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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I ran my first 5k today in 28 minutes. I was not planning to run much at all and just wanted to see how my feet, knees and ankles would do on the treadmill I have at home. Up until today, I have been using my elliptical for the last few months, since being cleared for exercise other than walking. I started it out at 4.5 mph and slowly increased it up to 6 mph by about 5 minutes, after the warmup jog. I kept a constant gait and was not huffing and puffing at all, I could carry on a conversation with someone. I really started to feel the burn at around 25 minutes, but kept push myself. In order to prevent injury and preserve energy, I tried to relax my body as much as possible and lean not the run a little. These are tips I picked up from my chai running book that stresses running long distances without injury. Felt great and no feelings of injury to feet, knees or ankles. After a few weeks of this I may go participate in some public running event. After running, I still had some upper body strength to do some arm and chest training. I shall see how my feet feel tomorrow. They feel great today along with good circulation throughout my legs. No bursitis around my ankles ( was worried a bout this) nor any aches in my knees. I posted this to encourage others to get out there and push your self with exercise goals, even if you are making them up as you go in an exercise. Your body can do it ( if it is in the right physical shape). I have been mentally blocked for a long time from running or even getting on my treadmill because of a foot reconstruction 2 years ago. Now, if all goes well, I will be running 2-3 times a week for 5k combined with elliptical 2-3 times a week combined with weight training on 2-3 of those overlapping days with cardio. I have been losing about 2-3 lb a week for last month so hope that running is going to kick my body in gear so I can lose my last 15 -20 lb. Started at 360 at my highest, 335 at surgery and am now 210.
  2. Fiddleman

    Cascadia drinks

  3. Fiddleman

    Crab egg quiche

    Today I had a crab egg quiche for lunch. It was so yummy, but did tend to side a little(wanted seconds). I am going to wait 20 minutes and see if I am still hungry. In heaven after eating that....
  4. Fiddleman

    Crab egg quiche

    I am in month 5 so I guess this would still be solids phase.
  5. Fiddleman

    Cascadia drinks

  6. That is awesome progress! 30 inch waist, that is unbelievable!
  7. You are right. My mistake. My weight should be 180 according to the charts and I want my BMI to be around 18-20. The pcp doctor said I was about 24 BMI when I saw him last week. i am sure my surgeon doctor's support team can help me figure out the right number to hit when I go in for my 6 month checkup next month. If any of you have some advice, I am open to it....
  8. Highest was at 360, surgery at 335 and now at 210. Looking to drop 20-30 more lbs. as stated, I am not quite sure about ending weight. Everyone in family says I look fine now and they are using words like " sick looking" if I go to 180. My BMI is 180 so I m not exactly sure what I am going to do. I fit pretty well in size 36 jeans ( Levi's) and a large shirt. There is still a little more I want to do with my stomach region, but it is almost flat.
  9. July 2nd- 120 lb down. 30 lb down pre-op diet. 20 lb to go to goal (I think, still trying to figure out what is good goal for 5'11" guy medium frame)
  10. Fiddleman

    Found Awesome Protein-Source!

    World according to Eggface.
  11. Fiddleman

    Found Awesome Protein-Source!

    Also look for the amylu sweet caramelized chicken patties at Costco. These are unbeleivably awesome tasting. I believe that egg face has a page on them, but I found them by happenstance. I have one of these for lunch every day. So good!!!!!!!! 22 grams of proteins and 150 calories per serving. I could not really eat a whole one of these until 4 months out. My dog loved the other 50% I was not able to eat. I like these warmed in the microwave, but they are also good cold as they are precooked.
  12. Update: ok, I have confirmed this is caused by dehydration which is really odd considering my water intake every day. It happened again today after taking my chia seeds and taking a short 1 hour nap. I have been drinking 32 ounces of water before taking the chia seeds so do not know why my body is dehydrating. I will need to experiment with it some more.
  13. Fiddleman

    Crab egg quiche

    By the way, I am not sure hot "good" or "bad" the bis quick is. This is the first time I have made quiche post op. I figured the amount is so small for a small slice of quiche that it will not harm me. I typically do not eat anything with starching it, even starchy vegetables.
  14. Fiddleman

    Accidentally Ran A 5 K Today

    I wanted to follow up on the post and state that I dropped 3 lb when I weighed 2 days later. This was a nice surprise from my usual 2-3 lb a week. This week loss has been 5 lb total. I guess my body needed the little kick in the tushie to let go a little faster.
  15. Fiddleman

    Crab egg quiche

    Sure, here is the recipe. It makes a whole pie or quiche dish. 8 oz crab 1 cup shredded natural Swiss cheese 1/3 cup chopped onion 2 cups nonfat milk 1 cup bis quick baking mix 4 eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease ( Pam) 10 inch quiche dish or pie plate, 10x1.5 inches. Sprinkle crab, cheese and onion in plate. Beat remaining ingredients until smooth, 15 seconds in blender on high or 1 inure with hand beater. Pour into plate. Bake until knife inserted between center and edge comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. This serves 6 servings for normal folks. It would probably serve 10-12 for those with sleeve. Plenty of left overs if you are eating by your self or small family.
  16. Fiddleman

    Crab egg quiche

    Not side, I mean it did tend to slide a little.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
