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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I am the same way with the Bariatric Advantage chewable Vitamins and am out about 3 months. This issue has been bothering me since about 3 weeks post op. Sometimes they make me absolutely want to throw up. I have noticed they are easier to take if after Breakfast and before any other vitamins. I also take c, d, omega3, calcium chews, b12 and b50. If i take too many of these together with the Multivitamin it is very easy to get sick and start gagging with dry heaves. B12 and calcium chews are mostly ok if taken in isolation, an hour after multivitamin. There must be too much of something that the sleeve does not like. It is a little frustrating because it is better for me to take them all at once. I have also tried to take something instead of Multivitamins like green vibrance. Any advice?
  2. Fiddleman


    Just to be fair, i did not start in on coffee until 5 weeks or so. I have caffeine in other forms too like mio energy and mark pantry ( target) liquid water enhancer. Usually one of something with caffeine in it, at most once a day.
  3. Fiddleman


    Drinking coffee has not made me hungry yet. Now I mainly drink expressos so maybe that is different.
  4. Fiddleman


    I have been drinking expressos some times in the morning. No cream, but some splenda is added. It helps when my work starts at 5:30 am and i go to bed at midnight. Is there any health reason why we should not have black coffee/ expresso with some non-calorie sweetener?
  5. Lost 95 lb so far from 7-2-2012.
  6. I got a series of pulsating pains in middle of sternum area. It last about 30 seconds. It caught me off guard a little because it is new for me. One thing I can identify is it was after i had some MIO energy this morning ( as usual did not get enough sleep- about 4.5 hours) Do you think the is acid? I have been religiously taking a PPI since surgery almost 3 months ago.
  7. Another symptom that i did not mention is fingers become ice for about 30 minutes. From my last post above, they are just starting to warm up again. Happened the first time this am too. I called the doctor's office, but had to relay a message. Doctors are in surgery for most of the day, but do try and check messages in between.
  8. I am going to call the doctor. It just happened again.
  9. Funny you say that because i have been waiting for it based on what others have posted on VST. Maybe my time has come. Darn.
  10. Fiddleman

    Every 3 Hours...

    I eat about every 3 hours for 6 meals a day. If you eat shakes for any of these meals, try switch to an extended release protein. This will keep you full 4-5 hours instead of 2-3 hours. The syntax matrix line is a very good product line for extended release protein shakes. For me, I usually only feel empty if I miss a meal. Although it is not the same hungry feeling as preop.
  11. Fiddleman

    Olive Garden..

    I went to Olive Garden during every phase. During preop, I ate some vegetable soup. During liquids, I drank the broth from the healthy soups. During solids, I just look for something with high quality protein in it. No need to stay away from the restaraunts you love. You just have to make healthy choices. Good luck!
  12. I ended up being in the hospital the first week because of not being able to eat or drink. It was a rough time, but manageable. The second week was really minimal pain, but I still took it off from work. Feeling pretty well by the third week and went back to work. No pain really after the third week and still have most of my pain medicine left. Good luck!
  13. Fiddleman


    Also want to state that taking a high quality Protein at night before bedtime. It has worked really well to kick start the metabolism over night. Try it out and see if it helps you.
  14. I found "the sleeved life" to be a very good read right after surgery.
  15. Fiddleman


    I have the following on my kindle The success habits of weight loss surgery patients Before and after The sleeved life Wish I could donate these to new sleevers or potential sleevers. I also checked out quite a few weight loss surgery books from the library. These include cooking and recipe books.
  16. Fiddleman


    How are you going to sneak the popcorn in. There are so many outside-popcorn nazis at the theatre it is impossible to get anything in. They practically do a pat down like the TSA.
  17. Fiddleman

    5 Weeks Out N Miserable

    Really, I have never heard about no gummies and have been taking them for about 2 months. They work really well and taste good. If there is any concern about them getting stuck, be sure to chew chew chew until it is pretty fine. My sleeve has been pretty good. Yup, trusty sleeve o' steel.
  18. Fiddleman

    Can You Eat Out After This Type Of Surgery?

    @willow: the only reason I go to McDonald's is to get their sugar free ice tea. Any size is $1 right now so it is a really super deal to get a large. For me, I like to add 8 Splenda to it. The drink lasts me for a while!
  19. Fiddleman

    Lobster Bisque Anyone?

    I found an easy way to make a lobster bisque that is so flavorful. It is perfect for the preop and liquid postop diets. You go out and buy a high quality lobster bouillon. I found one at a specialty Italian import store, but you may get lucky with the regular grocery stores. Heat up 1 cup of water until boiling in the microwave and add protein tomato soup. The protein tomato soup in individual packets from bariatric pantry are good. Now dissolve in a tablespoon of lobster bouillon. Be careful about how much bouillon you mix in because this stuff is potent and fairly high in sodium. If you drink this in moderation, the sodium intake should be ok. You now have a very yummy lobster bisque that tastes like heaven, but without the creams. Enjoy!
  20. Fiddleman

    100 Lbs Down

    That is really great! Congratulations!
  21. I just read a new study that states that people who take PPIs for long term ( eg over a month) get leg cramps and other cramping issues because the PPI is blocking absorption as the stomach acid helps break down the vitamins and nutrients for absorption in the intestines. Taking extra c helps with the core absorption issue in the intestines where taking extra potassium and magnesium helps work around the absorption issue by increasing the dose available for absorption. As sleevers, we have to do one of these because of the requirement of taking a PPI to prevent extreme acid reflux or perceived hungry feelings. Good luck.
  22. Fiddleman

    How The Hell Do You Drink Isopure?

    Syntax nectar sweets and syntax matrix are the best for me. They mix equally well with water and milk / soy. I look forward to daily cookie or Oreo shakes. Also, chocolate is good with the PB powder. It tastes like Reese's pieces. For me, I cannot stand the peach flavor. It is weird because I was a diehard peach flavor guy before the surgery.
  23. Fiddleman

    Drinking With Meals.

    I usually eat dinner with tv, but do notice I eat way too fast ( but not too much) when doing this. And it usually leads to slimes. Probably the best thing is to force my self to eat at the table, even if by myself.
  24. Fiddleman

    Fiber One Muffins

    Have others had success with fiber one muffins or do these have to many calories/ carbs in them. I am not sure if these are considered a bread and we should not have them. I used to really like these before surgery and they help with fiber intake. For that matter, I can say the same thing about fiber one cereal. I used to religiously eat this cereal every day for years. Too bad I did not buy stock in it! LOL!
  25. PhotoAge is a neat application I found for the iPhone a few weeks ago. Initially, the application analyzed my face and said I was 39. I thought, that's not too far off as I am 36. I tried it again today and it said I was 32? Yay! This is a little NSV that made my day. Try it out for yourself. You might be pleasantly surprised. Just for grins, I tried it out on my dog and it said "face not recognized" Lol! I am not sure how this app works, but it must be doing some analysis of measurements and other facial artifacts like wrinkles. Not sure!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
