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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Yup - I did. However, this water stuff got me thinking in a general sense.
  2. Fiddleman

    Fitness and sleeping

    Ok - said I would wait one month, but I am happy to report that since the last post, I have slept very well. I feel much better. My muscles do not ache any longer, are not so tightly wound and my overall sense of well being has improved. If you have trouble sleeping and/or have maladies associated with magnesium deficiencies, do check out this product Natural Calm and read the online reviews about it. I think the working out intensely as a post op combined with a diet low in magnesium has led to my deficiency. Multivitamins and/ or fitness water just do not have enough DV to make up for it so I am glad Natural Calm has helped out.
  3. Fiddleman

    MFP calories: Aim for goal or net?

    no, I was just saying the starvation thing to be a little funny. I do not like to track and it goes against my grain. That is the real reason I do not use it. Go figure because I have to deal with numbers and details on a minute by minute basis with my career. I would rather just ball park my figures at the macro level and make decisions on principle and on what works (for me) rather then tracking at the granular level. That's just me. Some people really love tracking the minute details of calories, fat, protein, carbs, etc. I do not. My rules during weight loss : eat every 3 hours, eat protein first, eat veggies second, low carb, do not cheat, no bread, no sugar, keep calories between 600-900, keep protein > 90 g and do not worry about fat, but do not eat fried anything.
  4. Fiddleman

    What do you watch on Netflix?

    No - not scary at all.
  5. 5'11" M, 37 Start : 360 (May 2012) End: 175 (February 2013) Lost first 100 lb during month 3.
  6. Fiddleman

    What do you watch on Netflix?

    Fringe (from Wikipedia) Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci. It premiered on the Fox Broadcasting network on September 9, 2008, and concluded on January 18, 2013, after five seasons and 100 episodes. The series follows Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Walter Bishop (John Noble), members of a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts, under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences, which are related to mysteries surrounding a parallel universe. The series has been described as a hybrid of The X-Files, Altered States, and The Twilight Zone. More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringe_(TV_series) I enjoyed watching it.
  7. Fiddleman

    Heart Rate

    I can relate. It is hard for me to use the heart enabled programs on the cardio machines because my heart rate never gets read by the sensors. If I am busting it out on the elliptical, I was only able to get it up to 125 max even though I was on level 16 out of 25 going at 7.1 mph. That is when I said, "forget this." I am going to hurt my muscle before getting my heart rate into cardio zone on those machines. My heart rate is normally between 37-44 and blood pressure was measured last week at 95 / 60. Running or Tabata and cross fit type workouts get my pulse up. I tried using the machines this week, but haven't been on one at a gym in over 2 years. Usually I am running (> 6 mph) or doing some cross fit WOD (workout of the day). Look up cross fit workouts. You can do these anywhere and do not need to belong to a box. One of my favorite games to do anywhere is to assign an exercise like burpee, jumping jack, push-up, sit-up, etc to a face card type and then do as many reps as the card says to do until you get through 52 cards. No breaks. It takes about 20 minutes and will have your pulse up.
  8. Fiddleman

    Tummy tuck today!

    i thought about your comment since yesterday. I know it is very common to state that that WLS fixes the stomach and not the mind. However, I really have to wonder if, in fact, WLS does fix the mind in certain cases. Those with chemical and hormonal imbalances in the body may find a certain movement towards homeostasis after WLS surgery that balances out destructive eating and/or addictive behavior. We have seen certain conditions like diabetes managed better or eliminated. Why is that? The endocrine system is not directly associated with the digestive system. Why not consider that mental conditions like binge eating, anorexia, OD and bipolar tendencies, are also managed better or eliminated after WLS due to the same changes in hormonal communication channels within the body. The body is always trying to achieve homeostasis. The opposite is true also; that is, a person may became out of balance from a change in hormonal communication as one system in the body overpowers another system in overlapping hormones or metabolites. Every process in the body is controlled by hormonal and chemical reactions. It is a hypothesis and I did not search for any credible studies to back it. Apologies if my description is chalk full of factual error. I do not have a scientific nor a biological background, but do have an interest in how the body works with respect to diet and supplementation, particularly the mind.
  9. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Glad I got some big miles in yesterday because today is going to be zero unless I can count air miles on my flight home.
  10. Fiddleman

    MFP calories: Aim for goal or net?

    I love how MFP says you are going to die from starvation on a low calorie diet like post WLS. That is when I made a personal decision to not use it.
  11. Fiddleman

    MFP calories: Aim for goal or net?

    I say go for actual calories and not net. Any calories lost during exercise is bonus. You need to eat enough to keep your metabolism from falling down the WLS abyss.
  12. Fiddleman

    Fast Food

    agree. We do this also occasionally. It is probably one of the best nutritional options out there in terms of fast food. Taco Time also has a white bean chicken chile that is good. It is about 160 calories for a cup. We do not eat out fast food very often, but sometimes we get in a bind and need the option.
  13. Fiddleman

    Most Surprising NSVs?

    Thought about this. I think one of the most surprising NSV is I do not sweat anymore. I used to be such a profuse sweater and it was embarrassing when it left sweat circles in my shirt. Now I have to be really working out hard to sweat. Cardio machines do not cause sweat. Running doesn't even cause sweating unless it is sprinting.
  14. Fiddleman

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Today I got in 12. 23 miles. Longest distance in a long time. 2 mile warm up @ 6.2 mph 10 k run @ 6.4 mph 5 k @ 6.5 mph 1 mile jog cool down I had to stop between 10 k and 5 k for a bathroom stop. no tree to relieve myself on. Feel pretty good now, but legs - quads- are a little tired. Not too bad overall though. I am not really an endurance runner. In fact, it is not my cup of tea (prefer fast short distances). For me, running takes about 10 minutes before reaching runner high and auto pilot switches on. All I have to do is remember the principle of chi running: run lightly, mid foot impact, forward tilt and large strides; keep the body well balanced and relaxed. The muscle memory and conditioning takes care of the rest. This should place my monthly total over 200.
  15. Fiddleman

    Tummy tuck today!

    Yup - I am a bit vain sometimes when it comes to appearance of core region. maybe that will lessen after I get rid of the annoying skin that refuses to melt away around my belly button. Just one of the gang here on VST...
  16. Fiddleman

    November fitness challenge

    Hi - my name is Andy. I want to be able to successfully complete the following by the end of November ( during a single workout) 50 unbroken kipping pull-ups (at about 5 strict and 10 kipping) 50 nose to wall hand stand push-ups (I cannot do these yet due to lack of shoulder and overhead strength) 100 unbroken double unders (I cannot do these yet due to skill, good at 100 singles) 100 unbroken push-ups ( can do about 30 unbroken) 50 GHD sit-ups (can do this, but added as a way to round out the work out) 50 rebound box jumps (I am not able to do more than 2-3 at a time due to skill) I will be practicing these all month in between planned workouts to move towards November goal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
