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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Best Protein Bar?

    I have not been eating protein bars yet, but decided to give it a try for convenience. Typically I have been eating straight protein like chicken sausage and protein shakes for snack. So I wandered over to my bariatric pantry to check out the offerings. There are so many different kinds! Pre-op I was mostly a caramel type person, but don't know if the same is true post-op. I want to shoot for high protein ( at least 25 g), low fat and low carb with a reasonable amount of calories. I am not sure if 250 calories is too much ( given general protein gram to calories) conversion). I try and eat very cleanly throughout the day because I am still honeymooning the sleeve at 3 months. Is there a good variety sample pack to try out some different ones.
  2. Fiddleman

    Increased Restriction

    I am looking forward to an increase in restriction. At 3 months, I can eat more but do always measure to prevent eating too much. What would cause a restriction to change to more after it becomes less?
  3. Fiddleman

    Antidepressants & Weight Gain

    Do antidepressants lead to weight gain on their own or do they just change a person's appetite?
  4. Fiddleman

    Best Protein Bar?

    Where do all the carbs come from? And if they are sugar alcohols, why are these bad for sleevers, but not bad for people on, say, the akins diet? I am just curious about it.
  5. Fiddleman


    Maybe i should quit caffeine in all forms. I think exercise and enough sleep goes a long ways to replacing the need to caffeine. I am not there yet.
  6. Thanks to ButterTheBean, OTR and others, I am finally starting 2 new exercise plans today. 1 c25k 2. New rules to lifting Wish me luck! It is my first step into a structured program for reaching goal. I already eat clean and drink my fluids, so just need to add this to take one more step towards a healthy way of living. I can't wait until being able to run a 5 k and eventually, a marathon.
  7. Fiddleman

    No Hair Loss?

    I thought it would not happen to me after 3 months. In last week, it now is coming out and showing up on my iPad screen easy to not miss it on the bright screen. Now when I tug on it about 10 rooted hairs come out, seriously thinking about a short cut during this hair loss phase...
  8. Fiddleman

    Its A Dogs Life!

    My dog loves the scraps and left overs. Since he eats more, he requires a lot more walking, and the vicious cycle continues it is a win win for both of us.
  9. Fiddleman

    Calcium Citrate...

    I take the vita fusion ight loss gummies. They are 5 calories each and are tasty. I usually order the 90 count on amazon, but there is also the 220 count.
  10. Ok, most bottled water tastes weird to me post op. it tastes like I am sucking on a rusty 'ol pipe. I can't stand the "hard" taste. I have been thinking about breaking down and buying one of those portable water purifiers built into the water bottle. Does it help? Which is a good brand? Tap is equally nasty. For water post-op, I have been adding either crystal light or Mio to all water I drink. It concerns me I am drinking so much artificial flavor nonsense. It can't be good for me. I don't really want to do the lemon squeeze or cucumber in water because it is not that convenient for me. And to think I was a huge water drinker pre op. I used to chug chug chug and like the taste of water.
  11. Weirded, VST cut off the first part of my post above. It said I have lost 100 +- 5 lbs since July 2nd sleeve date. I have been through one stall after another, but do notice pretty significant body changes. Wearing 36 pants now and xlarge or large shirts.
  12. I do try and walk 2-4 miles every day and am pretty strict about what goes into my mouth. I am starting to loosen up and try more interesting foods, but doing it slowly as not to shock my body too much ( may I should shock it!). I don't want to get digestion issues after eating very clean since sleeve date. I just started some new exercise programs yesterday so am jazzed about the impact that will have on body sculpting ( my wife is noticing some muscle loss)
  13. We were eating at Hard Rock Cafe this last week in Seattle before a concert at the showbox ( imagining dragons- truly awesome). We wanted to eat on the roof and enjoy the beautiful weather as the sun set over Puget Sound. Without thinking, i took the 3 flights of stairs 2 at a time without stopping, going fast and felt nothing at the top except awesomeness. I was like, wow, I could not have done that before!
  14. Fiddleman

    Calcium Citrate...

    I think the constipation comes from all the protein and not the calcium. I take fiber gummies and miralax to counter that. In fact, the citrate packaging says that you may have diarrhea if you consume more than the recommended dose. My multi has iron in it so try and separate taking multi and citrate by a couple hours, if possible.
  15. I stopped using it post-op. good or bad decision, I do not know. I have been thinking about a follow up appointment with the sleep doctor since I have lost nearly 100 lbs. I sleep fairly well now and feel rested if I get in 7-8 hours of sleep. On occasion, I will use unisom to ensure I get a little extra sleep if I have shorted my self on sleep during the week. I like unisom because it doesn't give you that huge hangover for 1/2 the next day like some sleep aids I have used(Costco, Tylenol pm). The question I have is what to do with the cpap? I was thinking of selling it on eBay since I own it. Have you seen others doing this and is it legal? I also thought about keeping it because my wife is on the fence about being sleeved and she may need one for insurance purposes. Any thoughts? Currently it is a 1600 dollar brick sitting under my bed.
  16. Fiddleman

    I Hate Stalls! :{

    First off, you have done great and an inspiration to us that are not as far along. You have probably squeezed your BMR to the limits and need to add exercise. That should get the weight loss moving again. Have you noticed clothes fitting better during your long stalls? I bet they do.
  17. Fiddleman


    Is drinking worth it on the sleeve? I used to drink quite a bit pre sleeve I think to fill empty voids in my life. Work was one stress after another when we did not know if the company would be around in a week due to the horrid economic conditions. Fortunately, I am in a much bigger and more stable company now. My point is, why not find some other ways to fill the empty voids? I was not always a drinker before the sleeve. In fact, it came on just a few years ago. One cocktail turned into a beer every day turned into quite a bit of hard liqueur. I am so glad to be done with that. It was just cold turkey. i decided not to be that person any longer. yes, There are days when I still look over at my liqueur stash ( my wife still drinks), but I hardly want it any more. The old head desires sometimes come back, but I am a new person now with a much brighter and new outlook on life. I am just trying to offer an opinion from my point of view. You can take it or leave it. If it helps you, then great.
  18. You know, those days sneak up on me too! Not very strong urge though as it goes away pretty quickly when I remind myself about my goals and what has been achieved so far. You will be happily surprised that the sleeve is actually pretty good defense against these twinges, especially after you build some new habits. They say it takes about 3 weeks to build new habits, but be careful not to cave when you are feeling a little down. Successes are right around the corner, just wait and see! Hang in there.
  19. Fiddleman

    Whole Or Egg Whites

    1-2 scrambled eggs is just about right for me with 1-2 turkey sausages. If it is to much, I have a cute smiley furry friend next to me waiting for hand outs. Who can resist that big grin!
  20. Fiddleman

    Best Protein Bar?

    Thanks for the info! Off to Amazon to order some. Some times I think my purchases at Amazon make their stock price go up!
  21. Fiddleman

    Whole Or Egg Whites

    I have eggs about once a week, usually on the weekend. My sleeve likes about 2 large eggs with yolk, some feta cheese and perhaps a little diced veggies. On the side I have one or two maple turkey sausage links. My sleeve tells me when it is full. If I have left over egg, my dog is standing by...
  22. Fiddleman

    Calcium Citrate...

    250 mg at 6 a day.
  23. I was told to take 6 a day as well. I like the BA caramel chews, but not so much the strawberry flavor. I do not typically get in dairy from my food post-op except from 2 shakes a day, one in the morning with soy milk and one when I go to bed with water. NUT said we could be done with shakes when switching back to real food, but I still take them because I enjoy them.
  24. Fiddleman

    Best Protein Bar?

    Think thin bars is a great idea. I forgot about them. I used to enjoy them a couple years ago, especially the cookies and creme flavor. I noticed that they make a smaller version for snacks at 100 calories. Would you recommend smaller size for folks like us?
  25. Surgery was on july 2nd. * Pant size dropped from 46 to 36 * Shirt size dropped from 3x to 1x or large * Still wearing the same shoes, but have noticed feet are no longer wide.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
