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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Syntrax Nectar Question!

    Double stuff Cookies is my favorite, especially when mixed with light soy. Generally I use between 6-10 oz of soy with the powder.
  2. I had bruchetta chicken burger at red robin tonight with lettuce wrap instead of bun and borocolli instead of fries. The chicken had melted cheeze on it. Do you think I am going to have a problem with the melted cheese. Ate about 1/2 to hit around 4-5 oz, but feeling super full. This is the most I have eaten so far in 4 months since losing my stomach. I remembered not to eat melted cheese after doing it per NUT during pre-op NUT class. Tongue in cheek- will I expect to go to the ER because of blockage? First time eating melted cheese since surgery.
  3. I had/ have the same problem. On another thread, someone suggested it might be caused by the I digested sugar alcohols hat are in the sugar free foods we eat or drink. I'm not sure there is much we can do about it, but probiotics or a superfood powder product might help with digestion issues. I have noticed that since I have been taking miralax daily and taking a serving of superfood powder every day, the gas has gone way down. Between month 2 and 4, the gas was really bad for me and had a methane smell (TMI!!!)
  4. Fiddleman

    100 Pounds Down!

    That is so great!! You are a good motivation for all of us.
  5. It is 2 am and l have the dull headache that will not go away,, sore, achy and slight throwing up feeling. Drank like 64 oz right before bed ( crazy, I know). Not sure why I drank so much, but I was thirsty and I though what the heck.. So naturally I have to make my middle of the night trip to the bathroom. After getting back which seems like a very long time i get the rolling headache that won't go away. Also achy and mouth is dry. So I drink a small cup (3 - 5 oz) of Water. Shortly after I get the refreshing feeling flowing over where my headache was. A few minutes later the headache is back and I have a little more nauseous feeling like maybe I will throw up ( defn know what that feels like over and over again LOL). So now I go get a life water and drink a few ounces think that maybe I watered down my mineral state with the 64 oz before bed. Feeling a little better now, but headache is returning again. I am going to keep drinking the life water to see if the headaches and throwing up feeling goes away. Do you think this is case of dehydration, mineral dilution or both? Any suggestions?
  6. Fiddleman

    When Did You Have A Bm Post Op?

    I take a scoop of miralax everyday to keep the consistency going.
  7. 15 days - my first stall at week 6. After that most stalls have ranged from 3-5 days and occur every other week. Average loss a month is between 10-15 lb. I am currently 4 month+ post op.
  8. I have not told anyone at work about my WLS. And I mean no-one. I am a remote worker for a very large company where the office for my team is headquartered on the east coast (I work their hours plus more). Since we have had a travel freeze, I have not visited them since Feb this year (9 months ago). This week I am going to be having a casual lunch with another coworker who works remote like me. She wanted to get together with me because it has been awhile. She will be bringing her husband and I will be bringing my wife. That is the setup. I don't want everyone in the office on the east coast to know I have had WLS because I guess there is still a lot of negativity around the subject coming from others and I really don't want to tell the same story to 40+ people.. I would rather say at the lunch that I have just been watching my diet and exercising. This is the truth, just not the whole truth. I don't want to lie to them either because everyone really gets along with everyone else ( rare in corp offices today). I am also a fairly honest person so feel uncomfortable about telling even small 1/2 truths. I am looking for a graceful way to handle this because the person I am meeting last saw me in Feb when I was 360 or so. i dropped to 335 lb by surgery date at beginning of July and am now 215 lb 4 months later post op. She is going to notice! And then I will have some explaining to do and then it will get back to the rest of the team. And then I will have more explaining to do. I don't want it to become gossipy or political as I really like my job and don't want to lose it should things get out of hand. We typically are not gossipy as a team and it is forbidden in the code of ethics. However, you never know. One other thing is that I have known coworker and husband for 6 years and we used to work together at my prior job. I would say we are really good friends when it comes to work activities, but not friends really outside of work. She is also in a higher ranking position then me and has established herself very well with management; she is more valuable then I if there were ever any need to choose. Do you think 9 months is essentially enough to attribute 25 pre op + 120 post op weight loss to diet and exercise when I meet her in a couple days? What would you do?
  9. Ok, does anyone know if drinking an excess amount of water? I have seen both arguments for and against this hypothesis. I honestly am not able to find some accurate information on it. I have between 100-125 oz a day. I am not classifying this as an excessive amount, but want to know how much you would have to drink before running into potential stretch scenarios. I can drink 32 oz in under 5 minutes, no issue. I am about 4 months out.
  10. Hair loss is starting up again post 4 months. Darn, and I thought it was quick and dirty around month 3 for 3 weeks. Oh well, part of the hair loss club again. I am actually not that concerned about hair loss, maybe because I'm a guy. I know it will come back again. .
  11. I only eat protein and eat about 25 ounces for each meal at 6 meals a day. That actually works out to be more than 125 oz a day, more like 150 oz a day. I have to say that all this protein costs quite a bit and my wife is constantly reminding me that I am eating more money post op then pre op. LOL! One thing to keep in mind is that 3 oz solid protein really helps with hunger for almost 3 hours at a time. At least that is the way it works for me.
  12. Fiddleman

    Whats Wrong With Me?/

    I asked my surgeon today about taking 2 PPI to deal with hunger today. He said taking more PPI does not help with hunger at all. This Saturday I have a monthly support group where I am going to ask the NUT about my daily calorie intake. At 4 on this I am still basically consuming 600-900 calories a day, still mostly Protein and low carb/fat. I am not starving or even that hungry, but I do notice wanting some food every 2.5 hours and need to pep talk to myself to hold out another 30 minutes to hit the 3 hour schedule. It has been ok so far, no grazing yet.
  13. It actually went really really well. The topic of weight loss did not even come up it was a total shocker to me
  14. Fiddleman


    Nice job!
  15. Fiddleman

    Bottomless Pit

    Thanks for the links. Is there a brand that you prefer over another? As these can probably not be fund in the local grocery store, I probably need to hunt down a natural foods store.
  16. My wife brought in a picture today of my brothers wedding, where I was standing near the top at around 17 years old. We were pointing and talking about the best man in the center. And then I point over a couple to the right and say quite certainly that I do not remember that person. My wife breaks out laughing and can't stop. I don't get it and am like what's so funny. She says that person standing there is you, silly. Now what is the point and how does this relate to a possible NSV you ask? Well, there have been a number of posts that say their mind has not caught up with their body after losing weight. In this case, I have already mentally accepted my new body sans 150 lb later. Granted I was probably about 240 and shorter in the picture, but still, it got me thinking. I am ready to be a thin person staring back in the mirror because my mind no longer recognizes the fat person staring back in photos.
  17. Tomato protein soup can be ordered from mybariatricpantry, but I got mine from a little WLS store at my hospital. Lobster bouillon may be harder to find, but try looking in the ethnic food section in your grocery store. If you cannot find it, try searching on amazon. Amazon has literally everything. I got my small container from a little Italian store in the Pike place market in Seattle. It is so good and lasts forever. I understand you can't come to Pike Place market, but you might look for a world market or some other place like that. Definitely try then grocery store first.
  18. It is available from the usual grocery stores like albertsons or Safeway. Be sure to not only look in the pain section, but also in the cold section. I only found it in the cold/flu section.
  19. I liked making tomato bisque out of tomato protein soup and lobster bouillon to get an amazing savory flavor. I liked taking syntrax sweet flavor like Oreo in order to get a sweet flavor. I would end up probably drinking shake 80% of time and soup 20% of time to keep it interesting in my mouth. Yes, too much of one thing can get monotonous and switching it up during the day can help prevent food boredom or potential cheating.

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