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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. At 4 weeks, I was eating canned salmon, small amount of scrambled eggs and protein shakes. The scrambled eggs were still hard to eat even in 2 ounce quantity. If you like salmon, the canned wild salmon is good where you can scoop out 1-2 ounces. I think I was still mostly a shake-aholic back then with the occasional tomato protein soup thrown in when needing a break from shakes.
  2. Fiddleman

    Beet chicken salad

    It was from a package of pre cooked roasted beets from costco. I surprised myself this morning in preparing this. I am no chef and definitely no aspirations to be one. My wife wears the chef hat in the house. However, I found myself wanting to prepare it this morning instead of the usual quick lean Protein (eg chicken) grab. Watch out. I could give the chefs on "the chew" show some competition.
  3. Fiddleman

    What is ketosis?

    I started out eating about 20-30 g carb for first 5 months and then increased it to 50-100 once starting to run daily between month 5 and 7. After that I stopped counting carbs because of my fitness routine. However, do know the carbs I eat now are complex variety and are still controlled in the sense I only get carbs if I am planning on eating them with a meal (I have had the occasional carb slipup, but it is short lived). I would say my diet is still "low carb" because if you are an athlete or lifter, you should be eating massive amounts of carbs. I do not. Nor do I eat bread, fruit or dairy. Carbs come from veggies and grain food like steel cut oats and quinoa. Also want to add that I was a huge fan of the Atkins diet. Lost 100 lbs on it without much struggle back in 2005. I think my body is made to get by with low carb. Atkins is super if you can successfully transition into long term. Unfortunately, I could not and dived off the deep end when the weight dropped, just because I could, without seeing immediate increases on the scale, until it was too late. That is what I love about the whole vsg process. It teaches you life habits during the honeymoon phase so you don't dive off the deep end when passing out of the honeymoon phase. That is key. Take advantage of when you cannot eat much and cannot eat bad food to put a life plan of good nutrition in place. Fitness will follow after the weight begins to drop.
  4. Fiddleman

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    He he - a challenge! I will try it this next week.
  5. Forgive me if I do not scribe this right, but here goes. Recently, as in last couple days, I have been getting a weird snapping sensation in my forearms after doing lifts, such as the clean jerk or s n a t c h and other exercises such as pull-ups. I talked to the trainer during the WOD today and they hadn't heard of it. Suggested I switch to ring rows instead of pull ups. No pain or inflammation this evening. The last 4 days have seen a lot of arm work, even back to Saturday when we did rounds of 50 pull-ups and 50 snatches. I think it is the s n a t c h sets we have done 2 x since then along with the split jerks, strict presses and front squats that are stressing out my forearms - not sure. However, doing pull-up sets almost every day this week is probably not helping. I am practicing kipping and butterfly technique on the pull-ups so that i can do 100 of them in a couple min. Have you heard of this snapping sensation in the forearms before and is this a real concern? I do not want to tear something, but do not even know if there is a danger of that.
  6. Fiddleman

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    No, no nutrition. just a blast of taste in the mouth. I will try the mixing of protein powder and greenery once I get up the courage for it.
  7. Fiddleman

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    I've start eating some kale in the form of kale chips my wife makes. They are quite tasty and it only takes 1-2 to satisfy.they provide quite a burst of intense flavor and a little crunchiness.
  8. Fiddleman

    Leg pain?

    Is your leg swollen at all or warm to touch? I am wondering if you have symptoms of a blood clot. Hope it gets better soon.
  9. Obsession? Doesn't seem like one. I exercise about 1 hour a day 5x a week of lifting and met con workouts, take 2 days rest every 3 days. This seems well withing a normal exercise routine, no?
  10. Fiddleman

    What is ketosis?

    Ketosis is when your body switches from using carbs as energy to using stored fat as energy. ketosis is usually triggered by eating low carb and high protein. You have to really like eating low carb (< 20 g) or it may drive you crazy. Some side effects are bad smelling breath and urine. Some say ketosis is harmful to your liver. Bad breath is not a deal breaker for me. I can do very low carb and i have no issue with it. my wife hates low carb. You probably do not want to be in ketosis as a long term strategy forever if there is a harmful impact on your liver. I stayed in ketosis for about 6 months post op and believed it helped in dropping most my excess weight from 360 to 180.
  11. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    Oh yes,I have done melatonin for a few months now. I started with about 5 mg of melatonin mixed in with valerian root, hops and a few other things. I have recently switched to just 1 ml dose of liquid melatonin. It definitely helps with falling asleep, but still do not sleep through the night and always wake between 2-3 am. What I have noticed sight I can take another 1 ml dose at 3 am and it will give me another 3 hours of sleep and I feel ready to get up between 5:30a-6a. For kicks I tried taking unison instead the other night. When I woke up, I thought it was 3 am. However, it was 6 am. I had slept through the whole night. However, I had trouble waking up to do my job effectively for about 2 hours and I also needed to take coffee (have been not drinking coffee for a couple months in the morning ). So no win with unison. It drugged me too much in the morning. More suggestions?
  12. Did I learn from yesterday?? Nnnooo.....groan...no.. No snapping though. Just really really sore in the forearms. The coaches really got stuck on arm workouts this week. I went in and did my workout today: 2 mile warmup run, 1600 m row 3 rounds: 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 10 jumping squats 90-120 second handstands against wall. 30+ minutes mobility mashing this and that. 20 min of split jerk to hit 175 # 6 rounds: 9 muscle ups (these are technically hard!!) 12 handstand push-ups 15 kb swings @ 53 # Time : 11:00 min After that workout, my forearms were huge and tight. I had to do a lot of mobility cool down by rolling the barbell over em. Wow that was a serious burn in the forearms. However, I liked the pump and the vacillation. Really hoping these workouts let up on forearm stress, starting tomorrow morning.
  13. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I have been doing the October challenge, but not posting back so much any longer. This month I am going to reach new distances through both running and rowing. I am averaging about 1-3 miles of fast Sprint running outside on pavement daily and about 2000 m of rowing every other day, both for time. I want to start dong some rowing at home (we have a concept II b; it is a tank!) in the mornings to compliment the cross fit conditioning workouts I do in the afternoon. Need to get back on my treadmill at home again also to do some 5-10k running.i miss doing the longer slower runs, enjoying the less frantic conditioning of timed runs, perhaps watching tv or listening to music. Lately have not been doing at home working out at all and feel guilty about unused equipment. I am a slacker.
  14. Thanks for the article. I will take a look at it during a break today. Rhabdo is one of those topics we kind of jokingly talk about at the cross fit sessions every once in a while, especially after there was a special on the news a couple weeks ago. Nobody takes it that seriously because we all think it won't happen to any one of us, and if it did, we would know by the dark urination symptom. No joke, I visually check every morning. No issues. I do have to say that since doing cross fit 3 days on and 1 day off a few weeks ago, I have been a lot more sore and tired all the time. And I mean all the time. My lifts overhead have gotten really disappointing lately, maybe it is overtraining. I cannot seem to lift very much overhead. Strength is way down.
  15. Fiddleman

    Where do I stop...goal weight related....

    I think most people who have known you before will struggle with their own dysmorphia issues when seeing the "new you." I know it does not excuse their ridiculous behavior, but might put your mind at ease.
  16. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    Thans for your suggestion. I usually exercise at 3:30-4 pm.
  17. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    This might be it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
