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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    Added + 3.5 miles this morning. Lost count of total. Warmup: 1 mile jog and ring of fire Workout is called "Helen and Jackie" today. Two back to back actually. Workout 1: 3 rounds of- 800 m run, 21 kb swings and 12 pull-ups Workout 2: 1600 m row , 50 thrusters @ 95 lb, 50 pull-ups Ring of fire is where group sits in a circle and we alternate between 10 s hollow hold and 10 s ab exercise (each person picks 1). Nice "burning" sensation in the abs after this one. pull ups really toasted my arms. Runs are fun and fast as usual. I am weird to consistently like running every day hard and fast (race mode). Most find it their least enjoyable part of the workouts.
  2. Fiddleman

    Worried about staying hydrated

    I would also like to suggest power aide drink as it has electrolytes and no calories. Drink as much water as you can if you are working out. 90 ounces a day is a good starting point. Drink before, during and after working out. Try and reduce your caffeine Intake in order to reduce the loss of water and Calcium during the day. Drink when you are not eating. If newer out, you will need to play with 45 minute wait periods. However, you can wait far less between eating and drinking once you are far enough post op.
  3. Fiddleman

    Gained after starting a new routine!

    Kettle bells are pretty awesome at creating muscle. Keep it up! I would not be too concerned about weight gain after strength training. It always happens. I bet your clothes are fitting better and weight will begin to drop again soon.
  4. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    My original goal was 180. I picked it as the weight made sense for a person of my height (5'11") and seemed "normal" according to the standard BMI chart. Hit that weight during post op 7 months and lost 180 lb, down from 360 from heaviest. However, I was still not happy with overall health. I was skinny fat with a body fat % approximately 22%. And my upper body was much to be desired in terms of a good body composition. So my response is to say start with a BMI number on a chart and then make some new goals. In last 8 months, my body fat % dropped to 13% and I have a good athletic build. Current weight is about 175 and oscillates up and down +-3 lbs. Am I happy? Not quite. I am still working on body composition in addition to health and fitness every day. It is a lot of work, but worth it in every way.
  5. Fiddleman

    Sugar? Fat? Calories? Carbs?

    My wife and I are stevia converts. It flavors our coffee fairly decently and it only requires 1/2 the amount as Splenda. We do not use artificial sweeteners any more then that, but the water sweeteners tend to be indirectly loaded with sweeteners. 'Tis life; we do the best we can.
  6. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    + 5 miles today Warmup : 1 mile jog, handstand push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, air squats and cart wheels. Mobility work for about 30 min. First workout : 3 rounds of 400 m, 20 pull-ups, 15 push-ups, 10 thrusters and 5 back squats 2nd workout: 3 rounds of 1600 m, 50 back extensions, 50 GHD sit-ups. Completed this workout in 19:50 m. Was a really huge push of effort and fastest by 4 min for box. Also worked on double under skill today on my own. This is where jump rope passes under you 2x per jump. Harder then you might think. Nothing is funnier then watching a grown man do his first set of cartwheels. Lol. It really made me wonder how younger gymnastic girls make it look so easy. Now I have yet another exercise skill to work on. there is so much skill to master in cross fit!! I need 48 hours a day!
  7. Fiddleman

    Worst diet ever?

    No, but I see what you are getting at. I think the problem was I am not a good hypnosis subject, too strong willed. Big waste of $2000+.
  8. Fiddleman

    Worst diet ever?

    My worst diet was probably hypnosis (positive changes). I gained 50 lbs on it so, no, not for me. My most successful diet was probably Atkins. It worked well for me in the first 8 months (lost about 100) until I stopped eating low carb and ate whatever.
  9. I cannot believe my size is now a medium after being 3x and 4x for so long. And the medium shirts fit very well. I also went from size 48 pant size to Levi 32. Yet I do not feel small. It is strange in a way. I am 5 ' 11 " and currently 177. I was 360 around my surgery on July 2nd 2012. Daily cross fit has given me a good build.
  10. Fiddleman

    Is this size for real?

    Yup - keep your eye on your goal and you will get there. Believe In it.
  11. Fiddleman

    Is this size for real?

    Yeah, loving life!
  12. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

  13. Fiddleman

    Unintended eating

    As a vet and am close to or have reached goal already, how many of you find yourself making mistakes and unintentionally eati g certain things? Unintentionally may mean too large a portion or the wrong foods despite best intentions and planning. Does being a vet cure us from unintentional eating? No for most I am sure. Not a very deep survey question, but it would be interesting to see the spectrum of answers. You would think being a vet means you have these issues under control. My answer is about once a week I will get the carb cravings and give in to some unintended carb snack. Not anything to derail from, but gives me pause to consider the trigger. For me, I think it is because body needs the glucose (energy) even though daily calories are pretty high. Weight still goes down. It really only hits me about once a week on the weekend (sunday) and usually mid afternoon. It is more of a "gee, can't you just not do that" response even though it does not lead to any weight related concerns.
  14. Fiddleman

    cross fit total

    Today will be my first exposure to this where we test several 1 rep max and then a 1 mile sprint. Mentally, I am trying to figure this out and am asking for advice. It will be PR day on back squat, strict press, dead lift and bench press. Then followed by a sprint. How is this going to work? The PR lifting is going to fatigue every major muscle group to failure. We get max 5 attempts on each lift to get to PR. Last week, we did a day of only running 3 1 mile sprints (about 5k) where my times were recorded as 5:15, 5:59 and 6:20. Fastest ever by major leaps and bounds for me. My mind is holding me back a little, remembering the fatigue that followed that evening. I want to try and sprint a 1 mile sub 5 min. Is it possible? Dunno, especially after the PR lifting. I am trying to prepare my muscles in terms of eating the usual carb loads up until about 2 pm. Workout will start around 4 pm. What else can I do? Would taking caffeine via coffee after lifting give me the required energy rebound to get out there and burn my mile time? Will BCAA drink between lifting and sprinting make a difference? Any suggestions? Have not combined these two types of efforts in 1 workout before.
  15. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    +2 yesterday. 1 being a warmup before lifting hearty and the other being for time (4:44) after lifting. I feel great today after replacing a bed cushion, like I finally slept well to feel recovered in the morning. Finally! I have lost track of my total miles for the month, but think it is around 130 and will need to add them up.
  16. Fiddleman

    cross fit total

    A little caffeine before the run, after the lifts. Not much. The funny part is before the run I was just sitting there wondering how this run thing was going to work because hams were a little toast from dead lift pr. I also felt, well, cold. Not at all warmed up. That is how I find it very strange my mile time was so fast. I think it was sheer will power to get a pr, even though my body was not in an ideal running state of being warm as it usually is.
  17. Fiddleman

    cross fit total

    Good workout. I PR'd on all the lifts and ran the mile in 4:44. The mile went by so fast and only winded me a bit during the run. Felt fine afterwards and breathing back to normal pretty quickly. I find that big strides and huffing /puffing like a choo choo train to increase oxygen are key to sprinting the last 600 m or so. You just have to let nothing get in the way between you and the finish line, no matter how much you want to stop. That is the time to dig in and give it your all.
  18. Fiddleman

    How old am I?

    Cool - my guess of 30-31 was pretty close. Everyone should try out the RealAge app and report back what it tells them about their age.
  19. Fiddleman

    cross fit total

    Thanks all for your thoughts.
  20. Fiddleman

    How old am I?

    I already guess 30-31 a couple of days ago and am waiting to find out who is closest. it is like being on "price is right"!!
  21. Fiddleman

    How old am I?

    So when do we get to find out??

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