises nor in between rounds. However, if you need a few seconds to recover, in between rounds is the best. You will know exhaustion after this workout.
  12. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

    Thanks - I am stopping these supplements starting today and continue to look for good pre workout nutrition ideas to fuel powerful results. Maybe all these energy supplements are designed for people who eat crap. I obviously have a very controlled eating plan so, in theory, would not need these energy supplements. Additionally, the health risks are not worth it. I have thrown away the rest of my 1/2 used pre workout supplementation and put away the thermogenic for future. I did not realize where this line was that you described and think I have crossed over it leading to more side effects than benefits. Clearly I have had some minor health issues as a result of using these based o.n some recent posts, including this one. No more. Regardless, I am still going to push on towards competitive cross fit. I am getting quite good at it and am reaching a level of athleticism to be a serious threat to the competition.
  13. Fiddleman

    Body Fat Percentage

    How long would you say those guys can stay at 2-4%? 1-2 weeks? Less time?
  14. Fiddleman

    Teeth correction needed as a VSG vet?

    Yes, they keep suggesting I wear the spacers. I will have to talk to them about it next times see them for a cleaning.
  15. Fiddleman

    Non believers

    BTB: see - we can all have a meaningful conversation about a "hot" topic even though we all come from different belief systems. That is not so hard when there is mutual respect. I hope you got the answer you were looking for even though the conversation did digress a bit. One question I held back from asking due to respect for privacy before in this thread ( you still do not need to answer) is how well does the decision making process go in a marriage that has two people of completely different belief systems? Yes, even non-belief is a belief system (belief of no belief). Anecdotally, I had a relationship back in high school where I was a Christian and my girlfriend was Jewish. Her family was very orthodox Jewish to the point of not acknowledging her as their daughter when she decided to adopt a Judeo-Christian belief system. I did not push her or otherwise directly coerce her into the decision. She came to it on her own. Anyways, the relationship got really got complex due to the family dynamics and it fell part despite apparently having more in common in our belief systems then before. Since then I have always been under the impression that relationships strive the most when there is shared belief system. Your thoughts?
  16. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    Although I would not mind a good lightning storm here and there. last Friday was awesome! We otherwise have pretty boring weather here in Washington.
  17. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

    Laura, I did not mean to have you leave from my words. I apologize if what I have said has offended you. I was just restating my long term goals. You and I go way back and share a lot together since this VST collaboration has started. I hope you are not mad. Yes, I do have an addictive personality. It is in my bones.
  18. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

    Around - I may use stimulants too much as an expectation to amplifying workout result. Maybe I do depend on them a little too much as the rule instead of the exception. Is using energy supplements to achieve a better workout an addiction? Is it wrong? I got sold on the idea that such supplementation was the rule rather than he exception from the supplementation sales people (eg vitamin shoppe) and from research in the body building forums. And that leads me to always use them for every workout. And the results are great in terms on reps, speed, performance, etc. Can I achieve the same results without them? Not sure. I should try. I always have had n addictive personality in everything I set my mind to as always want to give 110%. Is that healthy? Most of the time it is. Valedictorian, Eagle Scout, Concert Master in 120 member orchestra prior in life. Top of my career, great family, good post op weight loss, a competitive drive in athletic workouts to always get better. Having an addictive personality has served me well in being able to succeed and not settle.
  19. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    Shhhhh. You are going to jinx the good weather.
  20. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

    To answer your question: I am looking to achieve an athletic physical fitness with a body fat percentage of 10-12%. I have stated in another thread about dreams that I want to compete in cross fit national games in 2 years and then compete in america ninja warrior in about 5 years. I have an unfair disadvantage as never been an athlete before and am not genetically disposed to it in terms of body composition. However, I believe with the right attention to nutrition, training and supplementation, anything is possible. Anything. I have a lot of quick catching up to do in the next 5 years and bit requires a lot of daily focus to transforming my body in terms if composition and athleticism. Plus I need to eliminate this small skin issue in the tummy from losing weight. It is not bad, but still needs to go to achieve my goals.
  21. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

  22. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Tomorrow marks the last day of the 12 week challenge. Yay, we made it!! Congratulations on all who have persevered through the emotional and physical aspects of these last challenging 12 weeks. Personally, I have accomplished my physical goals outlined over the last 12 weeks: 1. My waist has really trimmed down from 34 to 30-32 inch levi. 2. My arms, legs, hands are really vascular. 3. My upper body strengthened has bulked up in terms of muscle mass and definition 4. My body fat percentage dropped 6 percentage points. 5. I can complete 10-20 unassisted pull ups, 200 Toes to Bar, 5:30 min mile run, 300+ lb dead lift, and on and on. My cross fit game has really improved in terms of strength, speed, mobility, flexibility and gymnastics skill. 6. My weight also dropped from 188 to a low of 172 and has stayed in 175-180 for the last month. This is right where I want to be for 5'11" frame. This has been a good trade of fat for lean muscle. 7. I have completed the entire "Be Your Own Gym" (BYOG) fitness program, progressing from novice to advanced. The advanced is still effective for me, but I am going to move onto a new program per notes below. What now you ask? It is time to think about your next 12 weeks. I am going to start a whole new level of training to hopefully move from "fitness" body (13-18% body fat) composition to "athletic" body composition (10-12 % body fat. I have a new DVD trainer that I have found to be 10x more brutal than Mark Lauren on BYOG program. What would you like to accomplish in terms of fitness, nutrition, professional and lifestyle per the application of strength in all these areas? These last 12 weeks should have helped you find tools to carry your vision of strength forward. Again, thanks for sticking with me over the last 12 weeks.
  23. Cheri- would tortilla chips suffice as a replacement for flour tortillas? I've been able to try both around 6 months post op. Tortilla chips are a bit easier to eat and they are "free" when eating out as Mexican restaurants. Just do not eat too many of them.
  24. Fiddleman

    big veins tonight

  25. Fiddleman

    Non believers

    My goal behind responding to this Boyscout issue is that the conversation remain civil. Honestly, I was disappointed in the decision that got made with regards to creating a line of delineation between gay scouts and gay leaders. I understand why they made this decision because of the power that adult leaders hold over the boys. However, divisiveness like this reeks of political openness overtones and that I had a problem with. I remember Scouts as it used to be. The scout oath and the scout motto defines a powerful direction for boys to become strong future leaders of morale strength. Scouts was a major part of my childhood and helped mold me into the person of leadership and moral character I am today. You see, I am an Eagle Scout, as are my two brothers, and I am proud of that. It comes with a responsibility to uphold the scout oath. We accepted the challenge of being an Eagle scout together in a joint ceremony. It was hard work to reach that award, but I am glad that Scouts was very morally structured back then, that it was inclusive to those that held the high standards of integrity, respect for authority and respect for a shared belief system. For what scouts is turning into today is creating men that lack the integrity and morale standard that scouts was known for, all in the name of political openness. The boys need a clear and narrow path of a belief system, respect for authority and integrity in order to become leaders as adult men that will keep our country strong and prosperous. I am afraid for what the lack of these standards and belief system is going to have on the future of our country. The county of America has already suffered so much because openness has created an environment where "anything goes" that has destroyed a once proud country due to lack of integrity. This is a very general statement that applies to the political system, the borders, the financial system, etc. There is so much rampant corruption in every part of the geo-social-political layers. Look at the scandals that are constantly taking place in the last decade alone in both major political parties. Look at the corruption in the major religious organizations. Look at the corruption of the financial system. We lack integrity at the highest levels of leadership and that can be traced back to lack of integrity instilled in young adults from the earlier and current generations. Please keep responses civil.

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