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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. My sleeve gets a chip on the shoulder and a serious attitude when I eat strongly veggies or higher fat meats (pork, beef, etc). Lean meats are ok, but brisket and real ham give me dumping or something like it without the diarrhea part. Since everyone reacts differently to food, it is a crap shoot and we have to learn the hard way through our own struggles of pain.
  2. Fiddleman


    Go team!
  3. Not sure about that ( going away). At 4 months, I still get loud outbursts that causes people around me to duck and cover. LOL!
  4. Fiddleman

    Blender Bottle

    A juicer would be good if you literally want to dice, slice and juice up raw fruit and veggies. However, not necessary if you are mixing up Protein shakes, super/ green powder or some kind of powder that has been prepared commercially. A blender cup will suffice to mix it up and cheap.
  5. I think I am onto something about the B Vitamins. Too much of some B Vitamin leads to automatic gagging/heaving/throwing up. Not sure which B vitamin is is though. Here is where I could use your help. Looking at my mio energy drink, it says there is 10% b12, 10% b6 and 10 b3. My b50 has 2500% b6 and 2500% b12. I take 2 of these so double the percents to 5000% each. My Multivitamin has 200% b3, 5833% b12 and 600% b6. My b12 supplement has 16,667% b12. Plus whatever I am getting in the 2 shakes a day and pure Protein like chicken, salmon, etc. Lots of numbers, I know. It is not quite clear why anyone would need such a high dose of b12, but hey, I am following the NUTs recommendations. Except for the mio drink and the extra b50/b12. Didn't realize I was double dosing on the b12 and b50 supplements. Usually when you take a supplement ( or something like tylenol), you take 2. I am sure others can relate to this habit of taking 2 of something. So what is causing me to heave? Sometimes after taking multivitamin, sometimes after taking b12 supplement and some times after drinking mio energy about 32 oz. Typically if it is going to happen, it is after taking the multivitamin. However, I usually take the multivitamin after b12 and b50 supplements because they are most likely to cause me to heave. I think it is the b12 because the percentage is way up there in terms of DV. I also will cool it on the mio energy because I don't really need it, just a carry over habit of using energy drinks from before surgery. Besides, I have 1 coffee a day now as it is. What do others think that might have more of a vitamin background than I do. By the way, Nov 2nd will be my 4 month post op mark.
  6. For all of those sleevers looking for a multivitamin tablet that will work for us and not cause bodily rejection, please try the trader joes high potency chewable tablets. These are 5 calories each and 100% RDA in everything except niacin, calcium, magnesium and copper. i take calcium and b50. Complex supplements, so no worries about those lower RDAs. I take 2 in order to get the required 200 % RDA for post sleeve life. They have a sweet cherry flavor and have not caused me to yack so far, unlike the BA tablets and the Celebrate capsules. I like them also because they are chewable and get absorbed really well.
  7. Fiddleman

    Full Body Lift?

    That sounds really painful! And expensive. Do you think that weight training would fill out and smooth out the skins? I don't know myself, but m wondering if there is another way.
  8. Fiddleman

    Blender Bottle

    You bet they are! I have 2 of them. One trick I use for cleaning them is to fill it 1/2 way with Water and shake vigorously for 20-30 seconds( good upper body workout too, kind of like the shake weight). Then I open top, dump and refill with water letting it overflow for a few seconds. After dumping out the water, the blender cup is about 95% clean. At the end of the day, I end up putting them into the dishwasher to get them 100% clean.
  9. Fiddleman

    Use Your First Six Months Wisely

    This is such a fascinating read. Thanks!
  10. Fiddleman

    Hot & Cold

    I started to really get cold with the house temp at 62 and losing about 70 lb. I am down 120 lb now, still cold when outside but have since turned the thermostat up to 72. Heating bills are going to hurt! I don't get any hot flashes, but that may before related to the release of massive amounts of hormones stored in a woman's body as she loses the stored fat. I have a related issue of sometimes feeling crummy because my stored toxic fat is releasing toxins as the fat melts off.
  11. Is there a point at which we know we are safe from getting gall bladder issues? I don't want to be concerned about it for too long, but I am because the occurrence rate is like 70%. I am 4 months out and get the twinges on my right near rib and shoulder pain from time to time.
  12. Fiddleman

    Use Your First Six Months Wisely

    I have never heard of the term exercise bulimia before, but good point. Been there done that. It is not healthy and tricks you into thinking you can eat more than you should because you are busting it out daily for 3-4 hours. Sorry to say our bodies will in fact gain if your diet is not right. By not rig I mean starving beyond belief or eating too much.
  13. Update: down 120 lb from July 2nd. Happy.
  14. Yes, absolutely. If you think about each small meal as being 100-150 calories, then a Protein Shake will work fine as a meal. I always recommend people use a high quality protein that is extended release in order to prevent hunger in between meals. The regular whey protein usually only gives me energy for 1-2 hours where extended release gives me 3-5 hours of energy.
  15. Fiddleman

    Stupid Candy!

    Ma'am, step...away...from...the...candy. There is nothing to see here. Move along.
  16. Fiddleman

    Minute Maid Light Lemonade

    You might like to drink this as an alternative to other flavored drinks. It is only 5 calories and comes in a few different favors for 12 oz can. Personally, it is a little sweet/tart for me as compared to pre-op, but that is just me. Give it a try!
  17. I would say try and not snack with the 3 hour window. That is also called grazing and could lead to less than desirable results. While I am further out than you, I still get hungry at times at the 2nd hour. I have to fight it briefly and then it goes away. Key is to get busy and not sit there and think about how hungry you are. Drinking Water might also help to stick to scheduled eating. I drink a lot of water in between eating every 3 hours. Calories are still between 600-900 even though I am eating all day long. Key is to keep the calories down per email, like around 150 max. A good 3 oz piece of Protein should not be more than 120 calories if it is pure. Also eat some veggies if you have room, but keep them soft since you are not very far out. This advice is certainly not the letter of the law. Talk to others on this forum, talk to your NUT, do what is comfortable, etc. good luck.
  18. Fiddleman

    Stupid Candy!

    Oh, that is tough. I feel for you. Perhaps you can have a protein bar or two for when the urges get magnetically strong. I've been there, done that with coworkers and it is so hard!!! Good luck.

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