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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Walking Isnt Enough

    Sometimes? Ha! The day is not complete if we are not challenging ourselves in all things.
  2. Fiddleman


    It looks like it is safe to come out now.
  3. Fiddleman

    Need help with running - No energy!

    Anytime. Happy to help!
  4. Fiddleman

    Need help with running - No energy!

    You may look into eating complex carbs 1-1.5 hours before your run, perhaps with some protein. Some say 2:1 is a good ratio of carbs to protein. Running requires a lot of stored glycogen (energy) and it will be depleted during your run if you do not take the opportunity to fuel up before the run and/or during the run. Back when I was running in 1-2 hour blocks of somewhere between 6 and 15 miles, I would fuel up on some carbs during the run at 30 minutes to prevent hitting a wall at 45 minutes. Same thing applies to my cross fit workouts today. I do not run so much continuously anymore or as hard, but am still a strong believer of fueling up on complex carbs before an intense WOD or, in your case, a long endurance workout. You can try gels, energy squares, whatever, but I have also found regular food like apple slices and nut butter or steel cut oats and protein powder work very well as a pre workout snack. The carbs are needed for both optimal physical and mental response both during a workout and everyday life. Good luck!!
  5. Fiddleman

    Belly fat

    New picture taken today when I was in a 1/2 sleep state recovering and relaxing. What do you think? Here is a bigger one:
  6. Fiddleman

    GNC AMP Whey Bolic Extreme

    You are welcome. I think you will like it, but see if you can buy a smaller size just in case you do not prefer the taste. GNC has a 30 day satisfaction return policy, even on open products. They do want to make sure their customers are happy. That being said, I do prefer vitamin shoppe over GNC for my local supplement shopping.
  7. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    Rest day today. I have been running 10 miles daily with two hard workouts each day for last 5 days, so need a day of recovery. Back at it on Saturday.
  8. Fiddleman

    GNC AMP Whey Bolic Extreme

    I used the cookies and cream flavor for a few months and found it to be a decent shake for post workout recovery. The taste was pretty good, especially when mixed with low fat silk. I stopped using it because of wanting to try something different.
  9. Fiddleman

    Belly fat

    Yes, I do believe so.
  10. Fiddleman


    Looking for a waste basket to throw up in....
  11. Hi Globetrotter- I know you have not had the success you were looking for on the 5:2 plan, but have you considered the 16:8 intermittent fasting strategy combined with high intensity training? That is 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of feeding. Many have been really successful with this approach in the body building segment. The idea is the high intensity training depletes the muscles of stored glycogen (think empty on the gas tank), forcing your muscles to go into metabolic overdrive during the intermittent fast by converting stored fat into glycogen in very rapid cycles. You might consider this as a way to get into peak conditioning in a relatively short time period ( 6 weeks) and then cycle off it. You have to eat during the feed and eat in a way that is going to optimize the rapid refill of glycogen stores. You do have to bust out your training sessions ( think HITT, burst or whatever). You have to eat. Nutrition is very important. while not 100% positive from my research, i think this plan works the best if you eat Paleo style (minimize bread, dairy,sugar. in general, think low glycemic index when choosing your carbs). Your training sessions do not need to be long nor do they need to be everyday, if you bust through Tabata style strength training. With all that said, no, I do not recommend you going back to a starvation diet. It just kills your metabolism and pushes cortisol through the roof. This leads to increased storage of fat and an increase in auto immune issues if done for too long. Our bodies are made to eat. This is just a suggestion based on some research I have been doing for you on the side.
  12. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    5 miles down and a 20 minute set of Tabata style exercises this morning. Looking forward to cross fit and another 5 miles this afternoon. Total will be 30 miles by end of day today starting Monday. I do have to say 10 miles of running a day, a morning (power cardio) and an afternoon (weight training @ home or cross fit with PT) workout is causing some energy issues. 3 days so far of this.just so everyone is aware, I do full body conditioning. No isolation days for me. Also noting extra aches in my back and weird arthritis like pains in my fingers ( must be too many burpees with splayed fingers). I am really rolling, rolling and rolling to get those aches out of my back and am eating an extra meal (extra 200 calories for about 2400 daily calories). I am going to reevaluate this training load tomorrow end Of day and see if I need to make adjustments. Positives are dropped 5 lbs in last few days and feeling good about the tightening and toning in quads, core and pects. Thank you extra cardio and kettle bell workouts at home! My main motivation is to train as much possible to get my body ready for serious 6 day a week open gym cross fit starting next month (will eventually be working up to 2 cross fit sessions a day to get my conditioning where it needs to be). It will be sad to leave my trainer after 8 months, but I am ready to fly on my own now and budget concerns. Those PT sessions are so helpful for me, the non athlete, but are damn expensive. I am trying to increase my stamina, power and endurance. Push, push and push. It is challenging, but keeping my eyes on goals. Update: lots of running at cross fit today. 1600 m warmup run. 10 handstand push-ups (man, these turn on the sweat spigot) 3 rounds: 1600 m run 15 thrusters @ 225 lb 15 pull ups (*still struggle with these, especially on 3rd round) Ran 1600 m afterwards. Finishing this day of workouts at +10 for total of 30. A sad note that today was my last PT session. I will miss my trainer. We had a great friendship over last 8 months. That means tomorrow I will start 6 days a week cross fit. Guaranteed to kick my ass. Big time. But I will love it!! Time to take my fitness up a level.
  13. Fiddleman

    2 free Quest Bars.

    I guess the invoice fulfillment is backed up because I have yet to see my 2 free quest bars.
  14. Fiddleman

    active/sport bluetooth headphones?

    No problem at all with fit. it comes with 3 different mold and Ear support sizes. You just pick the size that works for your ear size. They have never fallen out for me and are fairly comfortable. I bought the buds from best buy as well and the transmitter from Amazon.
  15. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    I ran 8 miles so far today putting me at 20. Might do another 2 after dinner, not sure...
  16. Fiddleman

    active/sport bluetooth headphones?

    I have been using a pair of jaybird Bluetooth buds for about 9 months now (not quite a year). Fidelity is crystal clear and awesome to listen to while working out. Sounds like i am at a live concert or in the recording studio. The reproduction of the sound is as the artist intended. I primarily use them for running and I sweat profusely. There is a guarantee against sweat damage for life. I like the fact that they integrate with my Dinosaur iPod 2 classic. The only negatives are battery life is only about 2 hours and they are expensive. If your newer iPod or alternative music device has Bluetooth built in then you can save about 150 as you will not require the Bluetooth transmitter.
  17. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

  18. Fiddleman

    Burst Training

    Sounds like you are ready for it!
  19. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    5 miles and 1 power cardio so far today. I am finding I am too tired after power cardio in the morning to get back on the treadmill and run so will have to move the time around a bit. Perhaps 2 miles after lunch instead. This might work for tomorrow (fairly similar to today except strength training at 4:30 pm instead of cross fit session): 5:00am -3 miles (good for waking up with - no caffeine needed!) 9:00am -2 miles 9:30am power cardio 12:30 pm: 2 miles 4pm -2 miles 4:30 pm - cross fit 8 pm -2 miles Not too sure about the 8 pm run. I do not want running that late to mess with sleep patterns. 2 miles at a time is a nice easy segment to commit to. Trying to target 10 miles a day of these 2-3 mile segments. Enough to get the dopamine receptors firing and a light sweat. I thought I would be able to "cool down" with a short 2 mile run after working out with power cardio (weight driven cardio -intense), but I utterly lack the motivation and energy to get on the treadmill because the work out session drains me. I am sure if I forced myself onto the treadmill it would be mentally and physically better after a few minutes. It definitely feels like a wall when I tried to think about running following the power cardio this morning. I wanted to, but my body said no too loudly. I hope my eating patterns are planned well enough to support this much daily training (2000-2200 a day). I definitely eat like an athlete should be eating before and after workout sessions and throughout the day, clean and as nutritious as possible. Complex carbs before working out.I am even eating some quick burning carbs after working out along with Protein shake and BCAA drink so I think I am doing that right in order to keep the ebb and flow of energy going throughout the day. Protein, protein and more protein. Suggestions?
  20. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    Yup - me too on the scrambled eggs. I remember it was 1 scrambled egg with feta and dill. It was so filling, yet so tasty! Now I eat 2-3 eggs in a meal with a side of 2 turkey links. My favorite weekend breakfast. Also, you do not necessarily have to think of eggs as a breakfast only meal. They are also a great dinner. The key is to put aside the traditional thoughts of what food to eat at what time of day. Instead, think of refueling your body with food for energy.
  21. Fiddleman

    Burst Training

    Sounds like cross fit (my exercise of choice) or even HIIT (if you add strength training to it). This looks like an effective use of time and generates real results, fast. I would go for it if you have the energy and can sustain it for week after week. How far are you post op and how much do you eat? These types of workouts will require you to have stored glycogen in your muscles for high intensity workouts. The best way to build up these glycogen stores is with complex carbs. A high amount of Complex carbs or simple carbs are not the best food source for initial weight loss during the first 6 months, but that is just my opinion. If you can get through these types of workouts without eating a lot of carbs then all the power to you. Good luck!
  22. Fiddleman

    best thing for muscle soreness?

    Agree with the others: foam rolling is awesome. I am on my foam roller a few times a day and primarily focus on it bands, hip flexors, gluts and everything upper back and shoulders. Snap, crackle crunch...Crunch! That is what my back sounds like before really getting into the therapeutic massage part of it. Feels almost like a sports massage. I am not only using the roller after workouts, but also to recover from sitting in my computer chair all day. My god, my back is so sore at the end of the day just from computer work. I use a roller called TP Roller. It is awesome and saves me trips to the massage and the chiropractor, literally. Love crunching out the various tight spots. Another good roller is called the Rumble Roller. No experience with the Rumble Roller, but my trainer swears by it. Invest in a good roller and it will save you a lot of pain and money in the future.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
