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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    What makes someone a veteran?

    Being a vet seems to be when you get to a point in time when you have a clear and mature understanding or approach to living with the sleeve for the rest of your life. I do not think this has anything to do with post quotient or months out from surgery. It is highly subjective. For this reason, I think it is highly improbable to even define a vet in objective terms. Only an individual can know this.
  2. Fiddleman

    Ate 1660 cals yesterday, am in full panic mode

    Interesting. Do you honestly truly believe we cannot "undo" obesity at the cellular or DNA level with the right anatomical or hormonal conditioning? VSG does alter the very nature of hormonal response in the body and that can be further influenced with diet and supplementation. No hard facts, but I do not think the hypothesis should've entirely discounted.
  3. Fiddleman

    Ate 1660 cals yesterday, am in full panic mode

    First calculator stated 1808 for BMR Second calculator stated 1574 for BMR and 2715 for TDEE. Wow - does this mean I need to be eating 2400 calories a day to have a healthy metabolism (lose or almost maintain)? Not going to happen for both physical and lifestyle choices.
  4. Fiddleman

    Personal Trainer?

    Ditto. My trainer is the same way. Love it!
  5. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Do share the gnarly crossfit WOD!!
  6. Fiddleman

    Casein protein tip

    I like to have casein Protein every night to the tune of 50-60 g. It is double chocolate and is like a creamy pudding. Who can resist, right? On occasion I forget or eat dinner too late and do not have time for that shake because I need a certain number of hours of sleep a night. I have noted that when I do not eat this one meal, that my weight tends to float up towards the top of my maintain window (175-180). As soon as I eat it again,say, the next day, my weight will drift back down to the bottom of my maintain window and my core section feels much tighter on waking up the following morning. It does not matter if I fail to drink it on a lifting day or a rest day. Same results. An interesting anatomical response, I must say. It could be my body really does need that extra 50 g of protein at bedtime to burn and build during the night. This is just something for you to consider if you are looking for a little help to push your current weight down a few lbs. I like to take Optimal Nutrition Gold Standard double chocolate casein protein of 2.5 scoops in Water.
  7. Fiddleman

    How many weeks off

    Take as much time as you need until you have enough energy where you do not want to leave at lunch time. For me, this was 3 weeks. First week was a wash because I was in the hospital getting over some minor complications that put me into ICU. End of second week still had me feeling drained. At the end of 3 weeks, I felt like there was enough energy to put in a whole day. Be prepared to relax and let others help you for 5-6 weeks with a lot of things you used to take for granted.
  8. Fiddleman

    Casein protein tip

    Oh that is manageable.
  9. Fiddleman

    Casein protein tip

    Yes, that is the one. Except I order 4 lb now instead of 2 lb. Interesting tip on the cottage cheese being a good source of casein Protein. I did not know that. How much cottage cheese would you need to eat to hit 50 g casein protein amounts? Probably 5 gallons, but just throwing a number out there.
  10. Fiddleman

    2 year post-op bone density scan results

    Negative effects if you do and negative effects if you do not take calcium supplements. The article seems to indicate consumption of calcium from leafy green and dairy sources do not pose a heart attack risk. Living life is a risky business. I guess just choose the path of least collateral damage to your body along the way if possible.
  11. Fiddleman

    Protein shakes :p

    You could try some other brands and other flavors. A lot of people on VST seem to enjoy unjury or Syntrax nectar. Both are also very good from a nutritional standpoint. If you look online at mybariatricpantry, BariatricChoice and maybe even amazon, you will find sample packs, sort of a try before you buy business model. You might also check GNC and Vitamin shoppe online go find sample packs of Protein powder. Everyone has different tastes. I like sweet flavors like Oreo and chocolate truffle. You might enjoy fruit more. The point is that by ordering one of these sample packs, you can find a flavor you like or perhaps do not like before committing to a 2 lb tub.
  12. Fiddleman

    2 year post-op bone density scan results

    As an aside, too much calcium leads to calcium oxidation issues manifested as stones in the kidney. Of course, same is true of protein and I am definitely guilty of excess. drinking a lot of water will keep the stones away in both cases from my research.
  13. Fiddleman

    2 year post-op bone density scan results

    Helps big business sell more milk, no? They have the marketing angle figured out. This is true in almost every industry from gas to oil to dairy to meat. Spin the marketing a certain way means profit even if not in the best interest of the people. Standard business practice, at least here in America since the founding of the country (although, back then, it was more about selling snake oil to the people as a health remedy). A good book to read on big business profit driven practices is "Salt Sugar Fat: How the food Giants Hooked Us."
  14. Fiddleman

    Fitness Plan ideas

    That one is challenging because it requires quite the strong core. I've been trying to do them for 3 workouts now at home with 10 lb weights and still am lacking the core strength the effortlessly stand up at the end of a rep. How did you do with it at the gym? Remember to use a light weight like 5-10 lb and to keep your arm straight up in the air for the whole movement. Same is true of a full body roll. In the full body roll, you start standing up, go into a deep squat, roll onto your curved back and keep going until you are rolled back onto your shoulders with your feet almost touching the ground behind you. Now reverse the motion back to starting position. The hard part is getting onto your feet fluidly and then stand up. It requires all core strength and a strong lower back. I figure I will be able to do 15 of these in 3 weeks time in one Fluid motion without struggling at the end to stand up. This exercise sure beats standard crunches or sit-up as it is a much more functional movement.
  15. Fiddleman

    2 year post-op bone density scan results

    I definitely do not mind chewing on two 500 calcium citrate chews for 3 meals a day rather than one. It is my one sweet I have that resembles candy.
  16. Fiddleman

    Fitness Plan ideas

    Louise - definitely the dopamine is what make exercise an addiction. Addiction can come in all shape and sizes, but one thing is certain. Stimulation of the dopamine receptors ("the reward center") is why most people exercise or workout. That is the case for me. It gives me a warm happy focused buzz energy for the whole day. I guess I am a weirdo because I love working out intensely every day. The day is not as good if I miss it.
  17. Fiddleman

    2 year post-op bone density scan results

    That is interesting to know. I currently take 1500 mg a day of BA chews (caramel - yum!), but may have to double based on your empirical results? My WW scale does bone density. I am not sure how accurate it is, but it is consistently giving me values that average around 8.0. This value appears to be in range of good bone mass according to the documented range of 7.4-8.2 based upon my age of 37: http://www.wholesalepoint.com/documents/WeightWatchers-WW66.pdf Your thoughts?
  18. Fiddleman

    Running shoes!

    Love the color!
  19. Actually, workouts (the actual intense part between warmup and cool down) were 15-20 minutes when doing the BYOG (be your own gym) workout program over last 12 weeks combined with 2 days cross fit. Now, starting last week, workouts are ranging from. 30 minutes to 45 minutes for 4 days when working out at home, yet are still intense. Still 2 days at cross fit. I am not really a gym rat so just like to hit it hard for a short time period and get on with the day (Or in my case, return to work at my home office). So, in conclusion, I still spend about 1 hour a day including warmup, stretch, workout and cool down. I think this will be changing in 2 months to be longer daily as I get into serious prep mode for cross fit games next summer.
  20. Fiddleman

    My protein bar rankings

    I have simple demands out of a Protein bar: 1. It be high protein 2. It be low sugar (and low net carb) 3. It taste good 4. It have calories between 180 and 220. Lower is better of course, but most are around 180 With that said, here is my list: 1. Quest bars (170 calories, 20g protein, 5 g sugar, awesome taste). Too addicting so only eat rarely. 2. Pure protein revolution (180 calories, 20 G protein, 1 g sugar, great taste) 3. Pure protein (180 calories, 180 calories, 20 G protein, 1 g sugar, good taste) 4. Nu go slim (180 calories, 17 G protein 2 g sugar, great taste) 5. Think thin (270 calories, 17 G protein, no sugar, ok taste). Too many calories for me, but thought I would include it in the list for completion. Do you have a list of favorite Protein Bars? Or even 1 favorite Protein Bar that you feel others would benefit from hearing about?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
