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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Syntrax Nectar Question!

    Double stuff cookie, mmmmmmm
  2. Insult to injury, my twin brother lost weight during elementary school. I did not. A lot of people taunted me through middle school about the weight difference. I tried to be the same weight, but never could keep it off. It drove me to do some things I am not proud of and didn't deal with until about a year ago. Things got much better in high school, but those middle school years damaged me mentally for a long time. And even family was verbally abusive about weight. That is what I mean about forgiving the people who did this to me in the past. The positive of those ugly years is that it made me stronger and turned me into the overachiever I have always been starting in high school, even to today in the work world. If those same people that made my child hood hell were around today to look at what i made of my life, boy they would be surprised and probably jealous. i think the good people who belong to this forum are generally in the same boat in that they have much more depth than those that coasted throughout life on their good looks.
  3. That could be a problem if you got in the habit of it. Your sleeve is still a baby and needs some time to heal an mature into a Responsible sleeve. As a point of reference, I am many months out and am still not eating Pasta. I don't know ow Stevo-sleevo would take it. Would he grimace, be happy, go postal? Who knows? You shouldn't play with the healing process.
  4. That is a very good way at looking at it. However, I only told my family members; I only got some pushback from one person, but that was only because he didn't understand why I needed to walk so much at the beginning and why I had to be very careful about what I chose to eat. Now he is fully supportive. I also told doctors and Dentist, but no one else. It will take me a while to come clean with strangers, work colleagues o acquaintances because I am generally not an extrovert where everything is on my shirt sleeve. I Am getting much better now that i am much thinner, but still am dealing with decades of stereotyping and verbal abuse, all the way back to early child hood. My acknowledge of the abuse that occurred during childhood by family, school associates and basically society is still there; it will never truly go away or be forgotten, however, I no longer let my opportunities be shaped by them and have forgiven them. I am sure others can relate to that pervasive rejection by society purely because of an outward appearance of being obese or even overweight. Remember that obesity is a disease and we are only pushing it into remission By choosing to not be the obese person any longer, we are choosing remission. Furthermore, all the non obese people (that is, those hat are thing or deal with being overweight) deal with their own cause and effect by not eating 100% purely nutritionally. They deal with constantly being on a diet because they have a few pounds to lose or they are naturally thing because they or make good decisions and have to exercise. In general society does not "get it" with regards to our decision. only those that truly love you, will stick by you through thick and thin as a good friend or are paid to be your personal advocate as a medical professional will "get it." everyone else will either be nasty, discriminate or bring it up as a sparring point later on. And that is why I am a little hesitant of shouting my decision of WLS to lose weight from a mountain top. Sorry that is so long winded, but That is from my inner most essence.
  5. No, I doubt it unless you consider the body builders out there. Most people eat far less protein than we do because they focus on what tastes good first rather than eating for fuel. Remember, we were like that, everyone of us.
  6. Fiddleman

    Pain In Back After Eating

    I get little internal belches when I have eaten as much as I should be eating. I have to sometimes be care fore not to slime instead of belch as that is a little more awkward when in public scenarios.
  7. I don't really mix it up as far as eating regular foods as non WLS people, but do try and get creative with low carb, low fat and low calorie versions when making suggesting to my wife at home or making choices out. Heck, i am eating at cheese cake factory, red robin and olive gardenwhere entrees are notorious for pushing the 2000 calorie marker. I am really focuses on making nutritional, yet savory, decisions when eating at these restraints because I want to continue to be social with family,friends and local work colleagues. I love being able to focus on the other people rather than my food, but also enjoy the food too. I am getting pretty good at it after man months of striving to eat low carb. No longer is it plain chicken or plan salmon any more and I look forward to eating. Not bored. I am pretty slimmed out at 4.5 months because I have consciously my these low carb choices over the month. And I have not had to kill myself at my home gym at all. I m only exercising 1 hour ma and usually 35- 45 minutes daily. I am just starting to rally get into the daily thing and the intensity where I keep my cardio up there with elliptical, treadmill and barbell like exercises. Intervals re rally helping me keep interested during the workout and I switch programs every day. Nothing kills my workout faster than boredom.
  8. Agree. Except I just want people to appreciate me for who I am, not because I had WLS. I am still not comfortable with the typical "story" I have to tell people ho know me, but don't know the truth. That is just the way it is. I not only feel always about explaining myself as a former fatties, but also am tired of it, after losing 115 lb at 4.5 months. I am finally feeling an alpha male an me is my own skin for the 1st time in my life. And I love it.
  9. Fiddleman


    Yup, I get cold ALL the time. And I mean all the time. In the morning in my home office with the temp at 72, walking outside at 60, even in the shower on previous " hot temps". Now I typically wear a pullover fuzzy coat when I am dressed and also wear nice warm coats outside. May start using a space heater at my home office and cranking the shower temp..all....the...way...up. The only things that warm me now are exercising at full cardio and sex. That's it. Sorry to be so frank, but this is. Real issue for me.
  10. Fiddleman

    How To Lose This Stomach Help!

    The easiest way to get rid of a stomach includes eating as low carb as possibly and consuming as much antioxidant and super food as possible. Drinking Water and exercise also help, but nothing works faster than all eliminating carbs to the bare minimum. I am proof of that. Lost my stomach by eating low low carb in about 3 months post op. I went from size 48 to 36 pant size and am now flat stomach in clothes and naked in front of the mirror. I am talking real pant size at the belly button, not the below belly button where us guys like to hang our jeans. Let me also say the bedroom is also awesome, times 10. Getting rid of the stomach is the best thing I could have done is that regards. Sorry to drag some of the man room topics over here, but I had to share as part of the inspiration. Am currently working on the six pack, but imagine it will take some time with my home gym. I m using shake weight. It gives me an awesome workout following a 45 cardio on elliptical interval training. Six minutes on the shake weight is support to equal 45 minutes of dumbbells. We shall see!! Am going to enter my first competitive 5 k later this month at 4.5 months out. Keep working at it!! You can do it!!
  11. Fiddleman

    Sluggish 1 Month Out

    Be sure to get regular. At one month, I bet you are just starting to struggle with this. Everyone works through regularity issues and blockage leads to extreme energy drain. Exercise, drinking lots of water, and B12 supplements are also really helpful when dealing with energy issues. Finally, getting enough sleep will help.
  12. Just remember to balance out the scraps with lots of doggy walking. My dog maintains about same weight ( still overweight a little) even though I walk him at least 2-3 miles a day. The garbage disposal is working a little too well.
  13. Fiddleman

    Bowel Movements....

    Bwahahaha. Coca cola enama, can't help the imagery of a carbonated enama.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
