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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    No miles today, but I did have a good workout. 500 m row 3 sets of 5 Romanian deadlifts @ 315 # WOD "The chief" Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 3 Power Cleans 135#/95# 6 Push-Ups 9 Air Squats Repeat for a total of five sets, resting 60 seconds between sets. Pick up each set where you left off when the last ended. My results : 361 total reps Good sweat. Felt like a Fran. Tomorrow is a rest day so no miles. Nada. Going to kick my feet up and cheer y'all on.
  2. Fiddleman

    Biggest loser

    Watching the season premier of biggest loser tonight. There is -26, -20, -16 and -12 on one team in one week. One guy dropped 38 lb. Incredible! What do you think of those losses for a single week? That would be pretty awesome to drop 26 lb in a week. What is the most you have dropped in a week with VSG. I think the best drop I had was 12 and that was like week 2. Average during loss period was 2-3 lb a week, but in reality was 2 weeks of drop and two weeks of stall after 2 months.
  3. Fiddleman

    Biggest Loser off road challenge

    Not yet, but want to do a tough mudder next year. I heard these are a bit long at 12 miles with obstacles (think: boot camp) and lots of mud.
  4. Fiddleman

    Sugar cookie dough

    An interesting combination of steel oats and muscle milk lite cake batter tastes like eating sugar cookie dough. Yum! 1/2 cup cooked steel oats 1/2 tbsp Water (more or less depending on desired consistency) 2 scoops (25 g) - add a scoop if you want more Protein I like to mix it with a spoon until powder is mostly mixed in (still a dusting on the surface of oatmeal). I mix it enough to keep cookie dough size balls. You can always add a little more water and mix it completely for typical oatmeal consistency.
  5. Fiddleman

    Sugar cookie dough

    Somewhat, but I am probably the wrong person to ask. I like Protein Powder and have never noticed any after taste in it.
  6. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    I actually slept through the night last night. The small miracles in life that get taken for granted...
  7. Fiddleman

    Biggest loser

    Oh the horrors! Loss of innocence!! Lol. Those participants still are really inspirational in their efforts.
  8. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    My wife and fellow VST member (phoenix79) is thinking about starting c25k. Please encourage her. this is exciting to have a running partner! We are quite different in height where she is 5'6" and I am 5'11" . That would certainly translate into different stride lengths gaits, etc. will have to figure out how to make that work so we can run together.
  9. Enquiring minds want to see photos! I still cannot get over how cavalier the surgeons were in btb's photos, smiling and holding up big swabs up skin. I can't help but feel like they are having a big party in there. You would never know what goes on while under.
  10. Fiddleman

    Sugar cookie dough

    I do not see this as " bad" and it is, in fact, just steel oats and low carb protein powder. Do others see it this way? I like to eat my steel oats like this 1-2 x a day. Good energy!
  11. Fiddleman

    Amazing instant Sugar Free Sweet tea

    You maybe able to, eventually, but that does not mean you should. Drinking at meals may push food through faster making you more hungry at best and at worst It may be painful for you. These rules we learn after post op are good life long habits.
  12. Fiddleman

    Biggest loser

    After watching the episode, I was pretty amazed that the trainers were putting people (weights ranging from 250 up to almost 500) through what are essentially cross fit workouts. They were doing kettle bell swings, burpees, etc. at morbid obesity weight !!!! That is really something. How inspiring is that? They were also puking left and right. Ignore that part...
  13. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    What? That is quite amazing.
  14. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I got in some good running today. + 4.5 miles (3.5 of them being 6 min and under miles) 1600 m warmup (8 min) - not too fast. For time: Run 3200 m (2 mile) 30 Burpees 30 Thrusters 95#/65# Time : 16:10 When the running clock reaches 18:00, complete the following for time: Run 1600 m (1 mile) 20 Burpees 20 Thrusters 95#/65# Time: 7:20 When the running clock reaches 25:00, complete the following for time: Run 800 m (1/2 mile) - all out sprint 10 Burpees 10 Thrusters 95#/65# Time: 4:50 This was one of the hardest workouts I have done in terms of stamina and endurance. Felt good afterwards, but worn out. I worked out with 2 others and we were all looking worn afterwards. You know, my favorite time of the day is about 10 m after I get home, taking a hot shower. Feels so good. I also do some contrast showers, but not every day.
  15. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    Just some caffeine from coffee before training.
  16. Fiddleman

    anyone take Animal Pack

    I took them at month 7, once.
  17. Fiddleman

    I KNEW IT! :p

    Hmm, injected cocaine and Oreo sugar blast. Poor rats are bouncing off the walls in the maze. I bet they do not know which direction is up and which is down. :)as for the Oreos, I have not had those in a long time (15 months). I think post op I prefer savory now over sweet. The more one refrains from eating sweet, ythe less desire there is for it. Give yourself 3-4 weeks sans sugar and you will feel great.
  18. Fiddleman

    anyone take Animal Pack

    I tried these several months ago; February 2013, I believe. At the time, they have me stomach issues, so I stopped taking them after the initial dose. The pills are also huge. And there are so many. I have been taking opti men since then and had had good success with them. I still have a tub of unopened animal oak packets and am thinking about trying them again in the future to see if there are any different results. I have heard good things about them. If I recall correctly I think gmanbat also took them in the past. Here is a link to the ingredients: http://animalpak.com/iconic/assets/files/PakQuadfold.pdf

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
