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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Chia Seeds!

    I have been using chia seeds for a week and cannot say enough good things about them. Finally, they allow me to have a predictable BM schedule, even several times a day after eating. Miralax, MOM, drinking lots of Water, coffee and other remedies did not give me this type of predictability and regularity. Some of these other remedies may wrk, but are more forceful or give you the opposite problem of diarrhea. A cleaner bowel actually translates into a more efficient digestive track causing your resting Metabolic rate to improve. Translation: more calories are burned as food is converted into energy more efficiently for your body rather than turning into stored fat or making you tired and sluggish all the time. I encourage others to try out chia seeds if they haven't already done so. You will wonder why you didn't try it before. It may take a couple days to really start working, but once it starts workmen, you are golden every time you take the seeds. I like to put 1-2 TSP ground seeds in my shakes. In the morning I have a light soy shake and in the evening I have a water shake. Putting a shake with seeds into the fridge for a few hours or overnight produces a nice thick shake that keeps hunger at bay. I am serious. I often don't feel like eating on my 3 hour schedule because of the fullness. However, I do keep to the schedule because it is best to fuel on a schedule for optimal processing of food by my body 6 meals a day every 3 hours where 2 are shakes and the others are 2-4 ounces of solid Proteins and sometimes an ounce of vegetables. Keeps me stable all day long. And it works wonders as a sleeve diet during the loss phase. Make sure your sleeve is at a place where you can consume these seeds. After all, the seeds are very small and could potentially cause issues ( in my mind) if your sleeve is still not healed enough. I have no idea, but thought I would put that disclaimer out there. I found a nice grower off of Amazon that sold me 3 lb of chia seed for about $20. There business model is customer service and good prices so they husband and wife company will treat you well. they even sent a handwritten letter with the order telling me about them and eating raw foods has changed their lives. how many companies do you know of that will do that? anyways, the chia seeds from them were a good deal considering I bought my first 6 oz supply from a local natural health store for $8. Good luck!
  2. Fiddleman


    I may be making this up, but the conversion of glycogen to energy in your muscles is an energy net negative. The fat just turns into energy and is used until it is gone. You also lose some Water by evaporation through the skin. This is my guess from common knowledge about how the body works. Others may have a more accurate scientific description.
  3. Wow, that is so awesome. You are in a good situation to really make a positive impact on others who are considering this wonderful approach to putting he obesity disease into omission. Plus you will get famous and will perhaps get considered for other commercials. And then you will not only be famous, but " rich and famous." Congratulations. What a validation of your good life choices. I got sleeved by Swedish weight loss as well by Dr McMahon. Perhaps I will join you someday. Lol. Down 125 lb so far in 5 months and looking forward to losing my last 20-30 lb.
  4. Fiddleman

    Vitamin C Overdose Possible?

    No reason in particular. I just wanted to capitalize on the antioxidants and disease preventative nature of high doses of Vitamin C. If someone tells me what I am doing is a mistake and why, I'll definitely listen.
  5. Fiddleman

    Protein Bars?

    Cliff bars are loaded with sugars. Good if you are climbing up a mountain, but not so good as a daily meal.
  6. Fiddleman

    Omfg ... They Are Going To Shove...

    I woke up without it in also and without my cpap being used. I was surprised, but then a female nurse had to put it in 2x after I failed to go normally after a day. 2x because they had to let me try again after the first time. Oh the horrors. I think that was worse then the surgery. LOL!
  7. Fiddleman

    What Vitamins Do You Take

    Yup, if celebrate works for you then great. If BA tablets work for others, then power to them. They did not work for me even though I really wanted them to. The heaving usually occurred because I took the 3 celebrate capsules with Iron all at once in the morning. I tried to spread them out, but kept forgetting to take 1-2 of them because i cannot take them at the same time as the calcium chews due to the cancel effect of iron and calcium. The high iron percentages in the Celebrate multi may also have been a problem for me. I said enough is enough. I want to take all my supplements in the morning ( with the exception of calcium chews) and I do not want to dry heave any longer. The trader joe tablets fit the bill, but I am sure there are a lot of other multis that I have not tried or heard of that would work. I encourage others just to find something that works for them, meets WLS requirements and does not have side effects like feeling sick or getting sick. You do not have to settle for feeling crappy after taking your daily supplements.
  8. Fiddleman

    What Vitamins Do You Take

    I take 2 multi tabs, 2 b12, 1 b50, 1 d, 1 krill, 1 Prilosec and 6 calcium chew (3x a day). The tabs are high potency from trader joe. 200% of everything but magnesium, iron and copper. Both BA and Celebrate multis caused me to heave on a daily basis. I have now started taking chia seeds with my shake in the morning and at night. These are really high in the omegas and work better for me then miralax. They make my shakes super thick, but do absorb a lot of the shake flavor (IMO). I like letting the seeds sit overnight for my morning shakes.
  9. I was sleeved 7-2 and am still losing hair when I pull on it. I takes a fair amount of natural supplements, but none of tem are specifically for hair loss. My protein counts are very high on a daily basis. To me, it is not too big a deal to lose some hair. I have cut it shorter this last week. I asked the hair dresser if she thought it was a good thickness. She said it was average which is a change from always having super thick hair. My wife says she notices it is thinner. Still not a huge concern because it will grow back soon enough.
  10. Fiddleman

    Protein Bars?

    Exactly, I got it from GNC.
  11. Fiddleman

    100+ Lbs Finally!

    You are doing awesome also. 100 lb in 3 months. You should share what is working for you.
  12. Fiddleman

    100+ Lbs Finally!

    Wow, great job. Do you have some eating and exercise tips to share with others?
  13. Fiddleman

    How Much Can You Eat?

    Thanks for asking. No pain at this time. I have come to think that any discomfort I get around middle section is a sign of irregularity. That usually clears up in a day or two after some daily use of miralax. The pain I had on my head a while back (September?) was a staph infection. Very unusual. I still do not know how I got it or why I got it, but it cleared up after 3 weeks of antibiotics. First time it has happened to me and was pretty painful to say the least. At least it was not shingles. That was my first thought when trying self diagnose before seeing the doctor.
  14. Fiddleman

    Im Starving..

    I eat somewhere between 600 and 900 calories a day and eat 6 x a day. Each meal tends to be about 125 calories. I mainly stay focused on high Protein, low fat, low carb and high Water amounts. It is important to get the supplements in as well since they will not come from food.
  15. Keeping up on your protein and water requirements and moving as much s you can following surgery will keep your energy at a reasonable level. Keep in Ming that every feels tired without the same amount of energy as before surgery because the body is still healing. Once you are cleared for exercise, daily exercise for 40+ minutes daily will help. New studies say working out 40 minutes a day for 4 days a week are recommended for good health. It used to be 30 minutes for 3 days a week. Also taking his seeds will help as it is a natural foods energy enhancer. It really works. I also happen to have about 1 cup of coffee a day to help with energy in the mornings. Caffeine is not recommended by all doctors nor is for everyone post sleeve. Check with your doctor on that one. Finally, make sure to sleep a little more than the recommended amount for normal folks. Sleep is the best time for your body to heal and recharge. Hope this helps.
  16. Fiddleman

    How Much Can You Eat?

    At 5 months, still eat about 600-900 calories a day by eating small meals of roughly 125 calories 6 x a day. Just a rough estimate as I don't make a conscious effort to track calories. I focus mainly on getting 3-4 ounces of. Good protein and thrive for 125 grams a day. I sometimes eat vegetables if there is room and keep up nutrition needs with various supplements. Loss has been fairly good with the eating plan and does not require much exercise ( goal is 45 minutes to 1 hour a day). Sometimes I miss a day of exercise if I get too busy.
  17. Fiddleman


    My dr said 8 weeks. I did a lot of walking daily before that. Walking up hills is a good workout using gravity as your resistance.
  18. Fiddleman

    Still Stalling!

    Longest stall for me has been about 3 weeks and this was my first one. Since then, I have had a number of slow periods for 3-5 days at a time every 2 or 3 weeks. Are you eating and drinking the expected amounts? Have you tried to reduce your carbs to a low amount (20-30). Have you tried kicking up some exercise like an extra mile or two walking or getting your pulse up higher? Keep in mind that everyone loses at different rates and it will save your sanity if the scale is put away for over a week at a time. The scale is not a big draw any more because there are other ways to measure progress like appearance in the mirror or the ways clothes are fitting. It will get better. We all win in the end; the battle is already won.
  19. It might be a sinus infection. I got this after the sleeve.
  20. Fiddleman

    Im Starving..

    Try taking Chia seeds in the morning and at night to help feel full longer during the day. I just started with grounded Chia seeds the week mixed with my Water and soy Protein shakes. I like how thick the shakes get and it really takes me a long time to get through the shake if I let he seeds sit long enough. A long time. that is highly unusual for me at this point in my post op journey. Overnight works really well too in the fridge. Try it out and see if it works for you. And as an added bonus, they are super high in the omegas and help with the "going" issue.
  21. Fiddleman

    Re-Sleeved With Dr Aceves

    That is really a decent amount of loss. It causes us to ponder if we could end up in the same situation and whether insurance would consider a re sleeve.
  22. Absolutely, no question.
  23. 30 lb might be a bit of a stretch goal for you considering that you are almost two months out. Most people find their biggest losses range from 20 to 50 in the first month and less in the second month. By the third month, most average between 10 and 15. That was certainly the case for me. Even if you live in the gym, it would be hard to convince your body to drop more than the 10-15 because it is already working very hard not to stall with the low calorie intakes. This is just my opinion and others might think differently. I am going to shoot for about 15 lb by Christmas as an optimistic goal, but in reality my losses have been closer to 10-12 in the last couple of months. you need to factor in the week+ long stalls that are bound to happen. Now to answer your question. I am going to continue to eat between 600 and 900 calories a day, mostly proteins. I will have some vegetables as there is room. I will probably work out with cardio for about 40 min for 5 days a week and lift for 3 days a week. I will also take my dog out for 1 hour walks daily as the weather permits. Hope this helps!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
