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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Fitness Plan ideas

    Let us start a thread that contains a weekly fitness plan for giving others ideas about what to do depending on post op maturity. Please indicate your weekly plan, how it is working for you and the number months or weeks you are post op. looking forward to hearing about what you do and how it is working!!
  2. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    Thy is great news!
  3. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

  4. I tried orange crush crystals last week and did not care for it. I really thought it was going to be good.
  5. I think the poweraide zero, especially strawberry, is good. Hawaiian Punch grape also tastes good.
  6. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I'll do the challenge again. My first name is Andy. Nice to meet you.
  7. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    What is your resting HR at now? I have not checked mine in several months, but I was 44 back around April.
  8. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    Wow - I cannot believe there is a whole science or religion behind the coveted thigh gap. Like I said above, maybe this is equivalent to men trying to achieve a certain ab set, biceps size or body fat %. We too can get obsessive in a similar way.
  9. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    I hate to ask and feel silly googling it, but what exactly does "faking the thigh gap" mean? And why is the thigh gap so important anyways?? I guess it is something females intuitively understand. I always thought love handles around the waist was a good physical measurement. Or lack of muscular definition around the body (abs, biceps, quads, etc). Must be a mars and Venus set of perspectives.
  10. Fiddleman

    Let her eat cake

    You did say sugar free cake. That is interesting. The sugar in most wedding cakes does make people sick because the stomach and intestines are not used to all that sugar, potentially leading to the dumping syndrome. It would make me sick. the last time i have eaten sugar outside the sugar found in protein shakes and bars (usually 1-3 g) has been april 2012. I do not miss it. If you like sugar free cake and it does not cause you any issues (dumping, weight gain, etc), I say eat it. Be reasonable though. Try and stick to a single small piece.
  11. Straws are problematic at the beginning because of the trapped air, but they are fine later on. The rules tend to be a bit draconian at the beginning for good reason. Patient is healing and doctor does not want to be sued. Here is my short list of dirty little secrets 1. Take up to 800 mg of prescribed ibuprofen for inflammation. I have taken a lot of different NSAID to deal with it from naproxen to flexor patch to voltaren gel. Still alive. 2. Drink from straws occasionally. Not too often. Only happens if there happens to be a straw sitting in a cup and I am hella thirsty after working out or feeling dehydrated. Still alive. 3. Drink the occasional SF monster or Rockstar. I like the flavor and energy. While drinking, the fleeting thoughts of carbonation goes through my head in addition to battery acid. And then they disappear. Still alive. I do not have any real eating dirty secrets (except for the occasional binge on energy squares). My diet has always been high Protein and low carb. I stuck to plan and followed doctors orders until month 7 when weight loss phase ended. The stress from micromanaging eating details is just not for me. I used to track protein (80+ g), Water (90+ oz) and carbs (20-30 g or lower). in my head until month 7. Now I make sure to hit broad targets for those 3 items (150+ g protein, 120+ oz water, 100+ g good carbs). I tend to eat more good carbs now to fuel working out hard. Eating what i am supposed to eat is pretty much like breathing. No struggle. I had my surgery July 2nd 2012 and weight on adage 175 today with between 13-15 body fat %.
  12. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    No, I do not eat any of that except occasionally shrimp. My diet is really predictable except for dinner when my wife shows off her mad chef "the chew" skills. I like to keep eating simple and basic. I do not need complex flavors or exotic food preparations. A bowl of steel cut oats, a serving of lean chicken, a few ounces of broccoli, chia seeds, 2 energy squares; that works fine for me.
  13. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Running is kind of a love hate relationship at the beginning, but turns more towards love as you get better at it. It will be something you will look forward to doing after a while.
  14. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Hope you are a glutton for ass kicking. Seriously, good job and stick with it. Consistency is what will move mountains.
  15. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    Agree! Go out and buy the WW scale from BBB or similar scale. It will measure your body fat % with micro currents as you stand on it. Trust me, you cannot feel anything.
  16. Fiddleman


    A good point to start driving is 24 hours after you have stopped taking pain medicine or any other medicine that will compromise your reaction time (a different way of stating above post).
  17. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    That is really great news!
  18. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    Shoot, got rid of the size 48 pants a long time ago. Maybe I will have to swing by goodwill or value village and live vicariously for a moment by taking a picture with me in them. I am size 32 now so could go camping with them, just need my sleeping bag and pillow.
  19. Fiddleman

    Fitness Plan ideas

    Yup - agree with that statement so much! I also think metabolic conditioning and HIIT type workouts help a lot also. Sprinting (not just the running type) is so good for your overall health.
  20. Fiddleman

    100 mile challenge

    I think you have done terrific on your daily average by consistently hitting 5+ miles! Great job. No need to use the word "only."
  21. Fiddleman

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    Somehow spinach mixed into my sweet shake does not sound appealing. I will need to find another way.
  22. Fiddleman

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    I take opti-men, but magnesium DV is 25 % of 400 mg if I take 3 a day. I usually take 2 a day,one for breakfast and one for lunch so I really get < 25 %. To hit 900 mg , I am going to need to start taking supplementation. I want more muscles!! I am pretty lean in waist, but chest is bulky (read: triangle build). Legs, arms and shoulders need more bulking!! You know I lift consistently and workout doing cross fit from my posts. I do not eat most of the foods on the list of the link above. If I do,it is very small quantities of, say, spinach on rare occasion.i mostly each protein with a green supplement daily and 2 small portions of veggies a day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
